Divide and conquer

I see a lot of Divide and Conquer on Sup Forums lately:

Why do you want to divide the White Race instead of celebrating white diversity?

Explain yourselves

because there is nothing better to do


take a shower, hit the weights, and get a clue pablo.

its the kikes

>blue eyes

Kill yourself Spic, don't try to Americanize Europe into a fucking melting pot you disgusting monkey.

ain't the pic he posted the opposite of that?

I'm not white at all but I find it curious that the White Race likes to tore apart each other

It is sad

Why does this infographic exist? It's blatantly upside down, and this is coming from pic related.

Do you see the words genetically?

No I think it's a Psy-op, keep them separate. Would not be surprised if these are all created by some "Muh Heritage"-Murican.

You're petty divisions such as Mediterranean VS. Nord should be left behind.

>tfw green eyes
Feel sorry for some of you plebs desu

it is indeed. Sad!

But I also find it sad that Mexicans complain about racism towards them in the US when they are the biggest racist to their own natives and blacks.

it also annoys me that Mexicans are literally "muh dick" when they see any girl with blonde hair or colored eyes instead of enjoying their own hot ass mestizas with big asses

It is the fucking "Mediterraneanists" and the "Nordicists".

Here they fucking are

My eye changes colors depending on the season, I can have blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes.

You fucks are the inferior race with your singular eye colors.

I think a lot of it is just bants, tbf. Whenever anyone does anything even remotely NO, they usually get their credit.

I like to think of it as cuck shaming myself, done to motivate people to remove liberal vermin.

no it doesn't u fag

>tfw can't even go out on a sunny day because you end up too blind to drive

stfu pedro, you have no european blood

That particular case is probably straight up shitskin D&C, which Sup Forums is susceptible to, as if you're a shitskin, you might as well troll whites who aren't self hating.

I know how you feel bro. Mine change with my mood

Is Allison Stokke white, lads?


Hmm.. no

White men are lone wolf apex predators who compete for bitches and treasure. Only loser faggots need to live in a hugbox.
Go celebrate diversity on the welfare line you wetback manlet cunt.

nice larping, Zhang.


Here they fucking are

Looks like the color brown

Sup Forums is a board of hate. They are addicted to it. All of this white nationalism and alt-right talk and Nazi larping is nothing but edginess. Nothing constructive ever comes out of it other than destructiveness, hate, raids and dark memes.

No children, no self-improvement, no white solidarity, no positive creativity. - If that happens in Sup Forumsacks lives, then not because of the board.

Probably /leftypol/ and Reddit. They've been raiding this place and trying to make it divided, and eventually leftist. We should celebrate the many different looks that whites may have, not bitch about hair color and eye color.

Nordic VS Med should stop, both of you guys are white

>dark hair, blue eyes


Agree. Celebrate white diversity.