Second language spoken in European countries
Makes you think
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>germany,austia and bulgaria
i mean,i did expect it from germany,even bulgaria,but austria too?
>Its own language
belerussian second in belarus
totaly a real country
>And they still vote the communists
wtf is Hungary really so shit their people migrate to fucking Romania?
Bulgaria actually has a phyical border with Turkey and was under direct Ottoman rule for centuries.
Nothing odd about having a turkish speaking minority.
>European countries
Why does it mention Turkey then?
thank fuck
>tfw can't even speak my own language
It's honestly not a nice feeling, lads.
What the hell does Irish (I'm assuming the language) sound like?
Irish/gaelic languages sound complicated af mate
it'll be arabic eventually, or romanian
for now ...
oh shit, you guys too
This is the most retarded image i've seen this week
Druidic incantations
If anybody thinks we speak better Swedish here than English you are out of your mind.
This day has been terrible. How do we uncuck the West if people vote for their own demise?
Why do Turkish scrubs think they are Europeans exactly ? what's their endgame
Source? Shitposting is blissful
Any country not having a european language (NOT indo-european, but ACTUALLY european) as a second language is a literal third world shithole and should do us all a favor and just wipe itself from the map.
by the way it's going to be Polish pretty soon
>Muh saviour of the white race
I know that feel, i plan on trying to learn it someday but i think i'm dyslexic when it comes to how a sentence should be put together .
>He doesn't watch TG4
hungarian conquest of europe for 1000 glorious years when
this guy loooks like a clown
>what's their endgame
making kababs and surviving with shitty jobs
Well it's the ethnic Tatar population. I see no issue with this
What the fuck is this. This sounds more retarded than arabic
Yeah, the USA is a very relevant country nowadays.
o fug its the london dishwasher romanian diaspora :DDDDDD
Ireland is inaccurate, ours is Polish.
This is utter bullshit
While it is true that turkish is the most spoken second language, the image leads to false conclusions.
The biggest minority group in austria by far are germans and since they speak the same language they dont appear on these kind of maps.
And if one combines croatian, serbian and bosnian into one language like its done most of the time (serbo-croatian) the serbo-croats (343.484) outnumber the turks (183.445).
How the fuck is Irish the second most spoken language? There's so many niggers over here
btw tatars are more white than average western eurofag
They'll be going back
>not german
So wrong.
>not swedish
even worse
Our legacy lives on, unlike yours frog
Irish is third by popularity in Ireland.
Lmao doing higher level Irish for the leaving cert this year and I have no clue what's the teacher is even going on about anymore, wish me luck boys
Aren't a lot of them simply local converts?
>ireland, belarus, croatia, bosnia
I condemn this pseudo-nations to damnation.
looks hungarian
lmao yeah, because Renua worked so well in the last general election
get real lad
British dentistry is sure to be known for the centuries to come since it's very easy to pass on.
Tatar? I live in fucking Kazan, and I didn't remember then anyone use tatar as first language.
Stations announcements in metro is on tatar and that's it.
What was that, Groid?
It's a bit choppy alright but i'm happy it still exists
Yea it's a shit feeling. I want to learn it but at the same not arsed
>serbian in croatia
>croatian in bosnia
they're the same fucking language
Expected Ukrainian desu
Germanys second language is Turkish over English ? I doubt that. Everyone knows basic english. Only Turks know turkish. Maybe 5-10 Million speak turkish at best. English maybe 50% including many turks.
they used to rule romanja
You've been cucked by the Anglo though lmao
Perhaps one day it'll become the 1st language. Making English a rejected 2nd language.
kill yourself
Fuck off cur you're the definition of a non-country
croatias second language is serbian
croatia is above the country where "croatian" is written
No. They are a borderline population - mix of equal proportions of nomads, fingols and squat-slav.
Half of Romania is land that used to be owned by Hungary
fcuk you
>even the Queen's teeth are fucked up
Nice """""country""""" you have there, lad. How's it feel to go from largest empire in history to the biggest laughing stock since Brexit?
It's second in Ukraine too, but they tamper with statistics.
Even the Irish don't speak Irish
genetic studies give no fuck
>in France
reeeee fucking roastbeefs
nice meymey
Jag heter homo peter och jag imppa erikeepper
why do german-speakers love turkish cock so much?
finns are not mongolians and neither are karelians
Implying there are any differences.
MÃcheart mo chara
Because of you faggots neck yourself Anglo
It would be Uzbek or Tajik, most likely.
A lot of Ukrainians who live in Russia don't speak Ukrainian at all.
This map feelsgoodman.png
>Imperialist oppressors
How do we stop the Hungarian menace?
now or never
Germany yes
Austria yes
Russia yes
Whatever that country below romania is - yes.
Pay tribute to the Horde so we will pillage other countries. It worked for your ancestors.
BS. Austria has way more Serbs than Turds. Second language should therefore be Serbian.
You don't have Finns that far in the east or south. Modern genetics (Globetrotter) shows that their East Asian comes from Turkics unlike ours.
We are the portuguese speakers of the new world, motherfucker. Just accept that you will be england's bitch for all eternity.
Is Denmark the only based with no other language, or are we just once again forgotten?
And how on earth is French a second language in Switzerland? It's a freaking official language. More like Albanian.
There is no stopping.
Nah austria has 177.320 serbs and 183.445 turks.
Only If you reconquer Jerusalem.