Do we need more gun control laws?

Tell me your pros and cons guys

So are criminals producing their own ammunition or is the government selling it to them league ally?

What people forget is, if gun control is in effect, guns go on the black market. Rich criminals like the mob still get them, but lesser criminals can't afford it or don't even know where to look so there is less threat of violent crime.


Black market, reloading, etc. In the Chechen insurgency the jihadis would make open bolt submachine guns out of pot metal in machine shops. Never doubt the ingenuity of criminals.


>bill of needs




Gun control wouldnt do anything.
Niggers would still find ways to kill people

>Jamal sells guns illegally
>gun laws get passed
>Jamal still sells guns illegally


there are more guns in this country than people and well over a trillion rounds of ammo. we could stop making ammo and still have enough ammo to last us 100 years or more

Wishful thinking.

Believe it or not criminals are able to buy things from other criminals who steal them or buy them under the table from less-than-lawful merchants. Vast majority of criminals use stolen or otherwise illegally obtained firearms because contrary to what the media tells you there are actually already background checks for buying guns that exclude convicted felons.

relaxing some laws and strengthening others

”The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” ~Thomas Jefferson

”Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.” ~George Washington

”Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined” ~Patrick Henry

"The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good” ~George Washington

”The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country…” ~James Madison

”To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” ~George Mason

”Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property… Horrid mischief would ensue were (the law-abiding) deprived the use of them.” ~Thomas Paine

”The right of self-defense never ceases. It is among the most sacred, and alike necessary to nations and to individuals.” ~James Monroe

”To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” ~George Washington

”Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” ~Thomas Jefferson (quoting Cesare Beccaria)

America's problem is not guns.

America's problem is Americans.

You can't deny this.

America's problem is niggers*


>make the criminal white
>everything else about him, his clothes, his nose, is "urban"



Holy fuck I think I know this guy in the meme

Wew lad. I suggest you google what can be made with a set of handtools.

No you guys are scummy shits too.

White niggers are even worse to me in my opinion. You guys are statistically supposed to have higher IQ than blacks yet act just like them.

thanks for censoring the gross shit in this pic


it's literally the legislative equivalent of
>i-if i close my eyes, they're not there anymore
concrete thinking is supposed to form in a child's mind at an early age

The poorest white neighborhoods in America still have lower crime rates than the majority of black neighborhoods


According to the Second Amendment, any limit on being able to own and bear firearms is anti-constitutional. Limiting in any manner is infringement.

Also it does nothing but harm the law abiding. No you can't just get rid of every single gun in the country to be gun free. And to those saying you can, then explain why we can't get rid of the illegals. They're nowhere near as numerous.

let's be honest

This. Typical political correct bullshit. Scared to depict the main demographic commiting crimes so just whiten it a little.

dude here in Sup Forums torrent board there is how to produce your own ammunition

It's niggers.


>no one has ever come out and say they're against guns, because these idiots are perfect logical creatures
>liberals are pro-government power is news to anyone
>concentrating the power of gun ownership to the elite is not 'control'

jfc is molyneux retarded?

It's niggers.




What does the censor bar even accomplish here?

Look at the drug problem. If the gov makes weapons illegal the mobs will sell the firearms to low criminals.

Are you retarded or something?

If there is a demand someone will supply it.

Lynch the faggot

Yeah nah the working class is gonna be armed.
Probably the one of the only things lefty and righty Sup Forums agree on.

Nothing. Just stupid laws that would be the same if never existing.

If gun control doesn't work, then explain why Japan has basically no gun violence?

Except he's in the Navy and super right wing, pro-Trumper. Just looks exactly like him. Gimme a sec, I'll post a pic.

They prefer their nippon steel blades over gaijin created guns

Because they don't have niggers

Oh in that case gg

Crime rate can be easily linked to how many black people live in an area. When you control for every factor race is the only thing that remains with a strong correlation. Some of the poorest districts in America are majority white by something like 99% and have some of the lowest crime rates in the country. Urban blacks remain the most virulent criminals in the nation.

I'll see if I can find a better photo since he shaved his shit off.

Ant-Gun people need to understand one thing . They're called criminals for a reason. Take their gun, not mine.

How the fuck does an armed population even work in a commie system?

>Hey user, we see you're producing a lot more than you need, may we please take your extra and give it to these guys who have fallen on rough times?
>okay, we'll be back with armed military to force you to
>do it, faggot, I dare you

>Rather isolated and xenophobic island nation is same as massive continent that brought in niggers, didn't get rid of them, and has other mixes of people in it
This is getting silly.

Homogenous society.

fucking gotta be him. this is seriously freaking my noggin.

1. The country is 99% ethnically Japanese, virtually no racial tension and few if any ghettos which allow crime to thrive.
2. Island nation with strictly controlled ports, making it easy to prevent weapons from entering the country. Guns still do get smuggled in, but the people doing it keep it at a respectably low volume so as not to cause alarm which would result in a stricter crack down.
3. Japanese people are more law abiding than most other cultures, it's not only gun crime that is low, virtually ALL crime in Japan is extremely low.

Maybe did it for the money, i assume they get paid for the stock photos

I sent him the photo and he and his girlfriend said that had to be him. They have no clue how that happened though. Anyway, crazy to see someone I know memed in the wild.

But yeah, he's a huge trumpfag, west texas guns and pot kind of guy.

good to hear he shaved it, pube beards need to go out of style yesterday

along with faggy fucking undercuts and sleeve tattoos

and man buns

Dude, I live in Brooklyn, NY now. All that shit is alive and kicking.

In brooklyn for business. Haven't seen too much libtard shit yet.

Go to williamsburg. Hot chicks, faggy dicks.

Note the T-shirt


Will do. I'm in a hotel near Fort Hamilton for a few days this week. Any restaurants worth checking out down around here?

>there are more guns in this country than people
you know the reason fur that is the easy access to guns right? anyways now its too late to remove them so best to let everybody have one.

Damn dude that's out of my depth. You're practically at Staten Island. HMU though - at [email protected] I live in Boerum Hill. Wouldn't mind meeting up with a Sup Forumsack for the first time.


definitely niggers

by the way, does anyone have the one with firearm homicides specifically vs black population density by state?

Never change Cuckstria.

No, but I do have this

>The poorest white neighborhoods in America still have lower crime rates than the majority of black neighborhoods
We still need to find a way to deal with drug abuse. Between crackheads, metheads, etc. most crime is related to this. Legal system kinda ignores these people because there is no "money" in it. They're too busy writing chickenshit traffic tickets to white folks who can afford it.

