Who the fuck voted for him?

Who the fuck voted for this yellow theet, wine drinking commie faggot?

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Why do you care? I don't fucking get this. You're not even an EU citizen. Why would you fucking care? It is like me caring about the local election of Yucatan.

The people obviously wanted him

This was our second chance and he still won

It's sad for the rural population and our history but it's probably for the best if the burgers just napalm this entire country, we don't deserve another chance

Upper class idiots from the big cities and old fags


your pathetic weakness towards the global cause shows, and comes from your modern swede culture

>"I voted for Alexander, and I got my two cousins to vote too! I'm so happy!"


Not the same fucking thing faggot
Believe it or not I don't want Europe to turn into a faggot Islamic Continent

>vandercuck is elected
>it aint me starts playing

the Spaniard gets it

> not embracing the upcoming civil war

cheer up

>Associated retards

underage retards and women

RIP Austria, I believed in you.

Explain to me how it is different then.

And I couldn't care less if Mexico is prosperous or become a cartel gang war wasteland. Cause I don't care about people far away.

>underage retards

Now i see how Austria could lose to us

Obviously you don't care even about your own people in Sweden if you let this marxist madness control your country.

I voted for him. While I hide my Austrian accent around here, the people who know me here would have called me a fucking Nazi for being Austrian. Also, I am very much pro-Europe and do not want to lose my European citizenship.

I couldn't give one fucking fuck about rapefugees raping Austrian and German girls - it is their fault for letting them in and not demanding their deportation.

What makes you think that?

we are all collectively side by side fighting the culturally marxist forces which have crippled our western nations and tried to distort what it means to be a european in our homelands. we care about you in sweden, as we do in austria, and every other white country


Lulz, what's wrong with drinking wine, I currently do that.

They could just napalm Vienna and Vorarlberg and our country would be great again.

Jut a simple look at swedish suicidal politics.

Any good Slovene did

I did.

Yes. But he isn't a Western White European but a spick.

>napalm xsiberg
wos hesch gsait?


Here's an idea: How about next time, they run a candidate that's anti-Islamisation and pro strict regulation of immigration, but doesn't represent party that's made up of authoritarian assholes that want to dictate every part of my life?

I'm a liberal, but one who's extremely unhappy with the way things are going lately, I would LOVE to give my vote to a truly anti-establishment candidate, but I don't want to waste in on retarded mega-authoritarian party

As of right now, there is not a single party, not a single politician who really represents my wishes, and that's a devastating feeling.

Commies, dead people and people too ill of dementia to understand what's going on around them


Austria doesn't need a racist, islampohobe, pro-Putin crook. People votes with their heads not their heart Only people who voted for him were country bumpkins.

>Also, I am very much pro-Europe and do not want to lose my European citizenship.
Fuck off you brainwashed asshole, EU is a pain in the ass, protect your sovereignty!

anything born from colonialism is white in my eyes

Why Belli and not Hofer?

I did. And I'm glad we won't have a Nazi as president for the next 6 years.

>It's sad for the rural population
Nigga, the rural population suffers least from "muh refugees" which was their main motivation to vote for him.

your fear of the far right due to nazism is what has ruined europe in the mean time, the fear of the right wing (regardless of whether their arguments make sense) is what has done this. man up germania

Even Jamaica?

Just because you pleb stay in Austria with the Austrian idiots doesn't mean that intelligent ex-pats like me should suffer from your stupid decisions.

I sent in a dozen VdB ballots and am glad I contributed to his victory. Hail Europe, hail freedom, hail reason!


Voting age was change to 16 is Austria a couple years ago.

Sweden, just shut the fuck up.

changed to 16 in Austria*
forgive my autism

It was me!

this explains alot

lel what?

No wonder why your continent is fucked

Bellen looks evil as fuck.

Do you think that if Hofer and the FPÖ would have been less anti-EU but still hold strong anti-immigration views they would have gained more votes? I assume that being part of the EU is very attractive to many normies who otherwise despise mass immigration.

oh shit is that a JoJo reference?

I'm sure those that voted for him will regret it when their small little shires get enriched with the ficki ficki.

Decades of experience in the political sphere (even led a party).
Competences needed for the position.

And personally, I just enjoyed his debate style he displayed in the Nationalrat before he retired.

well said son proud of ya

He has that typically disgusting old fart marxist look.


Women. youtube.com/watch?v=UxpVwBzFAkw

>Just like in pic related

Western civilization will fall, Europe conquered by Islam and the white European peoples will be replace by an Arab-African admixture. Thanks women! youtube.com/watch?v=UxpVwBzFAkw

lol you sure care about somalia hahaha

>Decades of experience in the political sphere (even led a party).
>Competences needed for the position.

hmm sounds like reasons people voted for hillary

This is Hillary-tier arguments

Hillary is a bitch though.
I don't oppose the Trump victory.

>Who the fuck voted for this yellow theet, wine drinking commie faggot?
Um...maybe normal people rather than neo-nazi LARPers?

See I wouldn't have voted for her.

holy fuck

>normal people

As a Texan pains me to say this but that Paco is right, and I'm getting sick of you short sighted Swedish cucks

May god pity us.

you guys don't have any better ways of carrying beer?

party time

Yeah, normal people, not memes.

>They could just napalm Vienna and Vorarlberg and our country would be great again.
What the fuck is it about urban populations that causes them to be so fucking awful? Literally every country is held back from nationalism by urbanites alone, even in Canada everyone who doesn't live in a city is right-wing, but the fact that Toronto and Vancouver are both shitlib strongholds means we need to do whatever they want.

Democracy is a fucking farce, it is pseudo-feudalism where the cities alone command and the rural serfs obey, the only exception being the USA where the rural population is only just large enough to beat the urban population in a vote, and that's only thanks to the electoral college.


yes sure, civil war

fucking nbecjberd faggot

Jesus Christ



>What happens in Europe affects Mexico
>What happens in Mexico doesn't affect Europe


thats the beauty of countries like the UK and USA
get your shit together canada, you have a heritage to come back to

He basically won in vienna and all the other cities, where all the shitskins and socialists voted for him.

>mfw we're finally being considered as white
>mfw we're the new Italians/Greeks
Thank you, britbong.

>Who the fuck voted for him?

((("""Wimminz"""))). like always.
actually, just fuck women's suffrage. I'm all for having everybody going to vote but this shit is getting out of hand because nobody talks about how much more social leverage women have in all of life's walks compared to men. that is why you have women plus cuckold nu-males rigging this piece of shit election like no tomorrow. especially since most young whores fuck around in Vienna being all brainwashed and making shitty decisions.

dont push it

That's seriously fucked up. Did anyone make a big deal of it?

>What the fuck is it about urban populations that causes them to be so fucking awful?

It definitely has to do with the fact, that more densely populated areas require a different type of social organisation.

Constant exposure to a lot of people whom you don't have personal contacts with require the development of a kind of trust I'd say.

>check flag

no wonder

W-O-M-E-N, as always!

Fucking Swedes

>mfw I'm actually white
>mfw in a couple of decades we'll integrate
>we'll be considered shit-tier whites like Irish/Greeks but white nonetheless
I love this feel.

Why do you care so much about Afghans, Somalis, and Pakis? You're not even a muslim.


>wine drinking
How is that in any way exceptional?
We all drink wine here.

Is that Al Eppo?

Pretty much no one voted for him

It's rigged

I don't believe this.

good kafir

Do you understand the concept of "population density"?

That's the first election. Post one for the second.

Disappointing, sounds mean to say, but Austria needs some terrorist attacks to wake stupid people up

Hofer got close last time, better luck next election

butthurt much? wanna recount till your guy wins?