He's the new president of Austria.
What now? What happened to Kek?
He's the new president of Austria.
What now? What happened to Kek?
Is this good or bad? is he like hitler?
Hofer Wähler raus!
sauce on him winning? Like actual results.
He's a leftist
He didn't win, it's a b8 thread based on the early votes coming from lefty strongholds
He did win. 60% of the votes are counted. he can't fall below 50% anymore. It's over. Fuck this shit.
so in other words it's going to be Anschluss with tanks instead of with ballots, is what it means, right?
The election was called for him.
>voting a green party into power
Austrians are even worse than Germans
Time to exterminate the Austrian race. It's after all just a social construct.
No it means cultural enrichment for the Ausstries, unfortunately
what are the chances I'll be able to buy some austrian girls as slaves? Maybe that day won't be far away
well, on the bright side, it will be easier for you to annex the land after all the Austrians are dead and there is nothing but nogs and mudslimes with half-developed frontal lobes shucking and jiving down across the hillsides.
You've lost a neighbor but at least you can move your shit into his house.
Kek never said that Hofer will win
Crushing Austria and Germany is part of his plan
>what are the chances I'll be able to buy some austrian girls as slaves? Maybe that day won't be far away
the day won't be far away that you can buy some Austrian slave girls but they'll be brown
not likely. after WW2 they made a international law that prevents germany from annexing austria. The best best would be hungary annexing austria and create a hungo-austria empire
Rest in peace, Europe. Good knowing you.
>What happened to Kek?
Kek wants Austria to suffer.
>implying this is bad
Well it's bad for Austria, but for rest of Europe is actually good. Now all the immigrants will go there, and they'll like it.
Kek looks like someone cheated
Or wait until "Syria" annexes Austria and then announce your annexation of Syria and then just take over the part that used to be Austria
Kek is the God of chaos
how migrants survives in austria baffles me. I was there once and everything was expensive, more so than germany. Hungary and Bulgaria is cheaper without sacrificing quality
Like hofer would've made a change anyways.
that's what happened
propaganda is too strong
I worried about the people near the Italian boarder they already have a load of shitskins at the Brenner.
Italians doesn't cheat, money under the table is the Italian style
no, you have it backwards.
society is a racial construct.
What are you on? Austria btfo by austrians is the only btfo happening you fucking nigger.
>expecting that fucking krauts can do anything right
why? Trump won
its all on you now france
6 communist parties
Holy shit
communism has historically been very strong in France, it's part of the reason we lost in 1940 and everything went to shit after the war, but there are also many tendencies that can hardly be considered similar, between marxist Leninists, trotskysts, etc...
You mean how someone who has everything paid for and catered to and who currently started to lobby to make public signs in arabic can survive in Austria? I too often ponder that.
Didn't the left literally have a Holocaust survivor come out and tell people not to vote for Hofer?
This guy looks and talks like a turbo kike. What is his (nominal) religion?
kek helps those that help themselves, ur fucked brown nation of islam
cultural relativism influenced by jewish kabbalism also known as Sabbateism and Frankism, like all european "elites"
Did you see Austrians here praising Kek in an election general for months and months like the Americans did? No? Kek remembers all.
I'll wait until all of the illegal votes have been discounted, thanks.
I'm confused. This website shows the results as they come in, yes?
According to this, Hofer is winning now with close to 70% of the vote counted, unless I'm misinterpreting it somehow.
not enough because vienna still left
Kek doesn't care about shitty third-world countries especially when their elections that don't even affect policy
They made the same law after ww1...
Who /winningside/ here?
Didn't they say the same about Philadelphia?
Your limp wrist can't draw a straight line. KYS faggot.
no because hofer isn't winning the other places by as much as trump won rural counties
once islam take over Europe i'm gonna convert and track down all the little leftist faggot who destroyed Europe and throw them from building
whenever Europe fall to far right or radical islam leftist will be killed
No other country's going to leave the EU. UK is going to get DEMOLISHED economically from their dumb shit. Trump will ruin the US economy and after 4 years no one will admit to have voting for him. This thing is over.
Got it, I also see that Hofer has conceded and congratulated Van der Bellen.
This. Besides the entire nation of Straya is like a giant kek incarnation anyway. Hell even the frogs will kill you.
Aussies are like some kind of sub-human kek manifestation. They are chaos and shitposting incarnate.
MODs should ban Austrians from Sup Forums 4ever
It's their women's fault.
Austrian men should just let rapefugees do what they are the best as doing and replace their femaleswith better slav/magyar waifus from the former empire.
old green-commie hobo
Congratulations Austria!
That's curious how they're allowed to have their prefessional title written on the ballot.
Of course everyone would know an engineer has less academic years behind him than a doctor, something that would be detrimental to the former.
German-speakers are obsessed with titles
If you want to say something to an university professor you have to use Herr Dr. Prof. Mustermann or they'll eat you.
Everybody knows doctors are tossers with little real world experience.
>Amerilard education
Just cancelled my trip to Austria. Heading to Australia instead.
>What now?
Your southern border just collapsed and you are continuing to commit rapid ethno-national suicide.
2020 and you fags have more males under 40 with migrant backgrund than native German males of that age. Then it's irreversible bye bye time. You didn't even have time to hang on to timid hope for even one Van der Bellen.
German people lost, gone, dead. Game over.
Fuck australians
So are you going to be our rapefugee sponge now?
Good, thank you, not so based neighbor.
as a non-German speaker, I can confirm this is true in Central Europe
except "bachelor"
everyone thinks that's absolutely useless non-title you get before you finish your real title
My only solace is, that the Austrian president almost no power.
His only job is to give speaches and stuff.
Still it is a huge downer for the western world. This only means we need to keep fighting and fight even harden!
praise kek!
hahahahahaha fuck you
Looks like jews successfully rigged the election in Austria this time.
Leftist cuck. Austria is about to be the next culturally enriched nation in central Europe.
so this doesn't really mean you're gonna get a load of refugees?
obviously it was important for hofer to win to build momentum internationally still...
does he have any chance of becoming chancellor?