The Trudeaubux are coming to an end and tens of thousands of unemployed/unemployable Syrian refugees are about to be unloaded onto provincial welfare rolls. What happens when these people realize that Canada is not Europe and that welfare isn't enough to live on in this country? Can some Europoors share their experiences on what happens when the Moslems aren't getting enough gibs. I'm predicting third-world riots, which is not something we are used to here because usually we only let in skilled and educated immigrants.
Canadian refugee situation is about to get real
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I began wondering what could possibly make so many Canadians retarded in supporting this man. He says some of the most ludicrous things about politics, and I can only imagine it's because Canada is a country where politics doesn't really effect real life? How else can he be elected?
because his competition was a man trying to turn us into a banana republic, and a commie with no balls
why I voted Green desu
I'm not convinced that Trudeau is really as popular as the media makes him out to be. We have a parliamentary system here and I think that the Liberal party was voted in despite Trudeau and not because of him. Liberals may be corrupt but they are politically moderate and somewhat competent. The Conservatives were in power for too long and I guess people just thought the Liberals were a relatively safe alternative.
when exactly does there bucks run out user?
Keep meming m8. Canada's fine.
The first planeload of Syrians arrived about a year ago and that is how long their federal allowance lasts.
Any rich city will be heavily protected, and remaining areas will become destitute.
Theft will become common, and most of the canadian shops will be closed. And experience a mass media blackout on rapes.
anything else?
the ones we got weren't boat scum, we took families from the refugee camps rather than letting a bunch of random men in because they showed up. tens of thousands in a nation of 35+ million isn't a problem, i'm not concerned unless they start bringing in as many as europe.
>when the Moslems aren't getting enough gibs
They have children and more children until they're getting enough gibs
The CBC constantly pushes articles about Syrian refugees and their fucking 6 kids (haven't seen any family with 2 or less) complaining about how they can't find a job.
It's obvious the Liberals don't give a fuck as long as they have a surplus labour looking for work, and for the PR (look how humanitarian we are!)
top fucking kek
pretty much this. Our entire immigration system is built around bringing in the top tier, even when they're refugees
Eh I constantly keep making donations to them. Everyone else do the same and it will be fine. Best option.
>he thinks the ride ever ends
that's true, but they're fucking retarded and breed like rats
>muh doctors and engineers
>g-gib more money canadians, t-they're still struglling!
try to bare to watch any of these videos, especially the last one
can i fuck your wife/gf user? I'm white though, but if it helps I can go black face.
They move to places they get enough.
This has been a good day for cucks, and cuckoldry in general.
2nd family seems nice.
>voted green
>practically handed turdeau the job
neck yourself and your whole family cuck
I think 25,000 were dumped here in Calgary around Christmas time last year. There was a strong backlash from the people, and some even went as far as spray painting a LRT station saying "Refugees not welcome".
That being said, it's now known that the refugee children are not integrating very well in the school system, and their parents aren't integrating into the communities they've been placed into, generally speaking.
We're in for some serious crime rate spikes come January/February.
half the refugees were dumped in Calgary?
sounds a bit of an exaggeration.
He's the son of Pierre Trudeau, who was very popular
>Fric-Shamji’s husband, Mohammed Shamji, is a neurosurgeon at Toronto Western Hospital and a faculty member at the University of Toronto.
>The pair both had advanced degrees in addition to their medical qualifications. Fric-Shamji had a master’s degree in public policy from Duke University, according to a biography in research she published. Shamji has a PhD in biomedical engineering, also from Duke.
>Det. Sgt. Steve Ryan said in a news conference Friday night that Fric-Shamji died of strangulation and blunt force trauma.
>He said Shamji, 40, was arrested and charged Friday night at a coffee shop in Mississauga, Ont., just west of Toronto.
>They had been married for 12 years and had three young children, Ryan said.
>Migrants burned down refugee centre causing €10 million in damage because there wasn't enough Nutella, Gummibears or chocolate, German Red Cross worker reveals
>Burn down a camp and cause 10 million in damage simply for not having fucking chocolates and gummibears
>What will they do when they realize they aren't getting enough (((welfare))).
They'll go full on Jihad, and establish an Islamic caliphate thanks to Trudeau making it the first "Post national country with no identity"
Canada will be the first country in North America to become a third world Islamic Caliphate.
People kill their own families often. In America a man murdered his entire family recently. A man in Quebec killed his own kids. A woman murdered her daughters to get back at her husband. Its not uncommon.
He was a protest vote against Harper. No one knew anything about him really other than he is the son of a popular former PM
Pierre Trudeau has become a bit of a meme. Canadians hated that bastard by the time he left office, and people in the West still hate him with a passion over 30 years later. Being a Trudeau may have gotten Justin's foot in the door with the Liberal party itself but it didn't him the election, I think people were just sick of the Conservatives and thought the Liberals would be a safe alternative.
>50k people, NO SINGLE MEN, all families who are actually from syria
>equivalent to the 95% male random africans and middle easterners who show up in europe on boats
i'm not defending taking the refugees but don't be fucking ridiculous, canada is probably the country with the least problems ahead of us from this bullshit
I don't think it's the religion of peace this time, but I'm more pissed that they both managed to shit out 3 ugly half-breeds
You're missing the irony user:
>these were immigrants
>muslim immigrants
>of the highest quality
>two doctors
>and they still acted like ancestors of cain
>what are regular immigrant muslims going to do, if they're most respectable ones are already killing each other
>Spending 14 billion a year to give out 3,5 grand a month per shitskin surely wont make a dent on our already crippled economy!
>Jamal Abdulsaleem
>A doctor syrian,
>who has 17 canadian children
methinks you really got the toptier m8.
The man wo killed his own kids in Quebec was also a doctor. If anything they are more stressed than regular people but regardless people killing their family members isn't a problem exclusive to immigrants.
I totally forgot about this. Canada sure is importing the actual refugees while the Europeans are stuck with the untermensch.
But still, Trudeau's government made it a "post-national" country and the rapid islamization of Canada done by the left does make is seem plausible that these migrant's children will be a menace and try for Canada to become a Shariah nation.
They don't want the refugees to be happy in the west.
If they were, the liberals would be unable to blame the cis white middle aged male for all the problems in the world.
The refugees are merely another tool to invoke white guilt.
Source on 14 billion? 3.5 k a month to 12000 families is about half a billion a year.
>Canada is a country where politics doesn't really effect real life
You're pretty close there, We're either rural and small town canadians who get no representation because we can't be gib-leashed or city-libs who don't have to live in the real world because we have the space to feed them well and America's right there for anything they could want to buy.
>he didn't account for (((consultation and processing fees))) a.k.a not!corruption that liberals and democrats everywhere do.
Ov vey! Nothing to see here!
I understand your point user. Being a doctor is a stressful job, and people snap. But I'm willing to bet the % share of such incidents across race/class/citizenship status is disproportionately larger for those from immigrant backgrounds. why?
because acts of aggression by the religion of peace are normalized/expected/encouraged.
>and for the PR (look how humanitarian we are!)
Canada is a country opposite of America. Where Americans are raised with a healthy skepticism of Big Brother, it is the opposite of Canada. You are raised to love authority, trust they have your best interest at heart, etc.
It has lead to what you see today, a stereotype where Canadians are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. However, it does nothing for them because human nature goes against being nice to everyone. In times of conflict, you have to resort to fight or flight, and flight on a national scale is near impossible.
There are very few people left who see that Canada is closing in, if not already arrived, at the point-of-no-return for neo-Liberalism.
Fuck, aren't kids of immigrants more likely to blow shit up? I read that somewhere.
Nice rhetoric, take it somewhere else until you know what you're talking about..
Unrelated but how are things in Alberta these day? I live in southern Ontario and would rather be out west with like-minded people, but I missed the oil boom.
His father was the single most fellated man in canadian history. (except for Québec who hate his guts with a passion).
He got a free pass because he was his son and because the 2 other parties were jokes.
you mean castro , right?
stop falling for the propaganda.
We actually have a hindu population nearly as large as our muslim population.
Did you know near Toronto it's hard not to get halal food?
He's not wrong though. Working for the federal government is actually considered something to aspire to, most public servants here treat it like a working welfare program their whole lives. We're too comfortable and by the time anti-left/immigration sentiment swings back it's going to be too late. The PM's top adviser is a literal Bilderberg crypto-jew and now the government is openly working against the will of Canadians.
I was in Europe last summer, saw a young couple with Canadian flags on their backpacks and all I could think was "we're naive faggots and we expect better treatment because we're not Americans." Like why would you go out of your way to identify yourself as a fucking LEAF