>Pence Rally in New Orleans LA 12/3/16
>Trump on F&F 12/2/16
>Trump/Pence on Hannity 12/1/16
>Trump Rally in Cincinnati OH 12/1/16
>Trump Speaks at Carrier in Indiana 12/1/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>A Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump 11/21/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Trump ditches press pool to get steak dinner
>Trump Meets with Obama 11/10/16

>Martha Raddatz Starts To Cry Over Trump Victory
>Best Of The Young Turks Election Day Meltdown 2016
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>SJW Meltdowns
>Trump Saltmining
>Clinton landslide

>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16
>Donald Trump projected president on CNN
>Donald Trump projected president on Fox News
>Putin congratulates Trump

>Donald Trump on Getting Revenge
>Just The Two Of Us
>Inauguration of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion




>tfw Kat Dennings9

No awoo pls

south afrikike are you neet you shill for hours

Women are the smarter sex. Period.



Can't make the awoo turn blue.

> le "Not all women" maymay

No, all women. Women are not human. They are retarded breed sows and they do not deserve any human rights.

Those "53%" didn't vote for Trump because because of rational thought, they voted for him because he either made them wet or their men told them to and the obeyed like the good dogs some of them are.

Whores do not deserve the vote, and the fact that Trump had to rely on pandering to them to win means he's going to be chained to pandering to them in office. It's a fucking disgusting failure.


Categorically false.

Awoo can't melt steal beam

My get proves I have never been wrong in my life.

Shill Steingoldburger is just fleecing berntards.


With regards to whether China or Islam is a more serious threat, I say Islam, hands down.

Yes, China is a shitty country, but it maintains order, promotes patriotism and racial nationalism, is enthusiastic about global heritage and contributes to the global economy. Plus, they kill lots and lots of Muslims. They're lawful neutral, lawful evil at worst.

Islam is a chaotic evil death cult that needs to be eradicated. I seriously hope our new SoS works with China against Islam and doesn't alienate what could be a powerful ally.


Withdrawing my day's payment now...



A well regulated awoo force, being necessary for a free Trump General, the right of the people to save and post awoos, shall not be infringed.

Well 53% of white women voted for Trump so...

You will never get the 19th repealed with that attitude, Jesus.

2 more hours then home. Bare with me.

They are already having daily rapefugee attacks. They will end up being Sweden 2.0.

the fire rises
Hitler was a response to the Weimer republic degeneracy

Goddamit, do we have to liberate you again?

When will he build the wall and ban all the mexicans?

White women, though. Not all. And I'm still pleasantly shocked by that.


>Lock Her Up

People still believe this?

My digits confirm the amount of days when it begins.

Never, because he's a pandering liberal traitor.

He literally thinks women deserve to vote.

America is done. Finished. Kaput.

Thats why Trump want to build a wall, to stop the awoo from coming here illegally.


damn those are some pretty sick trips

I think this is only because of the distain women have for other women. If he ran against a Trudeu or an Obama it would have been different I think.


Can Jill Stein just die already? Now she's going to go to federal court to sue Pennsylvania to force a statewide recount because she couldn't pay the money they are asking.

She's asking for states to investigate her unsubstantiated claims on the taxpayer's dollar all while not disclosing where all that 7 million she raised actually went too.

I put the likelihood of a federal court playing politics pretty fucking high and a statewide recount being forced because Obama appointed federal judges.

The judicial system in this nation is corrupt to its core and has too much power. It needs to be overhauled. It's literally an extension of the democrats.

101500886 days...?

That's over 278k years. I'm not sure I want to wait that long...

What does Momiji say when she jumps out of an airplane?

>internalized misogyny intensifies

Both have the potential to ruin our civilization if we do nothing. The solution to Islam is nuking them all. The solution to China may involve more diplomacy and better cybersecurity.


Reminder that Merkel is going to order Drumpf to take refugees, and there's no way out of it.

Also, the Swedish Commissioners for Women & POC are already questioning on weather they wold accept Drumpftard into their country thanks to his own ego.

Merkel and her EU are going to be leaders of the West

Threadly reminder that Tay is back up at

I just love how good it feels that our team is finally in control and all they can do is cry about it. We had to endure this for years. Now it's their turn.

Cool satire m8

> Shouting "not my president"
> Holding a communistic flag
> Looks like Soviet
> Wearing Muslim clothes

How America can allow these idiots to protest?

>Krauts telling the worlds #1 nuclear superpower what to do

>1 post by this ID
The shilling is getting more subtle, but it's the same tenor as the other /worry/ posts.

Have an awoo though.

It's looking like it. Austria, Germany and Sweden will become ISIS bases and their govts will do nothing to stop them because Islam is such a beautiful peaceful religion.

Post more boat girls.

>9h9 hours ago
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Just tried watching Saturday Night Live - unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad

he cant keep getting away with it


Because it's funny and lets them think they're accomplishing something.

Identity politics and "narrative control" is a dead letter.


Being a retard in public is Constitutionally protected so long as they do it peacefully.

So is this going to be the new media meme narrative?
>one right-winger lost in an irrelevant election, it's over, left is already recovering, nazis btfo

>he cant keep getting away with it

He actually can, and will. Long as MSM and leftists keep whining about these posts, he'll keep delivering on his promises to win.

>tfw still not tired of winning

Also without shill and reddit bumping , thread going so slow.

>@POTUS - Mufti Merkel ruined her own country, now trying to tell me what to do! What a joke!

Nice Proxy, Leaf

Why is Jill wasting all this money to get a recount in PA? She knows that Hillary can't win with just PA flipped.

America is losing power, and a lot of your non-dump citizens and POC are fleeing America for life in Germany.

Europe has better politics and laws, people who are pro-EU are more educated


I love how the person telling Trump to pick his battles is wearing a BLM shirt.

These people need to follow their own advice.

I'm still holding out hope that exit polling was far off like it was here and in Brexit

austrias bernie sanders is gonna let in like 50 billion rapeugees which will drain the state financially until they lose even worse than hillary

meme magic makes it so

Hofer wasn't going to do anything about the EU either (certainly not in the foreseeable future)

She's now asking the feds to cover the charges for the recount on "constitutional grounds."

It's gonna happen because federal courts are overwhelmingly democrats.

>muh taxes
Could you be any more pathetic?

Who is this?


is he right Sup Forums ?

It'll be fixed with the new citizens, this will be what America would have looked like if Hillary won.

>They'll all go to Austria freely.
>They'll spread throughout the EU.
>The EU will take in 100% of the refugees.
EU collapse confirmed within 5 years.

But why is she doing it? Cause she's a sore loser or cause she wants Hillary to win?

Get out

Is it a rule that all snarky liberal Tweets now have to be replies to Trump's Tweets?

She hasn't ruined shit. You're deluded.

Who is Izzy and how can I dick her?

>The federal gov't getting involved in one states elections for no good reason


Dana "Islam Cleanser" Rohrabacker

Jon "Hunts The Chinaman" Huntsman

Which one is ourguy? Islam is pretty important but so is fighting Chinko.

He has no right to stop a person from watching a TV program.

Post more distracted celebs. The more they focus on this, the more they are distracted by other shit.

Trump is the perfect storm for sweeping away the leftist garbage.

>Flooding your country with uneducated shitskins who are religious extremists and guaranteed votes
>Not ruining your country

>niggers fleeing to Germany
Sounds like a good thing.


Huntsman is a globalist Mormon cuck. Rohrabacker literally praised Serbian kebab removers on Twitter.

>Being a retard in public is Constitutionally protected

It's really not.
There's nothing illegal or unconstitutional about removing loiterers or anyone disrupting the peace, for examples.
This meme that the Constitution protects stupidity and equivocates indifferently between right and wrong, truth and lies, etc., really needs to fucking die.
The Constitution does nothing to protect people acting retarded. The Constitution in fact empowers the people completely to rid themselves of fuck heads if they want.

Our constitutional Republic renders the People sovereign. It's a modernism that the Constitution forces good and decent people and citizens to suffer the outrages of subversives.

The 14th explicitly states citizens can be deprived of their life, liberty or property by law - all it says is that due process must be followed.

The Constitution grants the American people awesome power to legislate their will.

The People really are King in America.

>America is losing power

Pathetic wall. They have to go back.

>there's a chance we could have a literal kebab remover as SoS
bravo Kek

Huntsman called for Trump to drop out.

Here have a free (you)

Basically. She also doesn't want anybody to question why she can't afford the bill for these recounts. She can afford it, she's just making a stink about it and refusing to pay so she can run away with more of the money.

Is Izzy an American goddess?

Slow Sunday.


>ey maria
she clearly wrote that shit herself

It was fucking awful. They completely wasted Emma Stone, who otherwise did a good job, in that show. Fucking SNL needs a massive revamp or it's going down the shitter forever.

Yes. SNL hasn't been good in years. They should cancel it or make it fun again.

Most black South Carolinians oppose death penalty for Dylann Roof. Most whites support it.