Polish right wing gov't is planning to ban online pornography. Thoughts? Is this the right move?
Polish right wing gov't is planning to ban online pornography. Thoughts? Is this the right move?
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impossible to do
Well yeah, but what about videogames? They blow out dopamine transmitter just as hard as porn does.
Hard to do because of the Internet but it is a good move.
yes it will erupt the liberal infighting since a large segment of femishits believe porn is explotation
Is that the spiegel magazine?
How often do video games promote interracial and cuckolding?
That's some sandnigger/commie-tier shit, really.
At least most of the other things about your government is based, but this is just anti-freedom shit.
good but what the fuck don't they have a strong industry?
Can videogames cause erectile dysfunction?
Dont think so.
>anti-freedom shit
are another natsoc that faps to traps? kys
Can videogames cause erectile dysfuntion?
Dont think so.
Can videogames cause erectile dysfuntion?
Dont think so.
Just search for porn induced erectile dysfuntion
How do you pronounce this?
Just because you are attracted to traps, and love interracial porn, doesn't mean I do, you degenerate toilet cleaner.
Most big tit polish porn stars only do softcore..either do hardcore or nothing at all.
Fucking cunts.
That is all.
Peace out.
Good luck Poland.
Won't Stop normies and Sup Forumsster from fapping.
(Polish pronunciation: [ˈfprɔst], meaning "Direct")
from wikipedia
Nope. You are mistaking us for Czechs and Hungarians - they are european porno powerhouse
Prohibition did not work.
War on drugs is a failure.
Let's find another way to legally control people and dictate morals.
No, it won't work.
yes, based
It won't work but it's a step in the right direction
Good luck with that.
Look at this BR was so triggered by someone speaking the truth about his "hobby", that he literally spammed the thread.
Keep on playing those Skinner boxes, those "stats" won't raise themselves.
If you're playing videogames you're a cuck basically is what i am saying
I'm poking fun at the fact that most people here are >>traditionalists
Only cultural shame works.
Porno is often exploitation of poor womxn, there is no exploitation in the vidya industry,
Your right, will won't work. Good arguments also.
Well over half of them these days.
First post was mine, not the BR you dumb slavshit.
Video games are as shit hobby, reading and being outdoors (hiking, biking, swimming) is superior, but I'm arguing that porn is a tool of the Jew to promote obscure fetishes to the male population, particularly the young/teens who now have full access to porn via the internet.
He does have a point though, and like he said, It isn't promoting cuckoldry and interracial shit, as of right now at least
I went on a bad date least night
I feel I've jacking off to spite what had happened
Should I do it bros?
I actually enjoyed porn more when it was hard to get.
*I feel like jacking off
How the fuck is it exploitation?
They have a pussy and someone else has money.
What's wrong with paying them for the use of that pussy.
Jacking off is fine just don't do it to porn faggot
No, do something productive rather than watching a man fuck another woman.
Don't be a slave to your primal desires.
Good, go back to buying porn at a seedy sex shop you fucking degenerates.
Yeah lets ban video games. And movies. And dont forget music too. It will be like 1984 xDdd
>is a tool of the Jew to promote obscure fetishes to the male population
So do video games and imageboards.
Porn is degenerate and also bad for you but like many things it is not the governments position to regulate this kind of stuff.
Same with almost all drugs, prostitution, sexual choices etc.
In the modern day and age with our current moral values in place, strong nationalist trends mixed with ultimate liberty for citizens within the nations borders is the only way to go.
. I feel like doing it to get my mind off it, even though I told myself I'll onky jack off once every 30 days.
Good idea ban online porno. A bunch
of chronic wankers can't stand up against
Who gives a shit if it doesn't promote something? It still destroys your fucking dopamine response in the same manner pornography does.
Your brain is fried, kid, put down the controller and start taking GABA6
Very good for men. Removing porn will force beta faggots to learn how to interact with real women.
They will stop masturbating too much (=higher average testo levels per day).
porn is a (((weapon.)))
>Removing porn
they would have remove half of the internet. it is not possbile and can lead to some fucked up internet restrictions
I went on a date last night and I was so nervous that it took her to ask questions etc
I don't play video games you tryhard cuck. Porn is a way bigger issue
Are you aware that this means that also Sup Forums will be banned since it contains pornographic conent?
I think it's great, ban it.
Just ban the porn boards, who gives a shit
Those filters don't work like this - they ban whole sites - no matter if only part of it is nsfw. They use one in my job and whole Sup Forums is banned there.
What you need to do is reinstate traditional marriage.
Impossible to do, so "banning porn" is always a cover for "banning access to media our government doesn't approve of"
My sister's boyfriend is a great guy. As a twenty-something, he's working a well-paying job in the STEM field, lives independent of his parents, has a whole list of interesting hobbies, is very physically fit, and exudes confidence.
However, despite not even having my Bachelor's degree, I am none of those things. Some of that is to be expected, such as having a well-paying job or living independent from my parents as an undergraduate student, but I'm not confident. I'm not really that physically fit, even though my appearance could pass for "healthy", and my hobbies include watching Youtube videos. Oh, and I don't have a girlfriend, either.
I got into a private conversation with him about how he was able to really balance everything he has on his plate, and we got into a rather personal conversation. By this point, we know each other very well, and I'm pretty sure he's going to propose to my sister soon, so it wasn't an awkward conversation.
Guess who did NoFap? He did. He started when he was 22, coming out of college. He's 27, now, and all of these developments in his life are relatively recent. He literally came out and told me that for him, giving up porn was the best thing he ever did. He didn't even appear embarrassed at all about telling me these things; again, confidence.
Let me reiterate: I'm very protective of my sister, and I am totally comfortable with this guy being her boyfriend. He's an awesome guy.
lolis are also illegal in poland...
...and no one fucking cares
yes its the right move
porn is degenerate. it is the right move.
Well they partially banned anti-gov't protests last week... You know - just right-wing gov't things
>prostitution illegal
>fapping illegal
>soon videogames illegal too
Unless you are a chad that gets 7+ pussy on the reg and just doesn't give a fuck about any of that you are a fucking cuck by accepting any of that.
No, they are not. No kind of drawings is banned in Poland.
Great. It was banned here til just a couple of years ago. There is no porno on the TV unless you get one of those swedish tv channels nobody uses.
It was never enforced though, I hope they do it here to. Cut that kikeshit out
>living in a blue pilled delusion implying women ever wanted to be with mr wagecuck instead of Chad
What we have now is the real deal. This is what happens when people has all options possible (internet etc). We are never going back to lucking out with the attractive town girl because there were no more options than your subhuman waging cuck ass. So you better either save for plastic surgery or if you can't ascend, cope with hookers and porn, otherwise you are delusional.
>he watches other guys fuck girls when he masturbates
>he calls other people a cuck
Find a wife and have children, you don't need porn
It's actually funny since most of the young people that voted for our current gov't are our local Sup Forumstards with /r9k/ mentality. All Chads voted for other more liberal parties.
I wish they could ban sex before marriage while they are at it.
Why in the fuck do you think any of that shit is an improvement in any way. For society to function in the long term people need to marry and have kids. If betas don't get wives society collapses.
if they do, they will get lynched
By who?
Beta squad five.
Instead of banning it you should invest in advertisement explaining how it's detrimental and create a mentality where people will avoid it on their own.
They're falling for the stupid ideas of the left: they think they own the population and are allowed to control personal aspects of an individual's life.
>all the virgin wagecucks coping with nofap agreeing with banning porn
Absolutely fucking lol
Overconsumption of porn is harmful of course but I see two things wrong with outlawing it. First of all it goes against my belief that anyone should be able to do whatever they want within their own 4 walls as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. That includes the right to watch porn, make porn and you know, make a living from it. You're are gonna hurt a big industry by outlawing it. The other issue is that this is impossible to enforce unless you are willing to spy on the internet use of all your citizens which is some 1984 shit and you're insane if you actually want that. Likewise you're a quite shitty person if you believe it's right to restrict the freedom of the people like that. You are already restricting what media people can enjoy, might as well make it political next. This is the first step to a dystopian future.
Ther's almost no polish porno at all. We need to jerk off to western porno.
Most betas still marry and get wives with equally subhuman females. Only massive autists cannot get a subhuman gf.
That's the not the point. The point is, life is meaningless if you have 0 options with beautifum women and not only that, you can not even see them naked anymore thanks to cuckerment. Fantastic.
Fuck off kike. Ther's no porno in Poland. The only polish porno you can get is some poor whore without teeth sucking obese fat fuck small penis.
No, it's "wprost"
Ther's nothing to ban. Polish porn industry dosent even exist.
>mixing left/right with auth/lib
Generally yeah it does more harm than good desu and once youu get over your juvenile MUH PORNZ phase you can admitt it. It will be hard to do if not impossible tho, it may end like alcohol prohibition.
>tfw beta uprising will occur in my country in this timeline
What a time to be alive
All betas voted for them and don't want to protest against gov't to not be associated with liberal parties protesting here almost every week. In other words - Sup Forumstards elected this right-wing gov't and now it's ideas will hit those Sup Forumstards. As I said earlier - all Chads voted for other, more liberal parties.
They cant ban something that dosent exist in Poland.
>Grupa posłów PiS chce ograniczenia dostępu do internetowej pornografii
lol it's fucking nothing
Porn is like poison to the brain but I don't believe in banning it. However I do think we need to educate on the subject because pornography can destroy your life.
Poland is based. Ther's no polish porn at all. Only some weak-ass amateur porn with ugly whores.
Banning something is always a wrong move.
Especially online.
Wprost is pro-gov't newspaper - if they say this will happen, it will almost certainly happen
> goes to pornhub
> searches "bbc, interracial"
> gets triggered
Polish """"banter""""
Ironic that the biggest wankers in Europe are trying to ban wanking
Most of our "government things" are shit. Not surprisingly, since it's a shit-tier government.
Still I would laugh my ass off if they do it. Yet another reason for people to hate them.