>Little Hanoi
Why is it allowed?
Are there any examples of whites doing this in Asia?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hong Kong
The Chinese are very good at retaining their culture, even when vastly outnumbered, and I applaud them for it. They serve as a good example for other people that are not very good at retaining their own cultures.
Im sure there's neighborhoods in certain asian countries like thailand or japan that have a high concentration of foreigners, but probably not in the way we have chinatowns and little tokyos
doesn't japan has a boner for western stuff?
Just a reminder that while white people are busy getting cucked the Chinese know how to show the niggers and musdlimes their damn places.
surely you mean we
How would you propose to make it illegal? You can't stop people from living together or ban architectural styles.
Why is this allowed? Why are white cities overrun?
Harbin was started as a Russian city in China. There are some Elousi-zu still left.
Wish America had an African town. Oh wait Detroit.
It is allowed because you can't make certain groups not buy property in an area together.
I'm not a big fan of these types of areas only because it show they have no intentions of assimilating but I really don't mind it so much.
No idea if there are americatowns in asian countries.
What I want to know is why can't all the little africas in the country can't be more like chinatowns or little italys.
Well, there's me.
because we dont mind people in the US doing this.
It actually makes the US really cool.
The problem is somewhere around 1975 we went from "celebrate your heritage but assimilate" to "Setup your own isolated non-american culture within out borders"
Because they don't cause any problems and mostly serve as an interesting feature of an urban area, something which we have also grown to expect across the west. New York has had a Chinese community since the 1800s, how many problems do you hear?
In fairly rural areas of the UK you will still find Chinese takeaways run by Chinese people, they don't give a fuck and stick to themselves - all the more reason they don't get cucked by social liberalism
French concession in shanghai
Japan has it's very own China Town and Koreatown. It's like a Asian thing to stick together. We in the West just can't get enough of multiculturalism.
Evidently people want to live with their own kind, let them. It's better than everything becoming a bland mix. Here's the "melting pot" of the New York area. Red dots are whites, blue dots are blacks, yellow dots are Asians and green dots are spics
>Are there any examples of whites doing this in Asia?
Hong Kong
How else will I know where to get my specified takeway from?
why not?
>b-b-but it's not nice...
The concept of a Chinatown needs to extend to other groups as well. If mudslimes in the west all gathered in only one part of town we could build a wall around it and be safe forever. I find it's much comfier to be the minority visiting a Chinatown than to be in an area that's so mixed that there's no social cohesion to speak of. Chinatown asians are much nicer than diversetown asians.
There are expat enclaves in all asian countries. Here in singapore there is a plave called holland village, and there saying in local dialect about "going to holland"
Pittsburgh is like the whitest metro area in the country
South Korea has Itaewon in Seoul
At least they dont decrease property values like nigs
Chinese are doing this. Not Japanese. Look at Vancouver and Arcadia, CA
Sailortown, Sasebo japan
There's areas with bars and restaurants catering to American military off base In Japan
>What is Portland
>What is Seattle
>What is Minneapolis
Yeah Pittsburgh is higher as far as I know
Qingdao is a city in China with German-looking buildings built by Germans which look like they might as well be in Germany.
The Japanese are not sneaky. They have an autistically clumsy way of social manipulation.
It is a system of hardliners ranking and merit. They don't stab in the back, they shit on from above.
truly, the czech are a retarded people
Nope, we are already diluted by the new immigrants from mainland China.
So you want them to integrate?
Several Africans formed a ghetto in Guangzhou, China
The locals started referring to it as "Chocolate City"
I don't think Asians are cucky enough like we are. It would be cool to have German, white American, etc towns in asia
Whites do this in Singapore
I wish we had Abbotown like ausfaggots do
>How would you propose to make it illegal? You can't stop people from living together
It's literally illegal to attempt to create a whiteytown in any American city.
>or ban architectural styles.
Deed restrictions restrict architectural styles all the time, especially in affluent developments and historical zones.
The gooks are alright.
There are literally entire parts of Toronto where everything is in Chinese. Its not even Chinese style but its like any other part of the city but Chinese. We are just better.
>The Chinese are very good at retaining their culture, even when vastly outnumbered, and I applaud them for it.
They are invaders, they immigrant not to become part of the new nation but take it over. Just take a look at Canada, its a fucking Chink colony now.
in Chinese culture changing your name is no big deal
me in the blue jacket
they dont rape rob and murder
so let them have their own towns.
>Why is it allowed
Freedom of association and property rights faggot
She's cosplaying as a sex pillow...
American Village in Okinawa
fuck son, I knew some kid in high school whose first name was California
Ummm those are Christian names and asians who live here are predominantly Christian.
>being this retarded
Yes the are called US military bases
>Ummm those are Christian names and asians who live here are predominantly Christian.
Parody The Onion graphic aside, did you notice what you actually said? "asians who live here are predominantly Christian", isn't that interesting too?
I don't know about America but Asians here are not Christian.
segregation works
>Those Black names
Just fuck my shit up up nigga
literally american soil
You mean the most prosperous cities in China? Every chinatown is a dirty ghetto.
>naming your fucking kid after the brand of cigs you smoke
Dude, it's a parody. It's not a real infographic.
Because chinatowns are actually cultural hubs that serve to allow chinese to live in the US, without demanding 100% of the US culture be converted to chinese cuture. We can live there, and keep parts of our culture, and then go outside of them and get other culture. Both are preserved, neither is corrupted.
Or would you rather we "incorperate" and demand mandarin be taught in every school, you have to press 1 for english, 2 for mandarin, and demand that all major television carriers carry at least 2 mandarin tv channels?
Also, you ask about any examples of this in asia. Special Economic zones. 青島. Etc
not sure which is worse, fat americans or mainlanders
>he thinks niggers don't do thisin real life
that looks like faggottown
>not Newportia
Weak bait
Good beer comes from there too. 青島啤酒。
you mean niggerville?
Chink here, nobody likes Chinatown except criminals and poorfags.
you sound like a 香蕉人
I love my local chinatown. It's literally 2 streets, has cheap nice food and a massage place that I'm pretty sure is a brothel, but I'm too autistic to go and check
do you have any walmarts, where burgers could shart?
meanwhile your mtr is a designated mainlander toilet
Where did THAT come from?
How is it even pronounced? Sign-ewe-tab?
I don't mind Chinatowns for the food, I mean, in New York they have Little Italy.
tsingtao a shit.
apparently they were brewing according to the german reinheitsgebot at one point, but decided to put fucking rice into the beer
>yellow dots are Asians and green dots are spics
pretty sure it's the other way round
Little Odessa ? Little Italy ?
Oh wait yo're right
probably is
there arent any walmarts in hongkong, but there are some in shenzen across the border.
everything is a mainlander toilet.
better than american or australian beer and its dirt cheap too
>Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Every chink outside of China started to put red columns and green roofs on everything since
what the fuck is "little hanoi"?
Why does Sup Forums get triggered by everything?
So are you saying it's some random store/cafe that no one fucking care, or an actual town like chinktown?
Google Little Hanoi in Prague
How autistic to you have to be to be triggered by a Chinatown?
MAGA hats are really the fedoras of 2017.
>implying tthat isnt cool as fuck
It's not really any different from a Muslim Town
>Vietnamese clothes
>different locations
It's a Vietnamese chain restaurant.
Just for once don't pretend your eyes are actually like it in the memes, please.
You can actually see.
We’ve talked about it a few times before – Czech society is largely monocultural. In Prague, there are no ‘ghettos’ per se, no Chinatowns, no Italian markets. Ethnic minorities share the same living space as native Czechs. However, there is one place that effectively serves as a major cultural center for the Vietnamese population – it’s called Sapa, and although lots of people will just imagine a huge market (‘tržnice’), it’s actually much more than that.