
Find a flaw in this. I dare you.

Other urls found in this thread:

>make a lot
>get jack shit in return

You take more than you need because you're greedy and selfish.

I NEED you to died, so get to it leaf

No incentive to contribute.

Not everyone is Porky.

Most people need more than they can give desu

Who determines who takes how much and who makes how much?

It implies that the majority will be honest or altruistic

>you are forced to give more
>government forms

>give what you can
>take what you need

this has never been tried

Translation: Nomenklatura eating caviar tartalettes during the Siege of Leningrad while people who refused to eat cats and go cannibal were keeling over in the streets.

I need it all

doesn't work
has been tried didn't work
you always end up with more needs than contributions
no one even has an incentive to make contrubutions

I need everything, now what

no true Scotsman. Try again commietard

Humans are inherently competitive, so we will always desire to fight each other for resources.

Communism will always fail because the people will overthrow the oppressive totalitarian regime that enforces it.


Day of the rake soon, fuck off to leftypol scum.

Few will give what they can, most will take far more than they need.

You're a FUCKING child to believe leftist nonsense fairytales, you dim cunt.

Communism is a rigged system that benefits only those at the top. There is no chance of upward movement or improving your life.

It also crushes the will of those who live under it. It also stagnates progress.

>give what you have to
>take what you can
this is how it ended up being in soviet union

>Find a flaw in this

let's say I don't have a wife. but you have one. give me the bitch for a night. I need her. sharing is caring.

Soon brother

>I don't have anything to give
>I need everything

- Human Nature

I need everything.

What happens when the takers take more than they need and the givers start taking?

I'll tell you, they'll work with a gun in your back for a bowl of rice a day.

That is not communism, faggot.

Nobody needs an iphone. Or a computer. Or anything other than food rations and water.

So... literally dysgenics

You are the major flaw in this arrangement.
How do you define "need", who enforces what is considered "need", and who decides "how much" you can "give"?

Dead ideology is dead.

People will bullshit how much they can give and will try and take more than they need

communism is a jewish tool for mass control

>work hard as fuck
>give most to parasites
Are you fucking retarded or blind if you dont see it?

The thing is that everybody has the same needs, and we are all competing to fulfil them.

Also one of the great ironies of communism is that it's supposed to create a classless society. In a tiny commune where everybody agrees on things (and I'm talking 10 - 20 people maximum) that can work for a period of time. But instituting it in a COUNTRY requires a ruling class to enforce state ownership. Suddenly you have a ruling class and everybody else! A class-based society, and an incredibly oppressive one at that, because any dissenters are thrown in the gulag!

>give what you can
Sounds ok

>take what you need
Ahahahahahhahah never happend in the history of mankind and never going to happen

So therefore its a flawed system

that's not communism.
communism turns out to be exactly what it says it fights against, the oppression of the working class for the benefit of a privileged few.

>what is slavery?

give what you can aka work in my field picking cotton all day cause you can

take what you need aka heres a loaf of bread for your work fuck off you dont need anything more to survive

It assumes humans are all 100% honest and trustworthy and willing to give to the """greater good""""

They're not.

humans are naturally selfish beings hence capitalism

It provide no motivation to be ambitious.

> I get what I need
> So why give anything?

the problem is that people everywhere are all selfish jackasses including myself and especially you

Give what you can

>find a flaw

it killed a hundred million people

NEETism doesn't work in the real world communigger.

Communism: Give what you can and take what you need.

Human nature: Take what you can and give what you must.

Trusting people to disobey their nature is literally the lowest form of politics. It's lower than throwing your own feces.


Individual liberty is extremely important. Russia found this out when the Soviet Union collapsed. China has discovered this too, by implementing a free market economy with private ownership of businesses.

In fact the Russians realised it within only a couple of years coming to power when Lenin instituted the New Economic Plan, which allowed for some private ownership, because his state requisitioning of grain had led to mass revolts from the people and mass hunger and starvation too.

Lol. Commies are such idiots.

What if I can't give you anything and I need a lot? What if human beings are selfish fucks?

Human nature.

What about things I want, but don't need?
Like internet?

>working hard to give it all away to lazy faggots and idiots
That shit doesn't work IRL fucking marxist.

Yes they are. Everyone is greedy and selfish. Maybe not when it comes to helping your neighbors or community, but once you see those neighbors being shitty and taking way more than they need, you'll say fuck it, if he can so can I!

Rabbi Jews: Non-Jews are Beasts to Serve Us as Slaves

The problem is WHO gets to decide what you owe and what you're owned.
Communism fails because it doesn't account for human nature.

>give government control of literally everything
>expect them to be good people
what could go wrong


People do this more efficiently in a free market. The produce something in accordance with their ability and buy what they need through voluntary exchange with people that produce what they need. The government's responsibility only lies with making sure that people can do this as freely as possible and arbitrate contract disputes between people.

That's why "socialism" tends to work better in small homogeneous societies. "Work better" being extremely relative.

The system falls short because it implies many things, and misunderstands human nature

>Its natural for humans to want more, beyond their needs and to aspire to both achieve and attain more wealth
>Not all humans are equally capable or willing to fill certain roles in society
>Human beings are naturally social, but they are also naturally competitive
>Not all roles in society are of equal difficulty, value, or represented. Would a doctor really be happy that his janitor friend receives the same benefits? A communism says yes, but they do not understand human nature.

The commisars and party elite, it won't be the people advocating for marxism's implementation right now, they will be gone at that stage.

>Find the cure of cancer
>"Here's your daily meal, comrade. Thank you for your service"

it makes you a slave you fucking tard.

Do I get to decide what my needs are?

There's your flaw, dumbass.

Taking only what you need is what leads to societal decay. You do not need a nice house. You do not need art, music, paint, movies, computers, fancy technology, cars, heating systems, pets, more than one kind of food, any drink other than water, alcohol, modern electricity.
Living off what you need is called surviving. Living off what you want is called thriving.
Cave men survive. People living in society thrive. You are promoting degeneration.

The flaw is that the statement in the image is a lie.

lol i kno u already kno

>take what you need

I need everything, comrade.

Define need.
What happens when there are less output than what people need ?
What about if I want something more than I need ?


Amazing how vastly do you need to simplify communism to hide all the massive flaws within it. Unless you describe it in a single sentence it already has flaws!

>You are forced to give more than you can under threat of gulag.
>Glorious leader takes more than what 20 people need.

Most people will take far more than they give, and so the system will become unsustainable. As beings who are prone to exploiting surplus out of fear for future famine, humans will never willingly adhere to the system in a way that is sustainable. It is therefore an unrealistic system, from an evolutionary perspective. Even if you minimize the alienation effect of any bureaucracy necessary to run such a state, that doesn't resolve the inherent preference for abuse that humans have. Any system that could enforce communism would be necessarily horrendous tyranny, because of the amount of control necessary to prevent black markets, hording and freeloading. You also have the problem of victimhood peddling in a communist society, which breaks any ability to achieve real social equality. If you think economic communism will make the SJW stuff go away, you are mistaken. Once you all win, they will immediately apply to you the same arguments you applied to capitalists. Victimhood will be the ultimate currency in a currency-less society.


The same people that say communism is against human nature shill for libertarianism.

Humans are naturally tribal. Nomad tribes would go from place to place, hunt buffalo, fish, ect, and they would divide their catch among the tribe. The hunters with the best abilities would acquire the most resources, but the need of the tribe would be met through distribution of the food.


Communism fails every time because it arrogantly does not factor in the nature of man. Greed takes over and it become corrupted like anything else.

All successful forms of government work with the greed not against it.

Every living creature on this earth is a porky. If you were not a porky you would not be on the internet. You would have spent that money of feeding the homeless instead of buying a computer. But you selfishly decided your entertainment was more important than stopping a human being from starving to death for another year.


>to his ability
>slave away until your bones break
>to your needs
>as little as you have to consume and a warm bed

yup sounds like the slave mentality i remember it to be

what if I take what I can?

>it never actually turns out this way


Fucking niggers

what do you mean find a flaw?



from each according to his ability

give what you can

work as hard as possible


to each according to his needs...

take what you need...

as little as you can live on.


communism = work as hard as you can, for the bare minimum you need to survive. SLAVERY.


Communism never works. The people at the top of the party end up keeping all they want for themselves.Happens every single time it's tried.

The same way killing a zombie without destroying its head has never been tried.

It ignores how people are motivated and incentivizes low productivity, which raises costs.

DPRK actually tried this system, unlike most "communist" countries. Prices went up, wages went down, there was a major famine after the they stopped getting subsidies from Russia, because their domestic production had dropped so low. It took them close to a decade to dig their way out, even after China and the US started sending them massive amounts of food aid.

The gendered pronouns used are extremely problematic

>make nothing
>take something

Or we could just make them see how absolutely BTFO'd they have been throughout history. These kids are wildly ignorant of history and need to be educated on the free market.Just post Milton Friedman videos in all of the threads

No, he is promoting a dictatorship where he is the one to decide what it is that you "need". Do you need music? I dunno, only the master Stalin can decide for you.


Communists are this stupid

Real World Translation:

Take what you can
Give nothing.

t. been there, tried that


How do we define "Give what you can" and "Take what you need"?

Fucking terminal retardation.

Just like religion promises an afterlife, communism promises a society where the state will fade away. Just like religion, it's not real. Capitalism and communism are both shit, and they lead to an oligarchy. One has the richest capitalists and bankers, the other has the ruling party.

There's more need than what's given

Just as naive as AnCaps desu

too many will give less than they're able and take more than they need