>tfw german immigrant father, american mom
>tfw will never be accepted in germany due to being american.
>tfw learning a dying language (german)
Sup Forums feels thread
can i still be german?
same boat as you man
>american father
>german mother
>can i still be german?
not to shit on our people, but at this point it is probably better to be american than a german
>tfw already felt all the feels and now Im out
I don't get why people of two different nationalities are always bitching about how hard that is.
>tfw american dad
>tfw croatian mom
>tfw dual citizenship and can enjoy and live in both countries whenever i want
my pain knows no bounds
Amerikaner is better.
what is it with you americans and your obsession with your european heritage, is being american not enough?
irish and italian-americans are the worst when it comes to this.
OP, how well do you speak kraut? because as long as you speak the language, you will be accepted.
if they "accept" every achmed and mehmet, you can bet they will accept a german-american
this desu
my friend has american, british and norwegian passports.
I have German heritage and I have no desire to visit a caliphate or learn to.speak it's mudslime language
this is how i like my americans, proud loudmouthed, arrogant patriots. not whiny little bitches.
Racist! Nazi! Anti Semite ! OY VEY
>visit a caliphate or learn to.speak it's mudslime language
>he believes this is reality
Ah, you cute little moron you.
>Who is Maria Ladenburger
Enjoy your hellhole, Mohammed
Krauts hate it that there are more proud Germans in the US than in Germany and Austrian Caliphate combined. Go get raped and murdered you beta faggots
No idea, nor do I care much. Who is she? Some Aussiedler child who wants to suck Putins cock?
>tfw learning a dying language
Well technically almost all languages are. With German at least you get access to a whole lot of great works in their original language.
>tfw american immigrant father
>literally albertina barbosa the moorish lass is my mother
>tall, anglo-germanic physique
>poo in hair and eyes
I honestly you hope the same happens to your daughter you unbearable fucking faggot. i wish i could forget the German language because it's the language of faggots and traitors but unfortunately it's part of me and my GERMAN American upbringing. I'm glad it's dying out and i'm glad your cuckolded people are too.
Well thanks for being good for nothing, like your president-elect.
Good question. Theres a lot of pushback from all fronts about actually being a melting pot, and so people grasp at whatever they have. American identity is being eroded; patriotism is mocked and seen as cheap degeneracy by the millennial generation et al, my jerry friend.
It aint doing us no damn good acting Canadian, no sir!!
You should probably better start learning Spanish. Just sayin'