Reminder that if you didn't spend a solid hour this morning cooking and brewing for your family, you have failed as a man.
Reminder that if you didn't spend a solid hour this morning cooking and brewing for your family...
>drenching your pancakes with the liquid leaf
This is the reason why you are a fat fuck, a cup of black coffee, a glass of juice and a bowl of porridge is good enough.
>cooking for your family
If my wife doesn't do it, what good is she? Are you one of those cucks who says you should divide the cleaning responsibilities too?
The only failure is the one eating the shit in pic related.
I'm 27 and noticed with women they can't cook for shit. I'd be amazed if in 2016 you could find a girl who could manage OP's pic without having a complete mental breakdown. Also that dividing responsibilities is gay.
Today, like every Sunday, my wife gets breakfast in bed. She's making the paella for dinner.
>you have failed as a woman
Ftfy bud
> cooking
> man
t. woman
>Reminder that if your woman didn't spend a solid hour this morning cooking and brewing for your family, you have failed as a man.
Fixed it for you
>all these virgins on Sup Forums who don't understand the man makes breakfast on sunday mornings
>Reminder that if you are married you have failed as a man
If you spend an hour cooking and brewing food that takes ten minutes to prepare you should just let the wife cook.
Unless you're a faggot.
the man brings money for the home, might go grocery shopping every now and then though
the woman takes the money to manage the home, which includes cooking meals
not that youd understand what a good relationship sounds like, you sound like a monumental cuck
I didn't mention marriage.
What the fuck, so on top of cleaning and stuff, women also have to cook too? Is that what you fucking virgins on this thread actually believe? You are fucking joking, right, please tell me this is a joke.
This is why you guys are all fat single virgins who nobody likes
>> 101493333
Ding ding ding! Correct! You are the only sensible person in this cesspool of retards, fucking THANK YOU. Although it is the duty of the male to cook every morning and more than that though.
The only other person who has been to my house in the last year is the mail man. I hide when I hear his truck. Don't want him to see me
To be fair I mentioned it higher up thread.
I see a lot of people who are going to be very miserable in any future relationship, assuming they can even get in one.
This must be the most American breakfast next to getting breakfast at McDonald's. All fat and sugar, nothing else.
t. daddy was absent and never cooked his trademark pancakes for me
The off brand toothpaste doesn't know a little fat and sugar are good in the morning. Gets the metabolism going.
>a man doing a woman's job
>the man cooking
What a cuck. Don't forget to cook and brew for Tyrone too. He's probably pretty spent after fucking your wife.
Women belong in the kitchen.
>it's an 'americuck just made breakfast for the first time and is so fucking bad at it it took him an hour but it's the only thing he ever did for himself so now he thinks he's a 'real man' thread
Saged and hidden
found the cuck
>having breakfast
>Womens job
Fuck off cuck
There's a fucking lump of either butter or ice cream on top of the pancakes.
>be me
>watch friend get married
>watch friend change work schedule from 40-45 hours a week to 60-65 hours a week
>watch friend's wife spend money like it was water
>watch friend's house fill up with shiny plastic shit that his wife wanted
>watch friend's wife do nothing at all, ever
>friend bitches to me that he has to hire a housekeeper because wife doesn't do _anything_
>friend cooks meals when his wife demands
There's a reason that men expect women to cook, and it's not because of "misogyny".
If a woman thinks she's too good to cook breakfast for me when I pay for everything in the god damn house, then I don't need her.
There's only good things about a man knowing how to cook for himself (well) and make coffee. Only good things about a man that takes care in his morning to have a proper breakfast.
There is, however, nothing bad about doing so only for yourself, or demanding that the rest of your household contribute to your work in some way.
This is the most American breakfast:
Steak and eggs.
>drenching your pancakes with the liquid leaf
fucking kek
A Competent Man:
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
— Robert Heinlein
My fat wife made breakfast for my fat ass.
She makes fucking awesome breakfast sandwiches
Breakfast of Champions
Yea thats called a prostitute
>letting the woman take your money
lmao cuckboy
Agreed. Im a man but I taught myself how to cook so I dont eat fucking ramen every night since I am single at the moment. Heres a good story though
>Young 21 year old single lad
>All my friends hopped on the young and married ban wagon
>One bro in particular got fucked
>Her cooking was shit
>He worked 50+ hours
>She bitched about taking their daughter to school because its a half mile walk
>demanded she get a car
>He didnt cave in and told her to suck it up
>She gets ass blasted and bitches about everything for months
>Says she wants to go back to school
>She goes to a phony chef university
>He tells her to not take out a loan its a scam
>She takes out a loan , gets her degree , and never found a job
>He paid off her loan (this is where he reached the cuck threshold)
>She gets "depressed" and wants to go back to their home town
>She leaves with their child back home and he basically is alone now but hasn't divorced her for over a year.
I refuse to end up like this. Every time my family pushes me to pump a child out and marry a woman I tell them to fuck off. If Im going to put my nuts in the legal chopping block she WILL cook and clean nor will I have to jump through hoops to plow my wife like Im some donkey chasing a fucking carrot. Especially if I make more and pay the bills.
>shit a modern person will literally never use
that's a womans job, you idiot.
Joke's on you, I'm childless and alone.
>>shit a modern person will literally never use
Such as?
I don't have family because I'm only FUCKING 22. This "you need 5 kids and a wife by 12" meme needs to die.
Especially with this sugary shit. Get yourself together and bring your family some meat and eggs. If you actually give them pancakes and syrup then you failed as a man.
My wife spent a few hours making me breakfast and baking a cake, cooking is her job unless I feel like doing it for whatever reason.
I don't really see a problem in cooking for myself or my girlfriend. She tries very hard to make tasty meals for us but sometimes they just taste like shit, so I have to step up and cook for both of us. It's merely a nicer way of telling her that I don't want to eat the bad food she sometimes makes. Why? because I can see her put effort into making meals.
this is the reason you are pre-diabetic.
I'm a butcher. I know how to butcher a hog, and though I don't work at a slaughter house, its definitely a good skill to have.
My knowledge of meat and how to cook it has grown immensely thanks to my job.
As well as that, I'm also a trained first aider, and I've got to say having that skill is a fucking wonderful life skill.
>Not knowing how to correctly perform compressions/CPR
>Not knowing how to deal with someone should they be unconscious and unresponsive
>Not knowing how to set a bone, or at the very least, put an arm into a sling
Balancing accounts is an ESSENTIAL life skill in today's world.
Hell, most of those things on that list are either common sense or not being autistic.
Writing a sonnet? Fair enough. But outside of writing a sonnet and butchery, everything else is something even a modern man SHOULD understand.
Women should be cooking 3 meals per day for the family and in traditional full meals containing nutritional needs for the day.
Feminism was a mistake. Good food is disappearing. I don't even know a millennial woman who can cook.