Looks like our plans to Make Europe Great Again have suffered a setback. What went wrong? I thought we had this one in the bag?
The Right Loses in Austria
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I say it was rigged
BBC News: bbc.com
(Meant to include in OP)
> Trust some krauts to make Europe a better place
You thought wrong. Europe is cucked beyond all salvation. Maybe the Slavic countries can save themselves, but that's one big maybe.
definitely this
You have to walk before you can run. From what I hear he was actually a far right winger.
What the fuck? How? Wasn't he ahead before?
wasn't it neck and neck a few months ago but someone fucked up and basically cheated for the other guy to win?
Pick one
More rapefugee stuff needs to happen. Either that or some more big ISIS happenings with dozens of casualties.
Europe isn't ready yet. France will be the first country to snap.
>Literate in their own language
Pick one
What do the polls say?
They rigged it once and might as well have rigged again
But the first official results, released minutes ago, show the independent with 53.5% of the vote, with Hofer 46.4%.
>implying rapefugees could make a difference
Nigga most of the cucks would rather be killed by refugees than vote for stability. You folks have to resort to different measures
Gee, it's good to know Austria and Europe in general don't have the same problems with voter fraud that the rest of the world does... Good to know.
We cucked ourself. This is the future we chose. Learn from our mistakes.
Maybe the Brexit and Trump had a negative effect on the European right. It could be that after seeing Brexit pass and Trump elected, that people began to fear the right or something.
>fear the right
What? Do they keep spamming the right as "EVIL NAZIS" or something ?
Or do they spread propaganda and people lap it up from the lugenpresse pipe?
Is this legit? If not, give me the real thing!
America is so superior to Europe: They only have 60% white people and elected Trump. You have like 95% whites but they are just a bunch of effeminate sissies that adore brown immigration.
I seriously don't get it, Austrians are the most rightist persons I know in Europe and they vote this Green fag.
Does it really matter? I thought the president has no function whatsoever.
Obama and Hillary would be far right in most of Europe.
>Inb4 antifa kept intimidating voters
they allowed children to vote this time
How is it over? The government website isn't even done counting and it looks like Hofer is winning. What am I missing?
>Not Rightful Serbian Slaves
Both. This election would have been a nice victory to keep the momentum up but it doesn't have a big effect. Our right-wing party will still get 35-40 % at the next national elections in 2017/18, lead the parliament and get actual positions of power and all the green guy will be able to do is sit still and watch it unfold.
Good job Sup Forums, thanks to your circle-jerk on Trump and the constant posting in obvious shill threads, you did not channel enough meme magic..
You are missing the part where children are in charge of the votes and are pissed off at the results so they try to lie as much as possible.
Statistics. Rural areas are mostly counted and the green is going to win massively in high population Vienna.
Big city cucks strike again.
Pushey little shits
This is really disturbing, I can't believe those projections. Austria is right wing as fuck and they elected a fucking communist?
Europe is cucked beyond imagination. Britain had the strongest eurosceptic movement in the EU for decades, it is an island giving the idea of independence more weight, yet Brexit barely won.
Continental Europe is dead.
Well it may be as it is, but those lovely tanned Europeans made every vote count
>America is so superior to Europe: They only have 60% white people and elected Trump. You have like 95% whites but they are just a bunch of effeminate sissies that adore brown immigration.
US hadn't been indoctrinated for 70 years with a guilt complex. They only started recently in the US I think since the 70s or 80s.
That means in the US you still have a generation that knows patriotism and americanism, here most people who are actually where proud the be austrian are only a few %.
You have basically 2-3 generations indoctrinated by leftie media.
Gormany is even worse.
>Big city cucks strike again.
>implying Vienna isn't like 50% immigrant city
In all seriousness.
We Brexit and Trump because we mostly write english here, making memetics in english and spreading news in english.
Nobody was doing the same in german, and nobody will do it the same in french for the France elections as the same level as we were doing it in english.
This will only work for english speaking countries, will not work for the rest.
You read it here first, maybe we can do things for Ireland or Australia next time, but not for Europe.
You know I'm right.
Austria is irrelevant anyway
Europe is now perma cucked?
Expect People demanding Jizya soon
We're already paying it via the state, so are you to niggers
Krauts can't do a fucking thing right.
If you are from the English speaking world you really shouldn't be giving a fuck about the cancerous Germans.
Brb starting a gofundme for a recount
>What went wrong?
pic related went wrong.
I totally agree. Australia when????
Not that big of a deal anyway. US, UK and France will do the job.
Truth, not enough shilling to even get into MSM.
While Germanic countries are not inherently a lost cause, revolution must come from within.
hahahahahahahahahahahaha fucking cucks
fucking germanics, fucking useless, I hope you stupid fucking cucks get swarmed by all the niggers, I hope your mothers and daughters get raped, and I hope you are all bred out of existence for the fucking traitors that you are, dumb cucks. gg wp.
But maybe we should avoid to bant too much since we will be fucked by Fillon
>implying it makes a difference in how cucked they are just because immigration
>Big city cucks strike again.
as always, its nothing new.
Thats the reason why we had/have SPÖ so long. they only where big in the cities, never cared about the country side.
The only time when they lost was, when they fucked up in the cities and people had enough there.
>exacly 60-40 and 40-60
Seems legit.
We poured all our Kek praise into Brexit and Trump and we kind of forgot about Austria for a while.
We need to keep up our prayers for the meme magic to work.
>fought WW2 only to have a Muslim mayor.
Who agreed to let 16 year olds vote lmao you cunts can't do anything right.
Oh no, Watch the Jizya spike to 60% higher than before, it's not like the refugees will go off and execute infidels or anythin so don't worry
We shall show the example in 2017
Why do people keep calling Austrians "germanic", they belong to the alpine race.
We need to nuke Vienna and revoke women's right to vote.
Post yfw your country didn't elect a cuck
>implying England is not germanic
I really hope we won't.
But yeah, at least it won't be a fucking ecologist. Have faith mate.
Hofer is gone and Merkel will remain in Germany. The saurkrauts are beyond saving and it's best if we just forget them altogether.
>Who agreed to let 16 year olds
well guess who, the establishment did ;)
>What went wrong?
the ghost of Hitler still scares Austrias population I guess and the prospect of their culture being destroyed isn't that big of a concern to them
Hofer didn´t have what it takes.
Hopefully someone better than him will get a chance
yep, I see the stage is being set for a cold war between Europe and the Anglosphere.
looking forward to you french cucks not electing Le Pen desu senpai
>when women and limp wristed children vote
>tfw can't post.
can I join the Anglosphere in such a conflict?
the first time around? maybe.
now? no.
>right wing fags claim first run-off was rigged
>hofer and vdb have almost the same amount of votes
>voting process becomes extremely strict and strache just said they won't complain because everything was handled correctly
>hofer loses to vdb by a lot
well well well
Is there a good anti non-white immigration candidate?
good, austria escaped the forced anschluss this time
Guess who
Ayy hol up.
It's austria.
who gives a fuck?
Literal Hitler prevented, YES!
Glad to see, that austrians learned their lessons from history. This is also a major setback for other right wing populists like AfD.
Today is a good day.
>>tfw can't post.
Hofer has already conceded. There is a link to a BBC article near the OP.
gtfo you commie bastard
Annexation soon my maple friend
Damn. Why the hell is Europe so cucked up nowadays?
Save your Nordic people pal.
We will still have conservative right anyway, win-win situation for us
Ahahahahaha yeah right. The corpses of your viking ancestors would be better fighters than modern Swedes.
Farage wasn't elected and has no position in the British government
Lefty/pol/ GET THE FUCK OUT!
It's not Europe, it's Krautland
Because Hitler lost the war, duh
It's Austria, what did people expect? They are practically sweden tier.
There's nobody to meme into power here.