I am so fucking sorry
I tried
Just fucking nuke this shithole and kill every last fucking citycuck that doomed us, I'm tired of it all
I am so fucking sorry
I tried
Just fucking nuke this shithole and kill every last fucking citycuck that doomed us, I'm tired of it all
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is it over?
I don't know. They show "Hochrechnungen" and say it's over but they just started counting.
60% counted and VdB is ahead at 53%, and the rigged postal votes haven't even been counted yet
If you uncuck yourselves just dump the sandniggers over here, we love them apparently
Why does he have a cane?
I am glad you elected Van der Bellen. He is a great man und kein Prolo.
>last time it was 50/50
>now VdB has a 6% lead
how? I thought the Trump win would benefit Hofer
I thought Austrians were based. Shit.
That means they are going off of exit polls, just like the exit polls which showed Hillary winning.
leg pain I guess
>how? I thought the Trump win would benefit Hofer
People are laughing at Drumpf, no one wants the same for their country
You're going down anyway independent of the Austrians.
No, that's only cucks like you.
It might have just scared the lefties to go out and vote.
can someone explain how they got away with 3 recounts until their candidate won?
Was he this far behind in the beginning last time as well?
Go NEET. Why bother?
>exit polls
You just have to believe.
City scum is never based. Nuke them and almost every country on this planet should be fine.
No, it's impossible.
Remember Schwarzenegger
all you did was give them longer to fine tune their election fraud
guarentee this election had massive fraud.
Only kek and meme magic can save you now.
You have to believe in numbers that repeat themselves
Arnie is american cuck that supports VdB and voted for Hillary
Shut up finland were trying toretend like Austria is not a piece of shit
Move here
no matter how bad any europeans country gets, we'd still need an entire century to catch up on your amount of niggers and shitskins now
so no thanks, despite the sweden memes it's still a lot whiter than america
I didnt go to vote because I thought we would win anyway
sorry lads
20 years, Hans and you are gone.
You should kill yourself now.
well my vote wouldnt have changed anyway since its not even close
Do it.
Niiiice, so we ARE gonna have a civil war before I turn into some old fuck.
Ill get the extra guns
You're not welcome here anymore.
Dont be mean Estonia
> could not vote
> will shoot
How so?
That's the good future, going forward from this point. The bad future is a slow demographic death that Austria never wakes up from.
>at least 500000 people think this same way
Paragliding accident or something
> I didnt go to vote because I thought we would win anyway
>> sorry lads
>well my vote wouldnt have changed anyway since its not even close
Is there any use of this creature?
We have people who predicted civil war way before these elections for the president position (which by the way is much less important than chancellor)
All this shit's been happening for a while too, we have subhuman trash from pretty much every conflict in the last 30 years: chechens, serbs (albanians), croats (more albanians), bulgarians (gypsies) etc etc etc
Add a couple more refugees from your afghanistans and durkastan and you've got a pretty good civil war chance.
>Just fucking nuke this shithole
just nuke the cities
No fuck it gas the fagot
>live in democracy
>dont use your rights
>bitch about democracy
yeah no GAS THEM ALL
Suht haige, ma lootsin meilt natuke paremat. Ei tea kas parlamendi valimised lähevad paremini. Elame ja näeme.
from what it looks like the turnout is going to be quite high.
So yes it makes sense to say that, every lefties from the big parties like spö and övp has gone to vote for the greenie.
It means you will be killed on the streets.
War means you will shoot back. There is a difference between war and slaughter.
God what did the solviets do to poor esti
Don't worry, it's part of the plan
Considering that said human trash had to run here, because they got fucked up, I'm not even slightly worried about our ability to put them down.
There used to be times when you had to force subhumans to move into ghettoes. Now they willingly do it themselves.
The main thing I'm actually worried about that would follow "ethnic conflicts" in here, is some NATOcuck is gonna run in with their ass on fire and bomb us so the poor muslims are protected.
It will be EU army this time doing the job.
Tell russia ur redy for it
>young spoiled brats who dont know how to live 24 hours withouth internet
>a horde of nigger monkeys who come from syria, born and raised in war
Hmmmm i wonder who wins
Sorry to hurt your feelings.
But it had to be said.
Thought Nordic people were nice and happy
Germans are denazified cuckolds.
I triggered a whole thread last time I said it, but it is true.
Hollywood has poisoned our minds entirely, and all the 80s 90s born love negroes and foreigners more than their land and people,because since birth they were fed to hate their own kind with toxic hatred. Even the 60s 70s born people grew up on Beatles, John Lennon, Janis Joplin and all kind of hippie shit from (((USA))).
I had hope that Austria would not be doomed. I was wrong. I guess I have to accept the agony of going to a multiculturalized, foreignerized city every time I go to work and see niggers on welfare that I work for, with the daily fear that one of those murders me because of the religion of peace. I am a white slave by this point. But my people want this. Our election in 2017 will be even worse, because Merkel will be elected again. She will put the final nail in the coffin of Germans.
Let us all fold and die.
you tought wrong
they are shy and autistic
secretly war mongers hidden behind a thin veil of friendliness
>country start thinking women are people
>collapse/is invaded a century later
But one would be expecting to be fighting against these young-spoiled brats anyways.
In any case a military coup backed with no-nonsense rules of engagement can run very effective purges, this has been proven time and again.
Nope. Trump winning made things worse.
Now Europeans want to prove that their countries are not as dumb as the USA.
It's all a dick measuring contest.
My sides.
>this has been proven time and again.
yes on the balkans it has
but here we were all the same
we have the same tech and the same mindset
those muzzies however hold no mercy towards the white man
they are like insects, you bomb them, slaughter them, gas them and they just keep coming back until you hire a professional to close your house and gas it for 3 days straight (read:nuke Syria)
How the election went
What's up with his shoes?
Is he a cripple? I wouldn't vote for a cripple.
You stupid cunts
Because first and foremost, he's a citizen.
even hitler got 98.9% on austrian third reich referendum so they should check those numbers again doesn't sound right, unless they have all been reaplced by migrants
jesus christ please tell me youre memeing