what say you, dumbfucks?
Carrier deal stats
wtf, I hate math now
the sources are in the article, but of course you knew that, right?
What a great plan. Let's allow the rich not to pay taxes, so we can take more tax money from the poor!
Why has no one ever tried that before?
your autism just kicked in friend
Not an argument
He's right tho
the alternative scenario would mean that the poor lose their jobs and become even poorer while the rich remain rich because they moved their factory to mexico
Why should he take the effort to use arguments when your whole post is a fallacy
the argument is in the paragraph
"Indiana is getting a 300% return, per year, on their investment."
Like 3 real people who read the article and understand the 3 paragraphs contained, and 10 bots hoping they can sway the minds of anyone who doesn't want to click the link.
Really fires my lazers
>tfw he doesn't understand these people have more money and fulfillment in this scenario where they pay taxes than they otherwise would have.
Why are liberals so lacking in imagination and empathy?
That argument is predicated entirely on the idea that all of those people will never find another job, which is obviously false.
Also, the deal only saved about 650 job out of the 2100 that were moving. The rest of them were administrative jobs that weren't moving regardless. But I wouldn't expect anti-free marketers to understand anything about research or facts.
And finally, none of those posts are a reply to the counter-argument, they are just repeating the original argument as second time, as if that somehow changes something.
another moron who didnt read the article
>another communist who hasn't read anything
you really dont have a clue wtf youre talking about, do you?
You're the one picking winners and losers in the economy, and propping up failed industries in order to socialize things, and then using bad math and taxing the poor to justify it.
Your argument is predicated on there being a magic job-giving spring that shits out 1k new jobs for no reason whatsoever every time a company outsources. Maybe you missed the part of the article where Carrier is considering creating their next 10k jobs right here, given
Trump's proposed corporate tax breaks.
>t. Faggots who dont know anything about economic development
Have fun paying incentives to every company that wants to leave now
the taxpayers of the state are paying zero in new taxes shit for brains, the company is getting a tax break. in return the are going to invest $16million into expanding the company, meaning more production and more employees and more revenue for the state.
>muh Bernie argument
The tax rate is going down to 15% ACROSS THE BOARD, dumbass. He isnt in office yet, however. But by all means, allowing 1k Americans to lose their jobs right before Christmas was the right, TRUE CONSERVATIVE, thing to do. Fuck you intellectual types
>Liberals are now pro-globalization and shipping american jobs overseas
>Liberals are now upset about hurting China's feelings by taking a phone call from female president of Taiwain
Do Liberals really think this or are they just saying it because its Trump?
Liberals please answer
liberals are incapable of genuine thought, they just parrot what they read from facebook feeds
>what is competition
#FeelTheBern desu
My states governor just did a similar deal to keep jobs in our state but was actually more expensive. These kinds of deals are common and happen all the time locally, albeit Carrier was located in Indiana so I believe Pence had alot to do with it as governor