>be basic-bitch Classical Liberal
>believe in national sovereignty
>believe in a bit of ethnic cohesion
>be against giving country to Muslim rent-seekers
>this makes you "FAR-RAIGHT NAZI"
Why do Yuropoors hate themselves so much that they literally shit themselves into non-existence?
Let me get this straight
>he thinks europeans are educated
The first thing 5 year old kidz are taught when they start History class in school is "Hitler killed 6000 thousand innocent jews. Also he was right-wing, always remember that"
If Babby's first history class was about the Khmer Rouge, Cultural Revolution or Stalinism things would be very different
if you aren't left you are automatically a nazi in europe, didn't you know?
I'm sorry we failed you senpai
It's ok, KEK closes a door, but breaks a window somewhere else.
sadly these
>mfw by shutting down any right wing ideas as NAZI they are pushing for a stronger and stronger response when the government truly acts against the people's interests (in way that is clear even to normies
>mfw shouting everyone down as nazis will lead to nazi-esque insurrection and subsequent purging
MAKE IT HAPPEN. Can Americans come and help?
> Why do Yuropoors hate themselves so much that they literally shit themselves into non-existence?
Because these people are now "Austrians." And the leftists let even 16 year olds vote.
m8 it's literally that the right wing surge on the internet was blocked by a language barrier
you'll get em next time there sport. you've done it before.
Time to redefine what it means to be Deutsch
>unifags, mudskins and the metally ill
color me surprised
Ya, their "right" its pretty much our left. Now you can just imagine how left their left is.
>60% mutt wage slaves
The problem is a lot of European politics are so left that even being slightly against marxism makes you far right.
i know. my people are fucking retards.
they rather voted for...
-guy that constantly changes his mind to what is popular among the voters (ttip/ border control etc.)
-never had a real job in his entire life
-acted like some patriot before the elections to gain votes, even if he said that being a patriot somehow makes you a nazi before
-said that lying and covering stuff up is okay
-wriggeld his way out of military draft
-said that he is the leader for foreigners and migrants
>Let me get this straight
>gets everything wrong
Maybe he should have had a proper election program, making good points and arguments, instead of the reallife equivalent of shitposting.
Holy fucking shit, where do you even find these special snowflakes?! Don't tell me they're actually becoming an accepted norm of what a person is...
But user, the uneducated voted mostly for Hofer.
National sovereignty is fine, but ethnic cohesion is actually pretty bigoted though.
germroach detected
There's no non liberal media in Europe
Fox news would be far right here and would be banned.
It's simple really. Take another good look and tell me if one of them ever had to work in their lives.
>cherrypicked examples of a demo yesterday where less than 100 of the worst libtards showed up
They probably work in some vegan or coffee shops. The "new-austrians" could probably work in a kebab stand. If they're actually leeching on welfare that's pretty bad. At least we're too poor to give welfare and even snowflakes have to work something.
So true, if someone with identical politics to Hillary Clinton ran here in Ireland they'd be called far right.
>that guy with the neckbeard 2nd image from right looks like the nu-male cuck meme man with the pube meme beard
this is why I shave every other day.
It's pretty bad honestly. The weedheads and lazy shits can easily live off the gibsmedat, studying is practically free over here.
I donĀ“t get it anymore, why live
Uni scholarships here make it so that you're basically being paid to study. If you can get it. But even with that money you can only pay your dormitory rent (and it's extremely shitty and roach-infested). To actually live a normal life you either have to have your folks send you money or you have to work. Seeing as how Germanic cultures have a taboo on living with your parents after you mature, how do these people live?
>bunch off lies/heavily twisted truths and things that Hofer did a thousandfold worse
wew lad
>>this makes you "FAR-RAIGHT NAZI"
Maybe you should learn more about him first. He has documented association with nazi-leaning groups.
>how do these people live?
They find cheap apartments in the roach districts that look like shit or band together and pay for one. They get money for being unemployed as long as they study and get some results, so they pick some shit like philosophy and 4 years on welfare here I come.
that is the simplest answer. leftism has control over the media, education, and culture.