I don't get it either?
Other urls found in this thread:
Half of the population lives in Vienna and libs win massively in Vienna
we are all in a global quantum superposition until this election is over. you'll collapse into the good timeline if you trust the right thing will happen. don't believe the fake news or you'll wind up in the bad timeline. you might even fall further and wind up somewhere that Hillary wins with the rigged recounts. Be careful!
But there isn't such a large difference between VDB and Höfer, even in Vienna.
I'm looking at the official map and doing some calculations because autism. He's basically fucked, has to run it up in that northeastern province and do very well in Vienna to win at this point.
That's the first ballot, it's why its 32-27 because there were other candidates.
>15000 additional eligible voters
Really makes you think
No, I checked, it says "2nd Wahlgang".
No, it's under the 1st Ballot column.
Ah seems you're right after all.
Is there a place where we can follow up the current results?
Some links for those who still don't get it:
it's a design flaw of the site
if there is just one district not reported, 1st round results are displayed instead
And that is why we have an electoral collage
Election ain't over til we meme in Hofer.
All federal republics should.
Ah, that explains a lot. Weird system though.
added manually
with wien and niederösterreich still counting
hofer and vdb are tied
so, yeah... btfo
he lost Floridsdorf without the Absentee Vote, he lost the Vote.
Ah damn, that sucks.
Fuck you
>people get older and reach voting age
What a shocker.
He hasn't lost yet, the results aren't in. He did concede, but that doesn't disqualify or anything. Even Farage conceded on the Brexit night yet he ended up winning, there is still hope and
Norbert Hofer 1.499.971 35.1%
Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen 913,218 21.3%
Hofer was in the lead during the first round when there were other candidates.
he hasn't lost, this is just the Lugenpresse shilling and spreading disinformation. Considering how early they're doing it, it seems they're very desperate.
We got to meme him Sup Forums, Praise Kek, let his might and meme magic be present with us.
still seems a lot for seven months
God bless you, user
Doing some calculations, he needs like 57% in Niederosterreich to have any chance.
Farage DID NOT concede. We really need to stop this meme.
>>people get older and reach voting age
>implying people don't die
What's the best site to see the results coming in live?
Not being voting age is 0-15, voting age until dying is 16-inf. The second bracket is wastly larger even with dying people.
Lets do the math:
Austria has a population of around 8mil.
Vienna on its own a bit over 1mil.
If you seriously think that that is half the population, you probably should go back to primary school.
Also, electoral college is an utter meme, why shouldn't every citizen have an equal vote? If the majority of the people vote for a particular thing, they should have their way, not the one of the minority.
It's cucks disinforming you anons cus you don't know which is which.
atm the guy in the picture is winning
Well that's actually good, more rapefugees for them and less for us.
It does make sense that votes come from area instead of people. All the people in cities rely on countryside to produce all their food and raw resources. Cities literally need countrysides to survive. Rural areas do not need cities to survive though. It's just a nice central place to sell wares.
>why shouldn't every citizen have an equal vote?
Because pure democracy undermines the individual rights of the minority. If, in a pure democracy, the majority votes to take the wealth of the richest and distribute it equally, is this completely okay?
If no, then pure democracy is flawed and needs to be curtailed to a certain extent, and an electoral college is one way to do so, though it may not be perfect.
If yes, then there's no limit to what the majority can do, and as generations grow up with ravenous entitlement, they will vote themselves everything and not do anything, and the country will collapse.
Citizens should have equal votes, and in the US they do. However, the system is set up to ideally equal out the power between large states like California, with smaller states like Montana and Idaho, to ensure that areas with low populations are also taken into fair account.
Why are my people doing this to me?
Sup Forums here
I scraped wahl16.bmi.gv.at
Looks like Hofer will lose, pic related.
Fucking Vienna always screws us over. Too many SJWs, feminists and libtards voted against Hofer here.
I wonder if Austria will ever be uncucked, but I'm afraid we're culturally enriched forever, like Sweden and Germany.
Hitler didn't win his elections either. There's still hope.
according to this and US elections, liberalism is a cabin fever associated disease caused by too high population densities.
thank Kek I live in the suburbs
stop being salty and just accept it. jesus christ you are pathetic
the majority of the people don't agree what this fucking hellhole of an information bias cycle jerk thinks. get over it. the bp isn't that important after all
But yes, sadly we will have a communist president soon.
> a bit over 1 mil
it's almost 1,9 mil (1 840 000; january 2016)
that makes around 20-25% of the austrians
These numbers were just published on the government website. RIP.
Remember that the Nationalrat election in 2 years will give FPÖ a plurality, forcing either SPÖ or ÖVP into a coalition. We lost this battle but we'll win the war.
Lol, my numbers just became official. R.I.P. Austria.
austrians are retarded. germans are less cucked then these retards
>Also, electoral college is an utter meme, why shouldn't every citizen have an equal vote? If the majority of the people vote for a particular thing, they should have their way, not the one of the minority.
Are youy stupid enough to give "equal vote" to motherfucking Commiefornia? That is why you get a faglord like VdB.
>Also, electoral college is an utter meme, why shouldn't every citizen have an equal vote? If the majority of the people vote for a particular thing, they should have their way, not the one of the minority.
Sog amoi wos laberst du eiegentlich?
If we had something like an electoral college, Hofer would have probably won. VdB won because vienna is full of commies and libtards but makes up a very large part of the total population.
guys this is our fault because we werent memeing enough, Kek was not pleased with how little effort we put into winning this.
we must learn from our mistakes.
>Hofer won Kärnten, Steiermark, Burgenland
>VdB won everything else
>>If we had something like an electoral college, Hofer would have probably won. VdB won because vienna is full of commies and libtards but makes up a very large part of the total population.
Math is not your strong suit, is it?
hofer was NOT /ourguy/
my digits confirm this
Congrats Austria for sane choice. Next loser: Le Pen
Counting or geography are not your strong suits, are they?
Kek blesses the concept of Nation-States!
Shadilay & death to Globalists and commie-scum!
Sorry, I recently looked at the eligible voter numbers here ( wahl16.bmi.gv.at
judging by the raw numbers, less people went to the voting booths, less people cared.
>VdB won everything else
what is Salzburg?
what is Lower Austria?
So is it over?
fuck off finland, now isnt the time to act like a little bitch, Kek is angry with us because we didnt put enough memes into this
An electoral college makes sense for a very large country subdivided into states like the US because you have some states with gigantic populations who consistently vote one way offsetting the popular vote in an otherwise close race. In small countries a popular vote makes more sense because you don't have an artificial "majority" like that.
Its fully counted now and truly over, forget about it.
What exactly should make your vote count more than that of an Californian? Because he has a different ideology than you? Thats basically fascism 1x1, good job
How does that happen when the margin the first time was less than one percent?
If it was me, that fact would just motivate me even more to vote.
No, pure democracy is not perfect
But electoral college is even worse
>Democracy: Every vote is worth equally much
>Electoral college: If you live in the right place, your vote is worth a lot, otherwise it's worth NOTHING
>"artificial" majority
Let's just say you deserve your system, and that's not a compliment
>provinces bordering Germany are cucked
If the majority of the people follow a different ideology than you, why not try to show them the advantages of your stance instead of just calling them names?
>a single person should decide for 49 other persons
>Thats basically fascism 1x1, good job
but fascism it's what we fucking want for our countries
Checked and witnessed. No lugenpresse can stop us. All power to KEK. Hofer will win
Those will still swing because of the voting cards, which are not included yet and can not be counted yet legally
Hofer is ahead by 0.8% in Lower Austria and 0.2% in Salzburg without them, with them he will be behind
Austria is a federal republic, like the US, the states should ideally have a certain degree of autonomy, and authority is subdivided into these.
Here's a map of population density. Wien has a population of 1.8 million, Burgenland has a population of 284.000. There is a difference in the way that populations vote in Austria, and a precedent for state representation in the Federal Council (Bundesrat). An Austrian electoral college is a great idea.
>Electoral college: If you live in the right place, your vote is worth a lot, otherwise it's worth NOTHING
No. If you happen to live in a state that is underpopulated and would otherwise be ignored, you get a larger say in national politics to offset the natural preference towards bigger cities.
Large cities are already massively represented by the very fact that they are large cities. Smaller states, like Wyoming in the US, would be ignored entirely if it wasn't for the fact that they have a more equal say.
>In small countries a popular vote makes more sense because you don't have an artificial "majority" like that.
Do you actually understand what popular vote is about? You need to get over 50% of the population to vote for you, so literally the majority.
Lets say you and two of your friends decide where you guys want to go to eat. You want to go to place A, while they want to go to place B. Now tell me, by which logic should you guys go to place A?
If you want to go to place A that badly, you could try to discuss with them why it is better instead of just calling them names.
Its basically the same in politics.
Fuck California, those retards would run the country to the ground because muh almonds.
>le fayciiiiis maymay.
Get fucked.
so rocks and trees should vote? Why should a iowan vote worth more then a Californian vote for presidential elections?
Perhaps there is still hope
Ah, I think I finally understand the point you are trying to make.
Thank you for your civil discussion :^)
Don't lose hope, my friend, because KEK is the bringer of light and it's allways darkest before the Don. Praise HIM. Shadilay.
because iowans arent cucks you faggot
Not really
Popular vote doesn't take into account the local situation.
Let's say you have 4 friends and you want to decide where to eat by popular vote. Your 3 chinese friends live in Bejing and want to eat in Beijing. You live in Graz with your last friend and want to eat in Graz. Do you now have to fly to Beijing just for dinner?
The situation is different for people in different areas. Electoral vote takes this into account. See this post again .
The electoral college is a retarded as fuck idea.
The Bundesrat is a far better way incorporate state-rights
So the bigger the disparity between the number of people living in a state and the size of the state, the more power a single person living there should have?
Sorry, that's not making any sense to me
>Let's say you have 4 friends and you want to decide where to eat by popular vote. Your 3 chinese friends live in Bejing and want to eat in Beijing. You live in Graz with your last friend and want to eat in Graz. Do you now have to fly to Beijing just for dinner?
I actually hope you realize how retarded that example is when talking about electing a government.
You specifically chose an example that has no democratic solution
Democracy is not about majorities deciding over minorities, yet making minorities more powerful and giving them the right to decide over majorities does NOTHING to alleviate this problem, it only makes it worse
And even in this example you chose, you failed to present a solution
Are your two votes worth more than the three votes of your chinese friends? Do they have to come to Graz now?
Let's say that instead of it being 3 guys, it was 300 million, and they all lived in vastly different areas, and they were deciding which restaurant they all go to for the next 4 years.
Let's also say that the majority live very close together, but around 40% live in very outlying areas nowhere near such a restaurant.
The people who live close to this restaurant sees it as the obvious choice for everyone, and may not understand that forcing everyone to use this restaurant is a burden on certain people who have to drive very far to get to it.
In this scenario, one might want to give a little more decision power to the people who live far away from everyone else, so that a compromise can be achieved.
Because Iowa has a much lower population, and California has such a high population, Iowa can more easily be ignored by politicians who want to improve the country.
California gets more attention due to it's high population and economic importance, but the electoral college provides an opportunity for Iowans to be heard more loudly than they otherwise would in a pure popular vote.
If California wanted to vote itself all of Iowa's natural resources, would it not be fair to equal out the value of both states' votes? In this way, Iowa is not underrepresented just because it has a lower population, but given a more fair chance.
The Bundesrat is excellent, and so was the US Senate, before it was butchered and made elected by popular vote.
However, in a federal republic, it is important that states' rights are represented in more than one way. The federal republic is made up of states, not of people, like a democracy, and as long as it is such, the state needs to be in the center.
Yes, absolutely, to offset the preference given to big cities and population centers.
It's fine to disagree with that, but I believe that people in low-population areas are often shunted by large population centers.
Start praising