Can you be black and redpilled?


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i wish

Course, just as you can be a white nigger

Look up Tommy Sotomayor.

Ofcourse you can senpai

I don't see why not

Always remember there's a difference between a black man and a nigger.

Anyone can be redpilled. It's not up to their race or ethnicity to determine that, even kikes can be redpilled. They can still try to jew us over but they can be redpilled in doing so. Although certain people might have a hard time becoming redpilled due to cultural or media blocking redpilling channels.


Pretty easily I suspect.

Of course. If there is one positive attribute I'll give to black guys it is they are very present, and grounded, and will tend to speak their mind (also partly why blacks naturally have game).

You can take that too far though, I swear all black guys I meet my age believe in flat earth

Imagine that nigger doing surgery on your brain while thinking about Jesus and shit. I hate this asshole with all my heart.

Technically it's called the "Maroon Pill"


You better believe it, son.

There's a black pill?


It's extremely rare but it happens.

Carson and sheriff David Clarke are examples.

Always suspect blacks as niggers, though aka around blacks, never relax.

Only if you off yourself.

Can you be german and not a cuck?
Can you be Venezuelan and not a commie?
Can you be japanese and not a weeb?
Can you be russian and not be crazy?
Can you be asían and not smart?

>Sup Forums has already forgotten about based Sowell

Hell yeah son.


Yes. It's called not being a nigger.


Hoteps are extremely red pilled
any black that isnt liberal is pretty much red pilled