I am open to new ideas.
Enlighten me on communism
It's the most red pilled ideology by far
Literally a jew trick to steal entire nations. Marx was a 31st degree freemason and from a long line of sly kikes who never worked a day in their life.
communism by the backdoor. watch it
Why are most communist countries so nationalist?
it's literally the worst ideology ever to exist
In a communist society, a man can only earn the bare minimum he is given by the state. Workers are given no incentive to work hard as they cannot profit from work.
A popular saying in the USSR was "you pretend to pay me, and i'll pretend to work"
If communists could actually make anything they would build their own communes and leave people who want to be left alone, alone.
But it's a secularized version of judaism that promotes literally stealing everything in a country, putting it under control of (((the people's transitional socialist republic))) and enslaving you and your descendants for all time.
When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves. -- Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D
Country is still fucked 20+ years after the collapse of communism
Politics in shambles
Demographic catastrophe inc (gypsy boom)
Getting eurocucked with refugees
Average wage is about $ 500
> b-but if everyone worked together and...
It's a fucking trap
Anarcho-communism would definately be better than communism or national socialism. A free state where wages and privately owned property is abolished. Anyone who dares doing fuck will be raped and molested by the majority.
>literally the worst ideology ever
That's a funny way of saying anarcho capitalism.
> Anyone will be raped and molested by the majority
It's a great way to destroy nations and bring poverty to everyone.
Not an argument.
BTW Leftypol from cripple chan even have a mod here who deletes threads and bans users for them upon request
It strongly opposes human nature and therefore will never work.
Communism is a ploy of the jews to manipulate the masses into false flagging all the rich instead of them.
Judaism for goys, shares a lot of symbology with Masonry.
See what Sup Forums doesn't realize is that this was inevitable.
Now that Trump's won, Brexit happening, Austria a maybe:
The commie threads are just the start, Sup Forums is transitioning to its one true state: whatever the most contrarian, edgy, counter-culture ideologies of [current year] are.
By 2017 Sup Forums will be 90% lefty shitposting.
If it's any consolation this also implies that the right will continue succeeding. Really it's time to move on from this image board...
The double headed eagle originates from the byzantine empire. The Russians were able to use it after carrying the torch of Orthodoxy and one czar also married a Paleologo princess.
The double headed eagle cannot be soiled with the JEWISH HAMMER AND SICKLE. Delete this fucking picture you disgusting snake. You have no fucking business combining the two. All Marxists must be destroyed because they are trying to destroy the west
> boy im hungry today, guess i'll go and get some state provided bread
> tfw trampled and raped by the majority
Why base your whole system on mob mentallity?
What if the majority decides you're ugly af and should be burned at the stake?
Marxs really alarming claims of the exploitive power of capitalism only apply to the third world today so just read the cummy manifesto (chapter 1) where he says that capitalism paved the way for a 'world literature' which is globalism by exhausting the raw material of one nation and appropritating the material of another nation. He also says shit about how modern industry blurred the lines between what is man and woman but I don't believe he really meant any of that shit, nigga qas just trying to suck up to the reactionarie he didn't like in the first place.
ok listen up my friend.
Without exception, in every country where communism has been implemented in practice the governments were more socially conservative than anything ever seen in the West. Eastern Communists found out that cultural Marxism is a meme way before Western liberals.
Therefore Eastern communists are disgusted by Western liberals and would never cooperate with them. They (or you, I suppose) are considered scum of the Earth which ought to be plundered and extorted for what they're worth.
Tell me if you want to know more.
I think when Trump fails to deliver on his promises, Sup Forums will swing left, more communist. The democrats are corrupted, socialism has turned into international socialism. Communism is the end goal of a nationalist ideology.
Not an argument
The joke is that Trump is a lefty. People keep equating nationalism with being right, they can't comprehend what Trump's alignment is because they're thinking on a 1D axis.
Well that's NatSoc buddy. Welcome on board.
imo removing the people's freedom is more oppressive than the opportunity to work with someone else's capital in exchange for your own.
See the misconception here is:
>swing left
>more communist
Only one of those is true, he is lefty but he's no Marxist.
has got the idea
Has anyone of you commie fags lived under communist rule?