What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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So, so many things. Just to really name one: Clinton taking the Rust Belt for granted because her campaign's AI, which told them where to allocate time and resources, relied both on private and public polling. So all of the state pollstars who inflated her lead actually ended up keeping them out of the states (which is funny because during the primaries the pollstars made the same mistakes but since the campaign was totally focused on Michigan, they knew it was a much closer race and it ended up going to Sanders [see: Podesta emails]).
In addition to that, if you look at the way Democrats talk about "voting in your economic interest, poor people!" and Obama especially on how he feels about bailing out the auto-industry (see: any interview in the past year), they really, really didn't think the white working-class would abandon them.
And not to mention WJC getting caught talking to AG Lynch on the tarmac, Comey, e-mails, Republicans targeting HRC for decades (her corruption/untrustworthy scores were high before the e-mail scandal), doubling-down on identity politics, etc etc. but other anons can get into those.
Oh, and her husband passing NAFTA. Man, they really blew it on those Rust Belt states, huh? WJC knew.
Bill Clinton may be a rapist but he had great instincts. He know they needed to appeal to white blue collar but Hillary was mislead by her feminist and moneyball advisors.
>Basket of Deplorables
>here's Beyonce
>Here's Jay-z
>Here's Celebrity XYZ
>I'm not sick COUGH COUGH COUGH it's just pneumonia COUGH COUGH
In combination with CNN, MSNBC, NBC, Politico, WashPo, HuffPo, Salon, Fox News and every other news outlet in the country pushing the "She has a 99.9999999% chance of winning!!!!" "MADAME PRESIDENT!!!!" arrogance.
Other than that, nothing.
Oh yeah and some minor scandals like mailservers and Benghazi.
Best part is Bill saw the warning signs
And they all laughed at him for being a white male.
She's a psycho cunt?
>I'm not sick COUGH COUGH COUGH it's just pneumonia COUGH COUGH
I love how they slapped a kilogram of make-up on her and sent her outside to the press because they knew that if she wasn't seen then they'd report any random rumours they heard.
And then the narrative about how hard she was working despite being sick started up everywhere almost simultaneously and they had to have known how suspicious that would look but didn't care.
>The Mainstream Media Shilled for her.
Her supporters think that the media were in the tank for Trump because they wouldn't stop reporting on him even though 95% of it was negative his noise managed to drown out Hillary at every turn.
What killed her candidacy was that she's transparently corrupt, possesses no social skills, expresses a disdain for the working class, and coasted on the support of the most hated elements of society ("nasty women," hostile foreigners, criminals, bankers, media figures...)
Shit candidate with no policies who relied entirely on muh vagina and a corrupt media establishment
Nothing. All went so well.
What happened to the recount? I am too lazy to search for info, spoon feed me plz.
Trump is getting MORE votes in Wisconsin.
It going to just quietly fade away.
Not really a recount just a money making scam for the green party.
If you need to recount three states to win it's not feasible.
This. She had no message at all. She is a regular ass boring democrat who latched onto the progressive movement of the left.
Bernie had a retarded message but you have to give it to him that he at least had a message. Just never had a chance because of the corrupt DNC.
>condescending to traditional women
>repugnant to white men
>unexciting to minority voters
>nepotistic nominee--already screwed by Bush there
>crazy bitch Kuru laugh.
>talked about 'muh nuclear codes' so much Americans decided it was her who couldn't be trusted with them.
She hates freedom.
barack 2.0
Barack-O could at least sell that he was a nice guy who genuinely wanted change, even if he wasn't.
Clinton is as visibly malevolent as she is sickly.
-federal judge ordered MI recount to go ahead today, 70k undervotes from Detroit expected to go to Hillary flipping the state
-hearing in federal court on PA recount today, Obama appointed judge just like the MI one, expect to allow the recount to happen
-WI recount continuing, so far no big changes, but the big Hillary counties aren't in yet
>What went wrong?
“Take him yourselves and crucify him; I find no case against him.” The Jews answered him, “We have a law, and according to that law he ought to die because he has claimed to be the Son of God.” Now when Pilate heard this, he was more afraid than ever.
Stein collected over $7 million and refused to pay pay the million they asked for.
none of this is happening, MI told her to fuck off because they already did a recount, and WI is turning out better for him now, PA is not going to matter, and for that matter neither does any of this, this just makes her seem more like a tattered worthless human being who is now also a sore loser, fuck her.
A winner came and showed what a loser she was.
Pretty much, she delivered nothing whatsoever in regards to policy, her message was about being a female president and that was it, she relied too much on the feminishits and it backfired.
Has anyone called her out on it yet? Surely the people who donated know they've been Jewed?
>A winner came and showed what a loser she was.
That would be more convincing if more than 38% of registered voters bothered to vote for him.
She actually lost because she was such an unpopular cunt even a fat, senile carrot could almost beat her at the polls.
Seriously tho, she lost because black men aren't going to show respect for a white woman.
>if more than *28% of registered voters bothered to vote for him.
White males ruining everything yet again.
Ishkek Shalom brother
>MI told her to fuck off because they already did a recount
no, look at updated news, federal judge ruled that they should start a recount today, tomorrow the MI supreme court decides, but the recounting starts today
>Bernie had a retarded message but you have to give it to him that he at least had a message. Just never had a chance because of the corrupt DNC.
See I liked Bernie because he was an outsider to his party like Trump, he lost his political revolution and Trump won his. I honestly think that the election would have been more interesting(but less exciting) if Bernie had been the nominee because they'd have to debate on policy instead of character because Bernie doesn't give much of a shit about personal attacks and Trump thrives on them.
wew lad