Filthy right-wingers btfo.
Filthy right-wingers btfo
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How did they count the votes so quickly?
It took so long last time.
but if you click here a lot of them are for hofer
really makes me think
Well, als long as Wilders wins the election in your country its not that bad
>Britain did its job.
>We did our job.
Can Austria be the joke of Sup Forums for the next 24 hours?
>Britain did its job.
Hehe not yet. I bet the article 50 will never ever be triggered and britcucks will be the EU's bitches forever.
How were we BTFO? I don't get it. We have Trump and Brexit that's more than anyone has gotten on their own since 1933. Austria hasn't fallen enough to get what is needed Hofer would only placate anyways. Not to mention president is useless.
Am I missing something?
You're missing that the far-right wave isn't a thing
then why are you here shitting your pants?
I didnt go to vote because I thought we would win anyway
Next time I will go vote
hofer lost, get fucked
there wont be a next time for Austria you filthy cuck
>get fucked
No user...
it will be a sharia shithole by that time, get fucked
>I didnt go to vote
Trust the polls, goy.