Have you had the white man's drug of choice today, Sup Forums? Alcohol is part of your history and culture. Honor your ancestors. Have a drink.
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But I'm at work
id: >CUK
quick archive pls
No. This is the Lord communicating to you.
Started at 9AM.
Dropped an amp and opened a tinnie.
But I went to church today I'm a good goy southern Baptist
A giant horn full of mead sounds pretty fucking good right now. Or ale, in a wooden keg. How hard is it to get that?
itt: wannabe radical communist trying to subvert us with his superior intelligence.
LiterallyJew poison that kills hundreds a day, destroys families and homes, and is addictive, tastes bad, and makes you act like a fool.
Repealing prohibition was a mistake.
No, fuck you. Alcohol is the same degenerate shit as weed or pharmacies.
>superior intelligence
The fact that these words appeared in the same sentence and context is disturbing. kys.
Female spotted. Tits or gtfo.
Not even close.
You know mis-gendering someone is a fine in some areas
Wine is for hipsters and cucks. And that's coming from me, a Frenchman. Keep acting like you're cool if you want.
T. Beer fag with man breasts drinking "manly" 4% alcohol drink
Havin one of these. Good stuff.
quit spreading your pop- sci lies you faggot, you have man boobs because you're a fat fuck who doesnt know how calories work
seeI'm built faggot, unlike you which is why refugees are stealing and raping your women
Fucking low test german frenchie faggots
Keep denying facts and see where it gets ya
Have some of this and Canada Dry
>wine is for men
>not pure malt whisky
>malt whiskey
>good for test levels and not just sugar and 4% alcohol
Pick one
Uneducated Faggot
no thanks, marijuana is better in every single solitary regard.
in fact, i'm off to go enjoy some glorious tokyo kush right now.
I've learned to drink whisky, now I want to learn to drink wine. Never tried it, except white which doesn't count, it's for women.
What kind of wine should I get? Italian? French? Spanish? What brand?
Single-malt Scotch on the rocks, please, no less than 12 years old, preferably 18.
I would start with Pinot Noir. Don't worry about region, yet.
>muh bourbon
There are a plenty of good blended, but pure single malt are better.
Alcohol is fantastic. Not so much if you have to be sober around people drinking though
Everything apart from red wine fucks up your T production, so
yeah how about no
Is this thread already full of fedoralords tipping their IPA's and whiskeys like good gentlesirs?
Usually trappist or tripel styles.
Gulden Draak is my go-to, but La Fi du Monde is divine in a pinch.
who else /8drinksaday/ here?
glenfiddich is good but entry level
if you want a treat for yourself, try glendronach revival 15y, highland park 18y or dalmore 15y
thank you based russki
kek, ok
Alcohol is a poison, why drink poison, fucking retards. It destroys your brain cells and turns you into a moron.
Marijuana is the true white man's history and culture. I smoke weed every day and would never drink alcohol poison.
no it ruins my gains
Phytoestrogens =/ estrogen. If you're afraid of beer being estrogenic then I hope you don't drink coffee or eat grains...
>I'm built
Says every fat cunt on Earth.
Oh wait, you're retarded.
Dulls your dopamine receptors, making you unwilling to achieve daily tasks or beyond because you aren't administered your biological reward.
Drinking makes you feel bad for a day, smoking makes you do bad for a month.
>tfw only carbs I haven't been able to cut come from beer
Can't. Gotta do w2d3 of my 5/3/1 cycle tonight
I will be smoking a bowl first. THAT, unlike alcohol, won't fuck up my workout
DYEL or not?
I'm 6'3, 112kg, and I bench press 140kg for 5. I'm natty too, I am an ubermensch, precisely because I do not drink alcohol. Instead I smoke marijuana.
actually drinking alcohol without getting drunk increases test production but getting drunk decreases test
Thanks for the suggestion.
Weed turns you into a fucking loser. I've grown up with pot heads, we smoked weed all through high school. All it does is make you a complacent retard. Albeit a happy one. I quit during university, and my life improved tenfold because my brain actually started working again and I regained my motivation.
>yes goy have a drink lose your inhibitions let jamal fuck your wife
faggot I could beat your sorry ass up
I dropped 2k on a 3 month fitness programme and im ripped as shit rn
We went on strict fucking diets and guess what
the ONLY alcohol allowed was red wine
My dick grew a few inches too you faggot fat fuck
enjoy shitposting and getting man boobs
Fuckin spic
alcohol is degenerate. would rather smoke tbqh.
Weed has turned me into a super man. A spaceship made contact with me twice over 3 days, and left me a clue to the location of Atlantis, their home.
>Not even holding it in
literally wasted that entire fucking bowl
alright nice, thanks
No, I'm a tall, blue eyed white.
If you weren't such a blinded fool by the Reptilian media, you would know the true history of the white race.
In that tall white people who smoked weed, built the pyramids in Egypt, the Americas, China, Indonesia.
Your typing is barely intelligible.
>I dropped 2k on a 3 month fitness programme and im ripped as shit rn
Thanks for further proving how fucking stupid you are.
>In that tall white people who smoked weed, built the pyramids in Egypt, the Americas, China, Indonesia.
Anddd you lost me.
Weed turns you into a demotivated piece of shit, I used it for 2 to 3 years and I barely remember anything from that time period. My GPA went to shit and I nearly fucked the entire rest of my life up.
Weed is fun on occasion but if you turn into a stoner, you're making neurological changes to your brain that nobody fully understands quite yet. Yes, you'll recover once you quit, but it actually occurs on a far longer timescale than you'd expect, as your brain has to readjust its structure back to baseline.
Neuroplasticity is a wonderful thing, but it doesn't happen overnight.
>hurrr I am a fat fuck trying to defend the fact I'm overweight and no one loves me hurrr
off yourself kid, you probably snuck into your uncles cabinet and after one taste of bud light you think you're a man
but you're not, you're still a fat fucking faggot typing on the internet like a tough guy
you're the real retard
I have considered going cold turkey on alcohol a few times now. I hardly go out to drink, and when I do it's usually just a beer or two with dinner. I will drink at home once, maybe twice a month(whiskey or scotch) and never get blasted, but a bit inebriated. I guess I just don't see the purpose in drinking really, why should I do something that makes me feel like shit the next morning and does nothing else for me?
You need nicotine to supplement the THC to negate the memory impairment effects of the THC.
I smoke a cigarette after my bong session, and my memory is superior to everyone around me.
Got just dummied last night
making my ancestors proud
>being a slave to the liquid jew
Yes, and then it hurts to breathe. Exercise becomes difficult. And then you die of lung cancer.
Though from what I can tell, you probably think that's a conspiracy too.
You're making the Reptilian politicians proud. Alcohol allows their low frequency ELF waves to more easily brainwash you and put words in your head.
My breathing is fine, I'm a bodybuilder, so I need to be able to breath well and power through grueling hypertrophy-specific hour long training sessions.
Good reptilian, keep your body pH nice and acidic, so the government can more easily electronically hack your brain.
Marijuana blocks government ELF microwaves from fucking with your head. All it takes is a government ELF microwave tower 30km from you, and it can beam messages right into your skull.
This thread is fucking autistic
There's literally nothing wrong with drinking Jack and smoking a Backwoods from time to time.
There is everything wrong with consuming alcohol. Alcohol makes you very susceptible to government mind control radio towers.
Just had some rakija around the table with my family.
My grandmother died earlier today. We did the pour some drink on the ground thing. Drinking for the dead seems about right.
>low frequency ELF
>Low frequency Extremely Low Frequency
Do you even have the most rudimentary understanding of electromagnetic physics?
Should have poured the whole bottle on the ground, and smoked weed for your granny instead.
Typo. It's just ELF see > / corrected. Now address the points, dumb dick wad.
Just got back from the LCBO.
Its hammer time tbqhfam
wtf i hate rakija now :^(
Condolences bulgarbro, RIP.
Alcohol is literally the ethanol jew. The faggy Donald redditor fags come over here and don't even follow their own creed. GTFO
Holy shit, I think you actually might be serious! I just assumed you were shitposting, but no you seriously believe this crap?
Alright, riddle me this, how does a drug that primarily affects dopamine and GABA receptors cause changes in the electromagnetic permittivity of the human brain?
Look at his flag maaan
Also, microwaves are high frequency radiation
Saying Extremely Low Frequency (really long wavelength) microwaves (micro = really short wavelength) is quite possibly the most moronic statement I've ever heard.
Fucking Aussies.
Alcohol is strongly acidic. It causes a sharp rise in your body's pH level.
Think of a battery, what is a battery made of? Acid. When your body pH is highly acidic, your body becomes very easily influenced by government ELF wave mind control.
That's fucking gay.
user, where's your Å¡ljivovica?
>working on Sunday
But why?
>no mention of sulphates in cheap ass wines
>wine jew
>It causes a sharp rise in your body's pH level
Except it doesn't
Oh dont worry familijo i got 4 bottles in my cupboard.
spoken like an ignorant, uneducated moron who has never touched marijuana in his little clueless life.
don't speak on things you know nothing about because you've only exposed yourself as being stupid. pick up a book, kid. your ignorance is *embarrassing*.
the yamazaki is pretty lush too
um... ethanol has a ph of around 7.3
thats not very acidic
No drugs, no drinking, no cigarettes.
I have tried it, many times.
I see the reward you get immediately from smoking, and also the long term effects.
Try using something other than an ad hominem to counter an argument next time Cowboy.
is this pasta?
The effect of being intoxicated causes your body pH to be acidic, and turn you into a radio receiving battery from malicious government cunts with their Elf microwave radio towers.
t complete spastic
Microwaves can be extremely low frequency. Ask your military, its also used in stealth detection radar.
Keep killing your brain cells with alcohol you stupid fuck wit, soon you will be too brain fried to wipe your own arse.