>kills rooms full of poc's
>sings white man's country music
>pregnant with a white baby
>best friend is a baby boomer white male
>ZERO non-white protags
Why the fucking fuck is every single mainstream entertainment these days panders to the alt-right? I thought we're in 2016 not the 30's. Can't believe we're still dealing with this shit, naughty dog
Kills rooms full of poc's
Other urls found in this thread:
shes too old now, oh well
She is gay.
It's a trap
>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children heil hitler zero heil hitler
good get
Hitler confirmed Slavic pedophile.
>First game ends with a fucking white male executing a strong, proud QUEEN
And this won game of the year. In America. In 2013. And people will still deny racism exists.
The light of digits illuminates the truth.
Take it to Sup Forumserd, nerd
wait what game
>people will pay 60$ for this shit
I can't believe people actually liked the first one
The story and atmosphere was nice, and the combat animations were pretty brutal, but that's about it. The gameplay was mediocre shit and you spend a large portion of the game just walking around and lifting ladders or pushing things out of the way.
The last of us part II
She's a lesbian with interracial tendencies in a world ruined by white men with all good leaders being women. TLOU is as cucked as they come. Good game though.
part TWO?!?!??!
when did this happen
It's 2016.
>There's more of us
like yesterday or something
Pregnant? Source?
>The story and atmosphere was nice, and the combat animations were pretty brutal
honestly, this is more than enough for a goty
View in youtube.
Nothing about it says she's pregnant though.
I didn't get the pregnant part from the vid.
She just looks like the butch dyke she is.
She's pregnant with Wolverine's kid.
omg omg omg omg omg
Do you honestly think girls wear a dress in the apocalypse wasteland?
You just pointed out why it's good. The story. The combat was also passable at least.
Because shitskins don't have the means to buy videogames. Why would they pander to someone who can't afford their product? What's next? Ferrari is going to make Aunt Jemima their new mascot? Get real, nigger.
That poster easter egg in uncharted 4 isn't of a pregnant ellie, that's her mother.
No but they could have breasts and ass. Bet you a Sup Forums pass naughty dog never have a woman with above a B cup in their game, it would mean Druckmann losing anita's ally points.
it's written by a jew that thinks that diversity is important to have in video games.
>He's never been to a black guy's house
They have shelves stacked with Xbox games
Still don't get how she's pregnant
>Why the fucking fuck is every single mainstream entertainment these days panders to the alt-right?
So is this a bizarro Sup Forums thread or something? I'm gonna need a bit more clarity here.
They are realizing pandering to nigs, libs and other filth doesn't pay the bills. You never see Activison with COD doing this homo shit and it's the biggest selling game every year even though it's nothing special
seriously who gives a shit, the game was awesome and i have high hopes for the sequel.
I don't know why you asked me that. Ellie is a Dyke confirmed and she's always been butch.
>Mfw when free dlc
>Mfw playing as Ellie (Dat ass)
>Mfw she starts kissing the Lil negro girl
>Mfw when they spray each other with water guns
A good fappening was a happening
Really only played it for the digital underage girls.
Please nigger the only reason there is any resemblance of that stuff in these games is because charachters like Joel are just the power fantasies of the white losers behind the computers programming away on their little keyboards. That's why all the characters are white but more importantly why they are all supposedly 'believable' with their small town, blue collar, backstories and vague redneck accents. They're the make balief fantasies of over worked white nerds who get max 3 hours of sunlight all day. I mean do you ever wonder why games with stories like these always involve a guy taking care of a kid that isn't his?
>I'm going to make a game where the main guy is just like me but not fat or ugly and he's a cool tough humble redneck that TAKES CARE OF HIS WIFE'S SON/DAUGHTER and doesn't afraid of anything
This is art to nu-male white nerds.
T. Cuck who doesnt prefer his women desirable
Most gamers i know irl are /fit/fags and very few games involve children you autist.
I'm talking about the nerds that make the games not the gamers nigger. And Boogie is the face of "gamers" lol.
>People buy game
>People enjoy it and have fun
The Last of Us was one of the most emotionally draining, excited, beautiful, engaging etc gaming experiences I've ever had. I was so numb for atleast a month after completing that game.
Elie is hands down one of my favourite characters in gaming ever. That level where she was hunting and meets that creepy dude remains of my favourite levels ever
>t. cuck who calls an animated vidya character "his woman"
oh wow
>Sup Forums likes The Last of Us
lol most normie board confirmed
I dont call them "his women", try again spastic
Fuck off back to reddi_t, in unison this board doesnt want you here.
he called them his women and now he is trying to say he didn't. sad!
if it was pandering to this so called "alt right" it wouldnt have a female protagonist.
Literally never said my women though, reading comprehension is lacking.
MP was great in that game too. You get lot's of replay out of that.
Hahaha, what a faggot you are OP.
It's a good time to be alive.
It's called fucking.
That was DLC which is not canon, she can still be bi.
i'm sure you'll meet some... eh... nice girl with A GREAT PERSONALITY in rl, too, some day.
Wait where does it says she is pregnant?
She's not
>prequel to the story you just played
>made by same people
>can't buy it as a stand alone, you need the first game to play it
>not canon
try again
Oh so the fag is lying, that's great.
>every single malaysian is the author of gijinka christ chan
go kill yourself already, dumb nigger
the first game really triggered some father instincts in a lot of dudes.
well games dont have to be "degenerate"
Before we continue this line of thought wouldn't the guy who fucks Ellie also get infected?
Get the fuck out of here yurishit.
Oh fuck off finland, the whole world is sick of you and your autistic memes, i can't bloody wait for the day you are enriched.
But Ellie is a lesbian coalburner.
Who gives a shit about the Last of Normies II when you have another autismal masterpiece from Kojimbo coming out?
jokes on you, faggot. I don't even know what that means.
>a ten year old girl kisses her best friend
>lesbosexual turbodyke for life
is this how it works? i suppose it does, why else would they include it... but still.
>You mad white boy?
That's not the issue. I was saying DLC with the same title and characters is obviously cannon.
Yeah but they didn't pay for them
yeah i was just contemplating the confirmed deviant idea.
Checked and praised