>Höfer lost
So... why is he still winning provinces?
>Höfer lost
So... why is he still winning provinces?
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Good question user he is leading by half a million votes.
Vienna and Oberösterreich fucked us all up
Because they didn't count the big cities yet?
Because Hofer is a cuck, he already admitted defeat
also shitty western alpenneger turning full lefties in the recent years.
>Based on exit polls
our side will always lose in a head to head popular vote election
would love if meme magic changed this result
did you recently hit your head
if the votes arent even half recounted why is every news outlet sayig hofer has already lost?
can some austro fag explain?
can you win by winning more provinces or is it just popular vote?
>"popular vote"
did i fucking stutter
It's just popular vote. This ain't Britain or America where provinces/states matter more
Höfer will win !
sadly Vienna has like 40% immigrants and the other cities are small.
American exit polls said Hillary victory in Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Hofer still has a chance
What meme magic? I see no meme magic here. We haven't memed enough. And this is the result. Never rest on your laurels Sup Forums. The ride never ends.
the only election systems like america in europe is britain and frances i think, meaning hoffer will probably win more provinces but lose popular vote and properly lose due to urban cucks in vienna
>except for fucking brexit you twat
referendums do not equal candidates
The same reason bumfuck states like South Dakota and Kentucky were called for Trump with 0% of the votes counted? Exit polls, you tard.
Was the Brexit referendum not calculated by popular vote?
This. Sup Forumscucks were shilling so much for Le Pen that they didn't save any meme magic for Höfer. Fucking sad, really, because Le Pen is not even /ourgal/
brexit referendum is a...?
What election is this?
I literally hear nothing about this all week then suddenly I get on Sup Forums today and there are 10 threads about either this election or communism on the front page
thats fucking sad. how is Sofia?
thanks for the info. didnt know france had it
What website are you on for election results.
Hofer has won
I-is there s-still a chance?
a referendum, not an election
who knows? the reporting site is shit
Hofer conceded.
Cheer up Sup Forums. More liberal politics means more happenings. Stay in your basements and enjoy the world burning on live stream
as always.
His campaign manager 'conceded' in a FaceBook post.
It's not official.
So? Hillary conceded and she will still probably be the president.
>After 333 years the Turks won the siege of Vienna
Women, negros and mudslimes.
487 years
but the number is nicer when you count from the second siege
Well, Vienna still has to be counted. But if he doesn't do much better than he did last time (and if the predictions are actually based on him doing as bad as back then) he will lose.
>tfw moloch Viyana fucks it up for the rest of the country
You really fucked up Austria..
Now my country will never get red pilled.
> (1. WG)
lying won't help
This shit should go very public. I mean it needs to get so much publicity every degenerate in austria sees that.. Here you can see how city leftists ruin the whole country. And that's going on all over europe for the last 2000 years.
where did you make this?
so, no chance at all?
lol, turns out Turks won the war afterall
Cities truly are the tumours of nations.
Paint probably
look at the vote count
hes not even far behind in Vienna though guys. i dont get how they've declared a winner already
Why are people's votes worth more just because they live more spread out?
>tfw we will never nuke cities
Austria looks like a chicken drumstick.
I'm not saying the votes count more, it's just that phenomenom where people living in urban areas tend to loose their connection with reality of life and turn left/commie while people working in unurban ares, like farmers tend to be more right wing because they have more christian values and are raised up in a logical approach to problems
because they're going on exit poll data not actual votes
kinda like hillary
>red pilled
>supports a politician from the anti-Slovene party
t. hlapec
Doesn't matter he conceded
because proximity equals socialism.
that antislovene party would fuck up our leftist BS "shadow" government
What makes the reality of life of people living in cities less real than the reality of life of people living in rural areas? I'm not sure I see your point.
>evening news here in Cuck Republic
>Hofer LOST
REEEE media
That happened in 2004
Huge fuck up on behalf of the media
Hopefully they recall it after they realize that bullshit
now i'm just a dumb burger, but didn't Austria have an election earlier this year, the right wing party had proof of the other parties rigging the ballot, so they do a second vote, ie this one, and in addition they let 16 year olds vote now as well?
if i'm right, why on earth are you not out burning shit Arnolds?
>What makes the reality of life of people living in cities less real than the reality of life of people living in rural areas?
For a start, they have to work for a living.
As do people living in cities. As far as I know the laws regarding social security aren't different for rural and urban areas.
can you link the site your on?
Hofer himself already conceded defeat. It's not totally media's fault after that
The results aren't even out yet, what the fuck Sup Forums why the fuck are you all giving up so quick?
Hofer was half a million votes ahead in the first round, the results of this round aren't even out yet.
We need to keep memeing him and get and lend him as much meme magic we can get.
Don't fall for the Lugenpresse Sup Forums, they made it seem as if Hillary's victory was confirmed on election night in the US, they made it seems as if Brexit would lose and even Farage conceded yet he ended up winning, we can't give up and fall for this defeatist tactics so quickly.
Old people can call you out if you wear a pink wig and go around with a purple dildo and a 40yo somali dressed like a schoolboy in the name of "progressivism".
But it won't matter anyway. Kids tend to get redpilled if exposed to memes mocking the taboo, and the taboo nowadays is not being allowed of saying shit about this grotesque shitfest that is going on in the West.
And guess who's the biggest producer of memes around the block?
I'm an Amerifat, please stop talking about chicken, kthnx
But he is basing it off of the exit polls and what the media says as well
Lmao, pen pushing isn't work, Starbucks isn't work, shitty Indie music bands aren't work
kek exists
>As do people living in cities.
I'm talking about real work.
The cities are flooded with immigrants and leftist babies who never faced real world.
Yeah, but dripping period blood on to a canvas in public is very hard. You're a bit bloody uncultured aren't you?
Wait they called it on exit polls?
more than 2mil people live in Vienna and they will not vote Hifer. It is over.
So, as always, you've got nothing.
I'm really trying not to let myself succumb to the filter bubble and reach out. But with this level of discourse, I wonder why I bother.
Pure democracy is cancer. God bless the electoral college.
Rural areas contains villages with smaller population where the people kept the traditions, and passing it's through for their children. They don't have this modernised livings where so much information (propaganda) comes into your mind every day. Also not many immigrants choose the rural areas to live there. That's why big cities keep attenuating.
>why the fuck are you all giving up so quick?
because Norbert Hofer conceded
yeah just have the votes of a third of your people be worthless.
At least I could do my part this way.
Well I do get a sense that I "triggered" you?
The "countryman" that has a contact with nature wether he is a farmer or just a guy living in a small village sees how life really work.
People in citys are specialized for just one type of work, they only interact with "like minded" people, never really see the inner working of the machine. The guy from the country not just has at least a friend that's a farmer, he probably knows how to fix a car, how to hook some wires up around his house, how to fix his plumbing etc.. And the guy in the city? he just calls someone to fix it, he will probably work as some "production worker or office worker" pressing two buttons on a machine or he'll be mengling with some bureocracy bs job and that's it.
My opinion about this is that the guy in the city lost his individualism and becomes the useful idiot for the left. He does his thing and doesn't care for the world and realyty around him. He is a slave of the elite and will never be a guy i'll support over a total degenerate from some redneck stupid shithole.
>it's the price we pay for Trump's non-majority victory
Of the declared regions in Vienna right now, Hofer is only 5% behind. That's very good considering it's the capital and full of scum. Don't clock out just yet boys, this might git gud.
You know not having to shovel aged manure makes me the winner, right?
So did Farage, yet he won with the Brexit vote in the end. All the votes haven't being counted and there is no official result yet, you can't concede once the counting has begun, you can only after the result is out.
>As far as I know the laws regarding social security aren't different for rural and urban areas.
Yes they are, because Vienna is a federal state.
Easy to explain in the city are all the non whites who vote and in the cities, unlike the rural areas where traditions and social bounds are intact, traditions and social bounds of whites are to weak to withstand the propaganda from media and schools.
>Well I do get a sense that I "triggered" you?
You are the one who just wrote a long, rambling post. Not me.
Well, VdB is leading in the counted parts of Vienna with about 60% and that is a lot of people.
Bless you user
You're saying remaining a redneck who knows nothing about the world is somehow preferable to being more informed.
I hope you live in Bumfuck, Békés if you say that.