V4 thread!
Hungarians,Poles,Slovakians,Czechs get in kurwa!
How's it going Budapest? What's new in Prague? How's the weather in Bratislava?
Let's get some lángos and vodka going!
V4 thread!
Hungarians,Poles,Slovakians,Czechs get in kurwa!
How's it going Budapest? What's new in Prague? How's the weather in Bratislava?
Let's get some lángos and vodka going!
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could have been V5, but cucks will cuck
fuck austria
Fucking Austrians had to fuck up again! I almost want to feel sorry for them if they haven't participated in Partition of Poland
Sorry :(/
>no Serbia as honorary member
nigga wut?
Train accident this morning, 10 injured some switch was frozen off overnight
It's I3 now you fucking slowpoke.
Also, ONE polish thread about Poland at once on Sup Forums. Remember before you post.
>no dead
>worse thing that happened was a fracture
Wow it's fucking nothing.
Listen Mathhias how the fuck could you pick a guy for president that uses term "white privillege" he is a fucking european Justin Trudeu
We will try to re-MAGA in Feb 2018 for parliament vote.
Nothing new, just went to work without seeing or smelling a single darkie.
Business as usual
Why bother, you'll just go ahead and elect cucks no matter what.
You're dead to us.
>tfw my standards are too high after youtube.com
No. You kys yourself.
As an american with Polish ancestors on my dads side, is it worth it to spend a week or two in Poland?
You ask that in every damn thread. Yes, come here during the summer and shut up.
If you need to visit during Christmas, go to the mountains.
austrians can go fuck themselves desu
Every American Ive talked to in Poland says that he loves this place and will viait again. Not sure why but Ameribros love Poland, especially tourists
no desu. Western Europe is more attractive for tourists
However if you want to see places associated with JP II then you're welcome
is a honorary polish allowed?
Maybe because Poland is beautiful and shut the fuck up?
Nigga I meet them in Warsaw, which is a shithole also on top of that mostly in pawilony
>fucking pawilony
I guess it's mostly people that attracts them, I talked to US Marine last time by the name of Stephan he was a registered democrat and told me he fucking loves the fact that so many random figts break out in Poland alll the time kek
just making chicken with rise
dieta hardo, feels bad man ;_;
I want in tho
Where are the Czech Bros? Wtf Kreciki show yourselves!
You studied European studies.
intermarium when
>How's it going Budapest?
I usually see a lot of niggers in Budapest during the summer, but since its gotten really cold here I saw exactly zero niggers downtown. t-the summer niggers were j-just tourists, r-right?
If you mean electronic shit then ok
don't give up hope. once you uncucked yourself you'll get the password to our secret club.
how to uncuck yourself?
step 1: wait for a sandnigger to kill and/or rape another innocent austrian
step 2: wait for media hysteria
step 3: repeat step 1 if needed
step 4: vote
step 4: wait 24 hours to receive your secret password to enter V4 mancave
Where the fuck are Slovakians?
Also: Wilno Nasze!
>a real country
Pick one
Tfw just concluded my vacation from Germany/Poland/Lithuania a few weeks ago. Feels very bad man. The Independence day march was great, but I wish I had time to visit Bratislava and Budapest.
Also, can anyone help me find a collection of traditional patriotic Polish music?
lol dirty slovagia BTFO
>What's new in Prague?
Literally nothing, just an ordinary cold but /comfy/ morning.
sadly this doesn't look like it will turn into a real thing
there was that one conference in Dubrovnik and thats it afaik
n-no .. austria-chan .. d-don't go T_T
I moved here :D slovakia cannot pay me
Y u no let us join, we were also part of Austo-Hungary D:
I was at that March too, if you wanna check polish patriotic music check Krzesimir Dębski on youtube (Husaria Ginoe and Obrona Zbaraża) Rota is pretty cool when it comes to text one of the lines is literally "fuck off germans with your germanization"
Also my condolences for Trudeu m8
Warsaw Pact 2.0 when?
What does V4 prefers ? Flat chest or disgusting cow tits ?
i like anime
thread ruined
>tfw no qt krecik anime gf
GET IN HERE!!!!!!!!
anime is life
envy intensifies
tri moreta?
Fire and Sword is a pretty cool movie. The book was a bit mediocre compared to the Deluge tho.
v4 is the shit. great cities, history, and culture. Hope you guys stay uncucked. You're my only hope for preventing white genocide atm
I dunno
Thanks friends.
Maybe because With Fire and Sword was the first part of The Trilogy
I like flat chests, but I need that bubble butt, I don't mean thicc monkey type, an actual cute butt with slightly wide hips.
Imagine gymnastic, runner or dancer body type, basically most sportswomen have a body like that.
We need to build a WALL
Only flat chest.
>the Munich agreement