How did Trump win in a nation that is 60% white nation but, Hofer can not even win in a 95% white nation?
Austria Cucked
Stop talking about it.
You clearly do not understand the purpose of the president in Austria.
If you understand the purpose it becomes obvious why he lost.
70 years of jewish "muh nazies" guilt indoctrination.
>How did Trump win in a nation that is 60% retarded but, Hofer can not even win in a 95% educated nation?
European women love getting raped
German cuck
Because you can't hate niggers until you've been exposed to them. I was the same way, I went to a private school all the way to 8th grade with just white people, and I was filthy liberal scum until I reached high school and started being exposed to niggers and spics.
Trump won because droves of Latinos voted for him. Black voted for him in larger numbers than they did for Romney. Whites are the biggest cucks.
In the US we have learned to dislike brown people. Europeans don't have such an experience. I thought Austria might though, seeing as they are the gateway for brownies to yurop.
I don't get why people are making such a big deal about this. Isn't the Austrian president like our Bundespräsident?
He's just a ceremonial figurehead that christens ships and holds babies.
Stop comparing Trump to the European nationalist parties. They are too different. It is like that latest Ben Garrison cartoon that bashes the queen. She was for Brexit and British nationalists love her. The cartoon is a perfect illustration of ignorance between the continents, even in the "Alt-Right."
That's exactly what it is.
He also gives a speech on the 26th of October and the 1st of January.
But the people with the lowest intelligence overwhelmingly voted for Hillary.
On the off chance this is a serious question:
>a billionaire mogul who made shekel alliances
>a literal austrian nobody
>Goldman Sachs
GS sure has been reaaaally brutalised by Trump recently. Yep. Definitely drained the swamp.
Then who holds the real power, Austriabro?
Why doesn't your country just bring back the monarchy to do this.
Tolerance for diversity increases with ones distance from it
>VdB scores higher % than last time even though Trump and Brexit happened since then
explain this Auscucks.
>Queen Elizabeth
I'm not sure she really belongs in the same league. She was a supporter of Brexit apparently. Only thing I can think of is some bantz on Trump - completely natural shitposting between anglos.
Low-energy KEK betas need to go back to plebbit!
he has some extra rights, but generally yes hes just a figure head.
The chancellor and the parliament.
The president also signs stuff, but he can't actually refuse to sign things without being tried.
Basically it was because Brexit and Trump happened.
"momentum" is not a thing in politics.
My point remains. We think we understand each other, but we clearly do not. You cannot compare European nationalism to American.
because a monarch has a vested interested in preserving their country
>60% white
not anymore
You can take Queen Elizabeth out of there right now, she supported Brexit but has to keep politically neutral/quiet due to laws from Oliver Cromwell and William III.
Silly smelly Swede stinky stink.
>defending a chief Goldman-Sachs Kike and crony of Soros
You're either JIDF or Sup Forums has fallen really, really low
the momentum is a thing.
VdB voters saw that in close races their turnout is more important than they previously thought
Because there isn't enough tension there for people to see the downsides of diversity 1st hand, would be my guess. Nationalism and such is more often a result of adversity
Hitler's ghost
>"momentum" is not a thing in politics.
Yes it is lol. Popular opinion is necessarily at least a second order system which implies that momentum does exist.
If it didn't exist you could predict what popular opinion would be in a years time given one data point.
>mfw austrian education is worse than British education
europeans are super cucks
Doesn't make much sense for Soros to be funding protests and constantly denouncing someone who is apparently one of his assets, I would think. He isn't some mastermind, he's just some senile old man with an agenda and lots of money.
The queen is in garrisons cartoon because he a nutjob NWO conspiracy theorist, and the queen along with the vatican are often linked into that. He in now represents normal american political views.
*no way
1. Germany
2. Austria
3. Sweden
4. France
5. Belgium
6. Italy
Goldman Sachs openly forbade its executive to support Trump. They gave millions to Hillary. They are merchants in the end, they will play game with whoever is in charge.
Between the original and the re-run, the legislature reduced the voting age the 16, and tossed aside the idea that this would unfairly influence the election.
No, the voting age was 16 before too.
Where do you people get your information from?
There were slightly more people allowed to vote, because some kids turned 16 between May and December.
However this in no way accounts for the difference in votes.
THIS is the real thing.
Why the fuck would you let 16 year olds vote?
I dunno, it's fucking retarded, don't ask me.
They predominantly voted Hofer.
They had no reason to give to him, his policy platform was already giving him everything they wanted.
Because white people don't vote for white people just because they're white.
Any other country can say that, not you America. America you have no rights at all, you are the Cuckiest Cucks that ever got cucked in Cucktacular Cuckophony.
Now go cuck off.
Can't he block a FPÖ government?
Fuck Austria, I pity you guys.
He formally can, he practically can't.
>Hofer can not even win in a 95% white nation
>what is being a cuck
>He isn't some mastermind
Wrong. He plays both sides you fucking idiot. You clearly know nothing about Soros
hes right u no
Cuck KEK cuck
Just testing the word filter.