Are women loyal to the tribe?

Men have always been the creators, defenders and bearers of culture. History clearly shows that when a foreign army invades a host culture, it is primarily the men who sacrifice for the host culture's defense. When the host culture is near defeat by the invading army, the young women of the host culture generally are the first to mutiny and voluntarily interbreed with the enemy.

For example, after WWII it was found that a surprisingly significant number of young French women voluntarily serviced German forces during the occupation. Even today, we see that despite Islam being completely counter-intuitive to women's rights, European women seem to defend or even prefer the migration of thousands of Muslim men to their host nations.

Similar behaviors can be seen in our closest anthropological relatives, the chimps and gorillas, where females of a host group secede almost instantly, with little or no resistance, after a more dominant individual or pack takes control.

Social and psychological studies also show that many women have rape fantasies, and a significant percent of women who were raped (forced penetration) actually reached climax. This can indicate a subconscious evolutionary preference to invaders, as a means to promote genetic diversity.

So Sup Forums is it possible that deep down women (particularly young women) really don't care about their culture or identity, but instead care more about the male individual or group that is most masculine and dominating? Is it dangerous for a host nation/culture to assume that women are as loyal as men? What can be done to address this?

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Just like my doujins.

It's an evolved defensive strategy; give yourself to the enemy before they can harm you/your kids. It's kind of like quitting just before you get fired.


But how does that explain many women in the EU dating / interbreeding / having secret affairs with Arab migrants? Those women are not in any immediate danger.

women are objects.
if their men can protect them they'll be loyal enough

if not they're the spoils of war to the winning men

History has shown that women are not loyal to the tribe. It's in their best interest not to be loyal to the tribe, but to be "loyal" to the strongest man she can possibly get.

It's instinctive to her, and, for whatever reason, society has gone off track the past half century, essentially bending over backwards to appease women, even as women continue to lust after the type of men that refuse to follow suit.

The solution to this, is, of course, to be a strong man. She doesn't give a shit how honorable you are to others unless it benefits her or her potential offspring in some way (even if it is just bragging points). That said, it benefits YOUR offspring to be an honorable man, as other men respect you for it, and are willing to return the favor to your offspring in the future.

Do You have any statistics to back UP your "many women" claim? Just as I thought, You dont autist

i believe you are absolutely correct user

is the baby ok?

have you been keeping up with recent worldly events? go watch news or read the newspaper for a few months then come back

Fuck Kylie. Post Kendall.


Maybe it's exotic and fun?

More misogynistic bullcrap

Men rape and pillage and it's why they sign up for active duty

Women and children are raped by one army while the woman's husband is raping some other army's women

What about women like Merkel and Clinton?

I think a woman who doesn't want a man might be something crazy. To not have that influence of not needing a stronger man.

Genetical engineering. Lack of Y chromosome in particular.

god she`s so hot.

Did she date anything else than white persons yet?
Heard she even had something going with the faggy Smith kid

No. Women are intensely loyal to their children until it benefits her not to be. Women TODAY will kill their children by bashing their head open with rocks, thinking that they are protecting them from bullying in the future. I have never heard a story about a man killing his living, breathing child in order to save them from future hardship that has not even realized itself yet.

women are animals only good for breeding and should be treated as such

>have you been keeping up with recent worldly events?

>go watch news or read the newspaper for a few months then come back
there's a lot of rape of western women by immigrants, but only very few isolated incidents of conversion to islam

>but women are voting for more refugees and that's basically the same thing!
they aren't, and it isn't. Some of them are, but some of all people are - Brexit and Trump's victories should show you that women don't all vote in one unified bloc to import the maximum number of foreign invaders

*black persons (pls no roast)

The entire family is full of repulsive coal burners including Kendall.

Someone needs to Charles Manson that entire degenerate family.

Sociopaths are always a special breed, regardless of sex.

Just start sending the women to fight and die instead while preserving our best and brightest male minds.

If women had loyalty to their tribes, they wouldn't give up their family name and identity during marriage, which is necessary. Women had to cultivate their husband's legacy, but have no loyalty to a legacy beyond that.

That isn't to say that women aren't loyal, they are only loyal to their husbands and children. It's why coal burners will defend their criminal abusive black baby daddies. If men are good leaders, or just good manly and somewhat paternal figures, they are loyal.

Yeah yeah as I thought, You re a fucking retard with theory based on speculations, some little True historical events plugged in there to add some validity but

Go spew your autist shit somewhere else or link me some statistics to back UP your claims nigger

>that woman is considered white in america

They are only as loyal as their peers.

how are migrants more masculine?

doesn't the whole ' escaping my low sociio economic situation in my polluted, overpopulated shithole of a home'' to the highly modernised, high standard of living, safe environment provided by my white overlords contradict it?

That's not true.


Migrants are more masculine in the sense they treat them much worse

Not in the traditional sense of masculine man, which white men are still on top

How can they be coal burners when they aren't white?

Whites consider themselves dog owners. Muslims consider themselves wolves inside of a house. They'll be totally peaceful as long as they get literally everything that they want. The second that there is any resistance to that, however, they start baring their teeth, and, if they want something badly enough, aren't afraid to try ripping out the "owner's" throat.

This is why you get all those stupid Islam patrols in Germany, France, and the UK, where they tell you that you are in an Islam zone, and that you will respect Islam while inside said zone. And what they do on camera is harassment at minimum. Imagine what they do when the cameras aren't on.

The Teutonic women were pretty based in this regard.

It was pretty effective selection. Women that remained loyal, simply got killed.

First of all, that doesn't actually happend that much. You get a rather distorted view when all you see is interracial shit posted on Sup Forums.

If you get a blowjob by a dude and it makes you cum it doesn't mean your into dudes. There is even quite the probability you will cum if he rapes your anus, if he uses lube. There are no "subconcious processes", the nerv endings get stimulated and that makes you cum.

There are clear statistics that say most people find people of their own race the most attractive. Everything else is just anecdotal bullshit. "French women" didn't offer themselves to the invaders, but only some french women. Now you, because you have a world view that needs confirmation, ignore those 99% of women who didn't have sex with the invaders and act like those 1% are representative of female behaviour.

Your world view is, and that is quite normal, that you want to control everything and everyone. It is typically male to want to "own" women. You can not stand that even one single women is doing something you don't approve of, and that is mating with somebody you don't find acceptable. But there is nothing more to it. It's just you wanting to control female behaviour, and females doing whatever they want.

And, due to the suicide, those genes are not passed on, while the genes of the submissive women are.

how big do u think his cock is

good point

That's not the case in Eu/Europe.

As someone who responded to and agreed with his theory, I have never argued that one should limit the freedom of women. Simply talking about a phenomenon does not mean we are talking about doing something about it.

they are still parasite on host nation and couldn't survive without it hence the 'cuck' status

I would argue that. They wouldn't be able to maintain the level of civilization that the "owner" had achieved, but they lived without the white man just fine before, and would do so again, albeit at a much lower standard of living. But, seeing as how, at this point, pretty much all the refugees are used to places that are lower standards of living, it's not like it would be a shock to their system.

What am I even reading?


Someone's projections and fantasies.

the fact that the typical racist idiots are triggered when they see a white woman with a foreigner, but much less or not at all triggered if they see a foreign woman with a white man shows quite clearly that they have the principle that women generally belong to men, and more specifically white women belong to white men. The male breeding with a foreign woman is not so bad, because that man only exploited a ressource that belongs to somebody else, while a foreign male breeding with a white woman is exploiting ressource that you think belongs to you and your tribe.

So very clearly, the underlying narrative here is that women are an object that is owned by men. all the ideas discussed itt stem from this principle.

Happening more than ever apparently.

1 in 10 couples in UK ethnically mixed. This is from 2014, BEFORE the EU migrant crisis exploded. It's only going to get worse.

Can you tell me one thing?

Troughout all human history; what has been more common:
Women being under control of the men of the tribe?

Or women "doing whatever they want"?

Which is more normal and which is the abnormal situation?

I'm not talking about anything in specific other than the nature of women. Go project your feelings somewhere else if you're unwilling to discuss phenomenons that happened in the past.

thought this seemed appropriate

Precisely, and there is good reason to want to control women. Women 'doing whatever they want' will be the downfall of Western civilisation, as it was in many civilisations in the past. Once women get more than their rightful share of control, society goes to shit.

>the circle of rape is complete

Okay when can we start raping Muslim women?

well, the ignorant, cherry-picking way you are discussing is quite telling.

the way this board feels humilated by a white woman with a foreigner, but doesnt feel that if its the other way around is also quite telling.

you can deny all you want, you are simply trying to oppress women and keep telling yourself you are doing it to defend the tribe, and not because you are a controlling, greedy, envying asshole.

Women should be beaten into submission. Not with words, but with a backhand across the face.

Have you seen what happens when we don't control women? The downfall of an entire civilisation.

Otakon pls go

That's a good point. I don't know how many groups of loyal women an hero'd throughout history, but certainly submissiveness and adaptiveness would have been effective survival traits.

>you are doing it to defend the tribe, and not because you are a controlling, greedy, envying asshole.
"Defending the tribe" = power. Only utopian would think otherwise.

The lion females does nothing to prevent the new lion from killing her partner and even her offsprings.
She will gladly take the lion dick after that and breed new lions.

women just like strong men

I love this line of thinking. Not the male lion is the problem who without a rational need for it wants to kill other lions is the problem, no its the female who doesnt want to commit suicide over the stupid, unnesecary killing-each-other by the males.

This just in! Women don't care about society, only care about cock!

Nothing new

10% is not a rule its an exception You idiot

liberated ISIS sex slaves soon

Is he wearing boxer shorts under is swimming trunks ?

>I don't learn history

Are you a youtube video?

no they aren't, sorry

Boxers. Typical nigger fashion here.

>Are women loyal to the tribe?

>you are simply trying to oppress women
it worked, what we have now obviously wont work for very long

What's wrong with your brain, buddy?

The spanish dude just pointed out that a female lion doesn't give a shit about what happens to other lions even if it's her partner/children.

That's what he meant.

Your baby killing armies are aready doing it in Iraq, Afghan etc. You retard.


Glad I have a pure white gf

I don't give a fuck about interracial couples.

"Oppressing" women is an effective social strategy.

the female lion is physically inferior to the male, either she submits to him or she dies.

The reason this problem arose in the first place is male behaviour, not female. The male lions want to constantly kill each other, females dont.

>fucking autistic
meh, low energy bait, have a low energy (you)

Women are loyal to power
If your tribe is full of weak faggots who let her do whatever they will do whatever

You talk about lack of loyalty but are perfectly willing to write off half of your own people because of an untested and barely researched hypothesis you picked up somewhere?

Our culture (western/white culture) has flatlined, even if women aren't in immediate danger (a lot of them are) then they still probably have an innate and subconscious sense that our culture is dying and is some cuckolded feminised bullshit and instead they look to the stronger horse.

In Europe, Queens waged more wars then Kings did.

>the female lion is physically inferior to the male, either she submits to him or she dies.

So what? Did you prove the spanish dude wrong?

>animals killing each other to establish dominance and spread their genes

It's just natural selection. And didn't you say that females can't do this because they are physically inferior?

When men are weak no
When men are strong yes

Women seek strong men to protect tribe, weak men are seen as unable to protect tribe.

This is whats happening in west and japan , society is demasculinizing men, there is less competitiveness in school , less boyish behaviour allowed , and the result is beta/nu's crap.

Women in both the west and Japan are looking outside their tribe to neighbours to find better parterners.

Be a man grab that pussy and breed.

Thats what i find funny , "grab the pussy" from trump seen as something men shouldn't do or say.

Fact is a women like a strong confident men that get what they want , and not a weak beta that axes for premision "excuse me , hur i wuz wundering , hur , if i can .. kek ... grab yo pussy"

As for women getting raped and enjoying it , simply ... humans are descendat from either protective societies that put women in place with fear , beatings and even rape from their husbands. And from women who were raped by invaders, this means that a woman who can deal easily with the trauma of rape and carry and/or protect her children is a woman that continues to breeds.

By this simple idea , you understand why women will want to breed with a chimp then with a gentle white calm guy.

So again be a man, grab the pussy... Just do it in manily way.

I mean look at docile sweeds

Imagine that guy taking a women on a date and telling her he wants to fuck her brains out and make sure that she and their children will be protected from invaders...

Do you know what a lion pride without a strong, aggressive male would be? Extinct.

what if the men of the tribe want to kill me?

>wanting to propagate your genes is not a "rational need"

this is why you germcucks are dying out

What the f-*sees flag*, very clever straya, almost had me there.

you can do that without killing other lions.


eastern womyn are selling their pussies for a buck to a foreigner because the whole east collapsed ruining males as a byproduct

then it was possible to take over the.....

and now everything is lost

Stop cuck-posting.


> mfw in 2020 everyone is made to use such "cars"

Mashallah, brother!

>many women in the EU dating / interbreeding / having secret affairs with Arab migrants?

This isn't happening.

Just because you like the thought of my cockhead slipping into your well-lubed anus doesn't mean everyone feels the same way.

Why are some women so ungrateful for all the accomplishments done by men? It's the reason they get to live so comfortably yet they blame all their problems on us.

GET IN HERE!!!!!!!!

German fag, implying you are not a feminist. Would you care answer to this? I'm curious if you are not cherry-picking your opponents in this thread.