Simulation theory is real

Simulation theory is real

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Show your Nobel prize for proving it.

I don't think you'd get a Nobel prize for that

Yea who cares about solving humanities existential crisis

>implying the people running the simulation will let us discover it's a simulation

Also, the people running the simulation are also in a simulation, and so are the people running their simulation. It's a never-ending chain of simulations

My dick is real and not a simulation
Fuck off

prove it.

But computation is finite and limited, after all.

Trump timeline is a tweek in the historical simulation to see if he would indeed MAGA.

sam fuck off

It doesn't matter if we're made out of binary code or atoms. Reality exists in the same way it always has.

Didn't expect the Illuminatus reference really, that's nice

oh yeah? prove it with a simplest way possible
full pi number

why do people that say this simulation crap or that there are extraterrestial beings without even seeing one at the same time deny the existence of god?
>muh science can prove it!!
fucking retards

Meme magic is real

The elites know this and that's why they spend so much money on propaganda.

That video is bullshit though. The observer doesn't need to be a sentient being for the electron to act that way.


It's not, because it's just rebranded narcissistic Solipsism, i.e. a metaphysical psyop against the goiym.

Singularity and uploading are literal fucking memes. You can't even call these concepts "theories", they have zero fucking hard science behind them. It's all a huge distraction for the atheist goyim to give them their own metaphysics, another carrot on a stick and moraly relativistic and defeatist views.

It's so fucking obvious you have to be retarded to not notice that.

Models always leave a part of reality aside.

>posts stream of large buzz words without even understanding what he is saying

Good stuff

"The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you"
-- Werner Heisenberg

Now I feel bad for all those in the Madam President timeline.

i just realized her nipple is showing in that pic

Go listen to some more Elon Musk videos, cuck

Elon Musk is ok guy, he blew up Zuckerjew mind control sattelite some time ago

the power of repeating diglets / meme magic suggests a few possibilities:
1. intention + repeating diggers changes timelines
2. we're living in a nightmare universe where a Chaos god and a Baby-eating god fight for souls
3. many of us have schizophrenia

>Elon Musk is ok guy
>shill for "muh simulation"

He's a government funded shill pretending to be an "innovator", he was fully on board with launching that sattelite

>3. many of us have schizophrenia

Infinite limbo, nice.

yup, some of his Jew employees are double-agents who provide information the secret Navy space program wants to put into use.
Note: the author is a Jew, but it's good reading. Just don't fall for his lies.

Even if its true it doesn't change our reality. What might be a simulation for "the gods" are still reality to us.

Save the White race, contribute what you can, even though if its just economically to your local nationalist groups!

Heil Europe!

This dude

Don't mistake the simulation of thoughts in your mind for reality itself

t. Buddha

Wouldn't there be some reality bugs if it was true?

You can't have both.

I know Sup Forums thinks it's a reddit show (and it is a little bit - it's going to get worse now too), but there's an episode on precisely this. Kind of a car battery, but I can't say too much about that.

retarded backwater slav still doesn't believe in technology

>real life is obviously real
>no proof it's a simulation at all

>anons still don't realize that we are one of countless simulations that are being run by the gods in order to find the perfect, fulfilling reality

>tfw harvesting our universe for the best memories/experiences for other people to veg out to


Yup, it's definitely a real theory

Chitpotle. Shit potle. Memed widespread ecoli throughout all chipotles, everyone shitting themselves

Okay lol

Its based on logic and probabilities.

About aliens:
>The universe is near infinite
>The probabilitiy of aliens existing is 0Therefore, the existence of aliens is pratically certain

And about simulations is pretty much the same, if there are superior aliens that existed before us, they probably created virtual simulation, considering that the capability of creating virtual worlds is almost infinite, the probabilities of we being in one of those is high

Another triggered Musk-cuck. Musk is IRL Chris Roberts scamming retard investors while staying barely above on governent grants.

None of his actual BUSINESSES make MONEY.

But hey, fuck actually researching right, better get triggered at someone who doesn't like my autistic messianic figure who's peddling obvious pipe dream disinfo like "Simulations" and "Mars colonies".

get your fucking act together and try to think straight, and you'll see what's actually a simulation.

This, Musk is a master salesman that made his way shilling investors that are desesperate for the next big hit.

But that doesn't mean the simulation thing is not true, its very possible actually

How do we know it's near infinite?

I heard they can't make his electric cars fast enough.

Not if the Universe is infinite.

>yfw realize we are going backwards and our brain just doesn't understand it

Because we still don't find a limit, the more we expand our vision the more we keep seeing, its harder to believe the universe haves some sort of restriction in its size, near infinite just means "immensely huge"

Tell that to the goldtards.

We do not know for sure. Howver it appears that it is infinite from our perspective. The Dark Attractor pulls Galaxies into a certain direction its possible that beyond what we could possibly see is even more galaxies. Also the Universe appears to be 100% flat. So its either unfathomable huge or infinite.

What is god?


>But that doesn't mean the simulation thing is not true, its very possible actually

It's not, there is zero credible science pointing towards that and it relies in HUGE leaps of logic and assumptions.

Our reality has an energetic, vibrational basis, but's not a "simulation".

Google "AstroGnostic: You'll Be Godlike. Or Not"

You want a God Athiest motherfuckers?

Type Rokos Basilisk in Google. Have fun ;)


It's sin and th fact that they are destined to account for every action and thought once they die (also their 'wisdom' makes it so they can't handlke the fact that THEY'RE not gods being all knowing).

Man will do anything to escape the reality of God, but what they don't understand is that no matter how much you deny something existing, doesn't make it stop existing.

So we have no idea

The risks of AI are well known and there is nothing we can do about it as long as our society and progress goes on, sooner or later someone will figure out the basics of AI and the AI will improve itself.

I would bet Google is going to be the one. Most likely they already have advanced systems we did not hear anything about yet. Musk hinted that he was scared due to one companies success in that field.

Correct we dont know for sure as we can only see as far as the light travelled since the big bang which is 14 billion years.

Basically whats in our light cone. However the fact that the universe is 100% flat and that galaxies are being attracted into invisible space pretty much confirms the universe is bigger than we can see. How much bigger is impossible to tell.

>he's never experienced deja vu

Does anybody get the reference of OPs pic? Its both funny and infuriating.

Schizophrenia Roleplay
No it isn't.
Hey look its an argument

just because you post with a sam hyde pic doesn't mean you know what you're talking about

There is only one timeline

Her fat arms are real. She needs to be on a real low calorie diet.

>God isn't real
>intelligent design is stupid
>hey oh wait looks like we were intelligently designed by a "god"

Athiests BTFO. How will they ever recover from stumping themselves?

Either infinite or not infinite, there is no 'near' ;DDDD

I agree with this guy, even though he's russian.

oh boy another triggered cuck, eager to be releived of consequences from his actions because it's all just a "le simulation"

You have no dick


fuck off jew

Pretty dumb argument

he's right tho, real scientists don't give transhumanism more credence than stuff like intelligent design

So what? Nobody knows any other reality so it literally doesn't matter.

And what has this got to do with politics?

Saged and reported.

First time i saw it a friend, also Sup Forumsack asked me what was hidden, first clue was machine name, then the button she's pressing. Simply genius.

Sup Forums doesnt care about what connections it might have to reddit, we dont like it because its yet another painful reminder that jews run the show, however well written it is.

It would not matter as its the only reality that we know and might not even be able to exists outside of it. However if we would know that its a simulation we could go actively looking for mistakes and bugs and maybe exploit them.

powerful numbers friend
