40 degenerates died doing drugs and degenerate acts. Nothing of value was lost.
REMINDER: Nothing of value was lost in the Oakland warehouse fire
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Hope little Marco Rubio got out safe!
Were they foreign minors?
>40 degenerates died doing drugs and degenerate acts
Praise Kek.
Those guys were gayer than gay police.
Why are there no pictures of snapchats coming out post burning?
They had a lot of furniture and no escape exit, you had to climb to second flood and then there was exit. So maybe there's nothing left of them, but they could at least show the ashes.
I was hoping this would be Great White numbers if not more. Fuck what a shame.
A real pity it wasn't the whole state, but hopefully very soon an earthquake will drop the entire liberal shithole know as California straight to the deep bottom of the Pacific. Apologies in advance to any nation that has our drowned liberal trash wash up on your shore.
I'm gay and I'd wish more of them had died. I cannot stand attention seeking faggots.
>only 40
>when you don't know which injection it was that gave you the aids and you don't care
>For filmmaker and photographer Bob Mulé, the warehouse was both his home and his community.
>The 27-year-old Mulé told CNN more than 20 people living in the warehouse, paid rent and were all involved in the creation of the space.
>On Friday night, Mule stopped upstairs to listen to some music he described as a "very tame setting." Afterward, he headed downstairs to work on a painting. From his studio, he smelled smoke.
>After seeing the flames, Mulé ran to find a fire extinguisher. He found one, but could not open the pin. When Mulé turned back to save his camera and laptop, he spotted a fellow artist who called out for help. Mulé suspected that heavy-set artist had broken his ankle after falling from the second floor.
>"I was pulling him out," said Mulé, who sustained burns from the fire. "The flames were too much. There was too much smoke and ... I had to let him go."
>too weak or stupid to operate a fire extinguisher
>friend too fat to be saved
Holy mother of God. It's even better than I could have ever imagined.
The press here says:
- the warehouse shouldn't have been for people
- they didn't have a permission
- there were no sprinklers
- it was a maze-like death trap inside
Well, I guess you tend to forget all those points when you're tripping on meth.
ok but are we POSITIVE that those four guys are dead ? they look like the type to vote for hillary 4 times
No but it is SF. This is what raver fags look like that stay up all night and do drugs.
This was an LGBTQIAAP+ safe space and the irony of calling that place a "Safe Space" is lost on them.
>I'm gay everyone, look at me, look at me
Wew lad. Post your hairless balls
Bob Mule's story is so fucking pathetic. He sees the fire as it starts and grabs an extinguisher but cant figure out how to operate it. The then runs back to save his macbook. He sees his friend, tries to drag him to safety, gives up and runs out, leaving him to die.
At least he saved his mac!
So, these people were too much of a rebel to obey basic safety rules. And they haven't learned anything from a tragedy that cost many of their friends their lives.
That's good, as it means more of them will die.
Truely human sacrifice in the temple of Moloch
it was a tinder box
Jesus that place looks flammable
The place was a hoarders den
Think how fast it went up with all that wood and rugs on the wall.
Here is one of the free spirited sex workers photographed on her bed that provided services there.
I wonder if the neighbors started the fire.
Living next to such degenerates having to listen to their pathetic electro music 24/7, must make a man capable to doing crazy things.
Choking smoke in seconds.
>Not a single fireman's pole in sight in any of these pics
I mean if I was living in a big enough place my first priority would be to pretend to be the OG ghostbusters. If only these creatives had the sense to see what's truly important in life it could have saved those trapped on the second floor.
my firefighter grandfather used to call places like this Collyer's Mansion because when hoarding houses go up its nearly impossible to put out
Not meth. Probably coke, ecstasy and weed. Beer obviously too.
Either way, they made the choice to stay there. That weak pussy should've just threw the extinguisher into the fire. Or threw a blanket over it.
Betting someone dropped a cigarette, and some "art supplies" went up.
i'd pay her desu
Collyer's Mansion? I guess I'll google it
>leaving your friend to die but saving your camera and laptop
The only sad thing about this is that some of them made it out alive.
Tonight you will be visited by the ghost of one of the Oakland rave victims.
Roll to find out who it will be.
Singles greater than 16 (except 69) default to the bottom-right ghost (possible arsonist #3).
If only they were whiiiiiiiiiiite!!!
I live a few miles from that shit hole, Rollin'
and those are the "good looking" pictures they put on the website
imagine all the parts full of trash
I knew a hippie warehouse just like this. it had "art spaces" shows, people living there, drugs etc I'm glad it got shut down
its disgusting, basically a crackhouse for whites
the northern parts and southern parts aren't bad.
Only the two AND SURROUNDING areas
See told you nothing of value was lost
Why must everything be about fucking race with these people.
>He sees the fire as it starts and grabs an extinguisher but cant figure out how to operate it.
Actually more likely than you think. A lot of personal fire extinguishers are difficult to operate and can even do things like make the fire flare up before it puts it out.
You also have a very short window of time to put out a fire yourself before it gets out of control.
Did they feel the bern?
Hipster fire extinguisher
Looks like it was a cool place to hang out (if it weren't for the people).
Also looks like a fucking firetrap though. Go figure.
Damnit Carlos!
I could see it happening, but why would you admit to this?
It's just like the owner whos comment about it was my family is safe, and im ruined!
leftists have zero concious or sense of shame
probably from both the fire and one of their 200 STD's
>Looks like it was a cool place to hang out
t. degenerate
There's actually a lot of neat looking shit in there.
>All that carved wood and shit
These are the type of white filth that turn up to show "solidarity" at blm rallies.
anyone willing to bet some jackass was smoking in that mess, left all their crappy lights on that were connected to way too many electrical cords and left all sorts of 'artist' combustible substances like paint or other shit
post more hippie whores
What genre of dance music was it? This will influence my opinion big league.
Oh, but it was incredible
it gets worse hipsters do stupid things like smoking their hash with hotknives and a propane torch
>Sup Forums has no appreciation for cool antiques and shit
What a degenerate board. If it weren't for all the druggies, that place looks like it would have been a neat place to hang out.
No, not really. I don't go to places like that because I don't like the people, or crowds, or the random drug use.
It looks like a cluttered museum. Like walking through an antique thrift shop. Neat stuff, nooks and crannies to get away from people.
>There's actually a lot of neat looking shit in there.
Not anymore there isn't, unless you're looking for bones. That's pretty much what I'm saying, though. Looks warm and cozy. Too warm though.
>Lefebvre told CNN. An electronic music DJ known as Golden Donna was scheduled to perform.
>Not anymore there isn't
Well obviously.
>unless you're looking for bones
>white supremacy
good fucking god
This like when the two fags blocked the exit at that gay night got snackbared
Yea, I'm no fire marshall, but even I can see all that dry wood, and easily combustible materials (old couches, rugs, etc. probably full of dust too) would light up pretty quickly with a single spark.
the fucking fire code is white supremecy now..
This riled me, because she didn't mention a thing about the Gatlinburg fires, even though they were incomparable in size and the number of people they effected.
She obviously hates working class people. She left RT and does art shows now.
She was also singing Castro's praises after he died, and will then proceed to tweet about how Trump is a dictator. I want these people to get what they deserve.
I honestly feel more sorrow for the building itself burning than the people inside.
They settle for shady places because they are doing shady things, like meth etc.
Im speaking of any social media presence prior to the fire happening or during. Or were these a bunch of no phones hipsters using dial up getting drugged out and sexed up, not a party?
in my experience hipsters don't do meth
they do do weed, LSD, MDMA, DXM etc tho
No they are not difficult to operate at all, every school I have ever been in has had some young punk set the fire extinguishers off, you literally just pull out the pin and squeeze the trigger, you have to be retarded to not know how to operate one
burn in hell
Wasn't the warehouse a gay nightclub or rave club?
The venue was too small for that unfortunately
It was a party venue. So kinda.
>Fruitvale neighborhood was hosting musician Golden Donna's 100% Silk tour.
I mean this stuff just writes itself.
Praise kek
holy edge
>I'm gay and...
>...I cannot stand attention seeking faggots.
That's actually a really shit area of Oakland. Even the taco truck cooks wear bullet proof vests. Always dripping spic sweat all over my carnitas.
I used to live off Fruitvale. It's where epic beard man used to live. Saw him walking around once wearing one of his own t-shirts. It's mostly full of niggers, homeless, and asians - depending on what end you're on. There's a movie about Fruitvale station, when some handcuffed black guy was shot in the back while lying face down on the ground. There's a video of it out there somewhere...
My car was routinely broken into.
It was an ISIS arsonist.
How obvious do they have to make it for you?
Stfu he is a hero, give him the woman of the year award, a purple heart and the medal of honor now
kill yourself like your faggot friends
>Taco truck carnitas
There's your problem right there.
kek purged the sodomites
its like a hipster collective, its basically anything leftist goes
obviously a lot of them will be faggots in oakland
guys, did they not teach you how to use the fire extinguisher in high school?
Honestly can't even tell what's bait anymore
Donald Trump already making California great again.
made me kek
bless you
Thank you IsisChan!
Always remember to sweep
Thats all i can remember from basic firefighting
I've needed to use a fire extinguisher before, its simple as fuck. You pull the pin and squeeze. Finding the damn thing was harder than operating it.