Germans are the problem

I'm starting to think that Germans are the problem.

From Roman Empire, to Dark Ages, to (((Holy))) (((Roman))) (((Empire))), to reformation, to ww1/ww2, to communism, and even today where the most guilt-ridden society in the universe tramples across Europe. Maybe its not the Jews, but the Germans who habitually fuck up this planet. The Germans, also seen in Austria, are just doing their modern take on fucking up the world, while the "Eternal Anglo" saves it once again.

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True communism is their fault

actually it's germans, anglos and americans thats are the problem

you are correct, without the anglo and american interference, sweden could finally join the caliphate

t. Muhammad Ahmed Ali Muhammad AL-Islam Muhammad

Germans are definitely the problem. We should start a German hate thread to rival all others

Germany LITERALLY helped create the soviet union when they sent Lenin back to russia.

the problem is the left,feminism and all above their over the top political correctness and tolerance for aggressive muslims

it just buffed up from Holocaust-fueled ERBSCHULD here

look at France,Belgium,Sweden and even UK (Rotherham Paki rapegangs) and stuff like BLM in US

ask yourself what will the USA look in 50y with a white minority

Germans fuck up everything they touch.

Nietzsche, who renounced his German Citizenship stated, "If Germany was ever great, it is because of the Polish blood that runs in their veins." He also vehemently refused to be called German.

aye, but look how much far advanced Germans are at all of the above. Your leader won't even hold the flag.

This triggers the Deutsch


without the yankee their wouldnt ne no massimmigration of muddies to Europe to begin with

is that from the cooking with jack show?

Sorry to break it to you, but you're German yourself. Anglos, Saxons and Frisians (Germanic tribes) migrated to Britain and created the British empire. Your ancestors were Brits. So even if you don't have German ancestors (many of you do) you're still of Germanic origin. That means you're part of the problem, bitch.

Shit guys, there on to us. Blaming the jews didnt cut it.

Ok Shlomo S., Endlösung when?

Anyone got a webm of that video too spooked to watch it online fearing Ill get black bagged overnight.

Congratulations, you have just understood history.

I'm 1/4 German and 3/4 Southern English. I renounce the German side. For all I care let the continentals drift to hell with what you all have spawned. The Anglo-Saxons had good reason to fucking leave.

Its over Hans.

Every jew needs a German to strawman. They work together like yin and yang except the jew always wins.

I blame their analphabetism:

Merkel doesn't like Germany

Anglos are not Germans, they have Roman blood and culture.

I can only imagine you googling "ISIS how to make bombs at home." "ISIS home-made bomb tutorial"

She loves "Germany", but she uses Globalism because it's the only way to destroy Europe.

German attempts to destroy Europe:

>Nationalism: Failed
>Nationalism (again): Failed miserably, destruction of German military power for all eternity
>Globalism: In progress (will fail)

You're still directly German by 1/4 and indirectly German by 3/4 so calm down Hans and stop hitting yourself.

Good, Gentile, you're supposed to think that. Prepare to have your pocket money sent over shortly.

>He spoke perfect English
>The train merely passed through Germany
But sure, we're to blame. Anything to avoid upsetting your banker masters.

>Some syphilis victim who fucked his sister
We just as vehemently refuse to be associated with Nietzsche, you know?

>Some Polish Jewess installed by the Brussels junta
>Not holding our flag
Well color me surprised.

>Every Jew does need a German to strawman
>And gets an American to command for free
We're all stuck with the same shit, honestly.

I don't get these threads at all. It's just the same five Amadeu memes re-hashed over and over.

nice projection

If you watch the video, civilization didn't even come to Germany until 500 AD, the Middle East had it in 2500 BC

And SA still doesn't have it.

Dont forget where Marx and Engels came from

You forgot Martin Luther and his reformation which created religious wars in Europe

so the good germans all moved to the UK? was this the largest brain-drain in history?

>loving germany
Pick one. She is an anglo/jew plant like all our chancellors

Not really. It's sort of a reversed Australia effect - Saxons for one were usually pirates, Frisians ship-wreckers and Anglos different varieties of raider. When Rome pissed off they moved in on the prize. So it wasn't necessarily the good ones as much as the ones who decided to avoid in-tribe competition for hunting grounds. But you naturally find a lot of cunning in such characters.

really made me think

someone must stop these germans, they can't keep getting away with this

It must be fun to live in such freedom.

Wrong. Luther was redpilled. Ashkenazi Jew converts hijacked Protestantism as they did with Catholicism in times where they created the fable of Jews being the Chosen Ones

You are starting to understand my son.

>Nationalism: Failed
>Nationalism (again): Failed miserably, destruction of German military power for all eternity
>Globalism: In progress (will fail)

Sweet Summer child


No, the really good Germans all moved to the US

that's a myth

Germany is utter shit

Let's also point out that the biggest Abolitionists in the US were made up of German Immigrants.


So much this.

Bomb the krauts to the dark ages.

Deutschcucks btfo

you got the democratic germans.

No, Germans are just very hardcore in however they are. It's very efficiently followed through on whatever they set themselves to.

Which means that in a way I understand why Jews are trying to suppress them, engineer them to be self-obliterating through a policy of "egalitarianism" and "sophistication". Germans who act in their own interest just absolutely dominate in the most ruthless, clean way.

I personally think they're truly the heroes and shining beauty of history and am rooting for them to awaken to themselves again, but it will probably be quite unfortunate for any non-allies when that happens. And I don't care, because I'm German and everyone for themselves.

At the end of the day, it comes down to the Germans or the Jews.