Sup Forums The game

>main character looks like a typical college aged sjw
>is a lesbian in a relationship with a black woman
>her motive in this game is to break away from Joel and she will constantly remind the audience through dialogue that she is her own woman that doesn't need any help from Joel
>she will be able to take out several fully grown armed men at once because she's a survivalist and knows how to fight!!

You pre ordering?

whats the symbol on the sign?

The symbol of what is a basically a huge militia that is in that game
They banded together after shit hit the fan and have their own gov and shit

a lazy designers attempt at making a "cool" design for the generic enemy military.

looks like it's from Zelda, so many other games try to mimmic those images. Lame !

That's the symbol of the fireflies.

Thats a stop sign.

>is a lesbian in a relationship with a black woman
That nigga is dead nigga.
>her motive in this game is to break away from Joel and she will constantly remind the audience through dialogue that she is her own woman that doesn't need any help from Joel
We don't know her motive yet nigga.
>main character looks like a typical college aged sjw
But she's not.
>she will be able to take out several fully grown armed men at once because she's a survivalist and knows how to fight!!
Yeah she'll be able to do that and that's bullshit but it's a video game faggot stop taking it so seriously

>amerifat defending SJW trash


>SJW trash
This game hasn't even come out yet so how is it SJW trash.
Well if this game ends up being anything like the first one then it should be pretty damn good. Try removing the stick from your ass user, maybe that way you'll stop being triggered so easily by people liking vidya you don't like.

Sup Forums are we seriously going to let this 15 year old reddit cuck get away with posting here?

>the black women died literally 6 years earlier when they were kids
>constantly remind audience she's independent
>turns out she's not and Needs Joel
>takes out several fully grown pedophile savages who aren't right in the head
I'm totally pre ordering

>>is a lesbian in a relationship with a black woman
This is false.

>calls another poster a reddit cuck
You can do better than that user. How about you try actually responding to my arguments with an actual argument instead of an Ad Hominem.

Many such cases. Sad!

The Last of Us was pure garbage. It controlled like an old shitty PS1 game. The only people who liked it were people who never played video games before.


preordering is degenerate.

enjoy waiting two weeks after launch for the patch that finally makes the game playable

>Hipsters dress like they're poor, and homeless.
>main protagonist happens to actually be homeless and poor
I think it's excused if she LOOKS LIKE an SJW
even though she looks more like a redneck if anything

Hahahahahah oh wow

>another pretentious post apocalyptic survival movie game

>humanity will end if they don't reproduce
>better munch carpet and play the guitar

What do you want to bet they'll be evil racist nazi homophobes

>no pc version


This thread has outted half of Sup Forums as 15 year old console playing fuck bois. Great. This place really is a shit hole that doesn't know what it's talking about.

Damn she's ugly now.

Still holding out hopes she gets BLACKED in this game. I was hoping that thing between the black boy and her would lead somewhere but unfortunately not.

But he's right, the game hasn't even come out yet and you're sperging out over it.


Forgot to link the first game they were going to kill a 14 year old girl for an opportunity to create a vaccine to help humanity. Literally it's split 50/50 of what should have happened, because the protagonist in the first one is a selfish person that lost his daughter early on. So it is actually kind of redpilled. One of my favorite stories I've experienced.

I bet you don't even play video games you fucking faggot

>falling for the videogame jew

sick fuck


>not a single punch will she land
>not a single punch will land her
>she may get slapped once
>she'll definitely only fire weapons at enemies because she's too weak to fight

Look who's calling the kettle black, Muhammad

>Only 2 black "good guys" in the game, the rest are gangbangers
>They're brothers
>One brother didn't take care of his younger very well so he gets killed
>Older brother filled with guilt, can't take it sho he commits suicide because he's weak
Oh also
>Those 2 brothers were trying to steal shit from them at first.

i bet they make another gameplay trailer with amazing looking AI only for it to be dumb as fuck just like the last game.

They should have had enough time to finish the stuff they promised in the first game.

what board do you think you are?
vidya is degenerate you retard

I am guessing white straight male will be attracted to her and come on to her, and the ending scene is that you kill white straight male as he is about to rape you.

>leaf calling others trash
We don't take too kindly to your kind around here

but video games are cool bc u can pretend to be a medieval swordfighter or a guy trying to survive innawoods in a post apocalyptic time and other cool stuff

This. Was a shitty RE / Uncharted mix. Story was predictable and the ending was stupid and blue pilled as fuck.

Only "omg I'm le tough guy but I le crii'd" plebbitors and """"""""""""""""gaming journalists"""""""""""""""""" thought the story was good.

Multiplayer was pretty fun though.

Last of us
>same shitty 3rd person shooter but you protect sassy Lolita

Last of us part2
>same shitty shooter


video games are meant to subvert you into "pretending" and not actually becoming a warrior, you fedora wearing fuck

but ill never get to swordfight people in armor and shit in real life and probably wont be able to try to survive in a nuclear wasteland with slav guns like in stalker. and joining the army in real life just makes you an enforcer for the jews

found the 12 year old

>never get to swordfight people in armor
we dont live in the middle-ages, wake up
>wont be able to try to survive in a nuclear wasteland
no shit, thats why vidya is FAKE

Forget the SJW trash, I won't buy this game because it's not a game. TLOU is basically an interactive movie with some stealth walking and QTE in between cut scenes. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that if the cut scenes are good, but they are just rehashed movie cliches.

entertainment =/= escapism

you're lying or you read that post last night (that OP was full of shit)

black lesbian girl? shes dead.

its post apocalypse and she has nobody to depend on. thats not really SJW propaganda so much as its realistic you faggot.

>main character looks like a typical college aged sjw

i dont like the tattoos they gave her but thats the only basis you could have for that

>she will be able to take out several fully grown armed men at once because she's a survivalist and knows how to fight!!

no shit she was raised in an apocalyptic world. are you expecting her to be a housewife or something?

you just assume that?
wheres your evidence gent

What website do you think you're on?

None of this is true.


you sound like a typical faggot that didnt actually play it. just assumed based on other comments and a youtube video.

its full of gameplay. you can skip most scenes. and the gameplay isnt even mediocre. its very good.

> just rehashed movie cliches.

the writing isnt revolutionary but is legitimately better than most movies being put out.

If it is then I guess you should get off this Saigon whittling forum and spend all your free time reading non fiction and watching documentaries.

(((Neil Druckmann))) is writing / directing it.

How much do you wanna bet that some of OP's post comes true?

Neil Druckmann is writing the story. If that doesn't set off alarm bells then you should really read up on what a massive SJW Feminist cuck he is


Why do liberals love to make light of issues when they have no argument to defend with?

Every single time.

>(((Neil Druckmann)))

The Last of Us was a great game. Why wouldn't I buy it?

i never played the fucking stupid lezbo dlc

Base game is okay but its WAAAAAAAAAAY overrated

Blood angels

Wew, lad.