"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can overthrow thuh gubbmint!"

>"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can overthrow thuh gubbmint!"
>drone strike kills you without any sort of warning

Do you gun nuts even hear yourselves? Why should mentally ill lunatics be allowed to own assault rifles?

Gun regulation is simply common sense. You don't need a weapon of war unless you're planning on killing people. Bring pro-gun is literally being pro-murder.

Well ammosexuals? Got an excuse?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/>"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can overthrow thuh gubbmint!" /


wtf did you just say about me?


But without an assault rifle how would you self-investigate a pizza shop that the internet says is secretly a pedophile sex dungeon?

checkmate atheists

Ill admit it, I do like reading the first line of this post even though i see it every other day

Kek, nice try retard

i think owning a gun is neat, being able to overthrow the government is just a plus

>get under a roof
>drone cant kill me

what now you faggot



Killing in defense of self or property is not murder and entirely reasonable.

So people are supposed to just bend over and go down without a fight because (you) deem it impossible for them to win? Nice logic.

The US should export the 2nd amendment, not democracy abroad.

Stop stealing our memes

the slow blade penetrates the shield


archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/>"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can overthrow thuh gubbmint!" /

Template bait thread. Anyone who posts after this is a fucking moron.

Are those threads always made by that one same guy everytime?

What amount of dedication does one need to spend their entire day on Sup Forums waiting for a thread to get archived just to bring it back again and again?

You don't need a gun to defend yourself unless you're at risk of being murdered yourself.

In other words, if the other guy has a gun already.

And yet you want to keep these things legal?

Yes, yes, because a bunch of dudes living in the wilderness with guns has never given the U.S. military difficulty.

Magic drones everywhere!

Please fuck off and die, you mental midget.

But... but... muh constitution.



>"Ah need mah musket so ah can overthrow thuh gubbmint!"
>royal navy full cannon barrage kills you with a single volley

Anyways, autism aside, I'm sure some faggot here will post the team red copy pasta. Also, it amuses me how autistic you are when there's full well proof that guerilla movements work well in the modern day. See Vietnam, the rise of ISIS, countless other middle eastern states fallen to rebellion and infighting.


>this expression indicates an ammosexual's lack of understanding

Bad bait
Kys commie cock sucker

Why don't we just use Drones to prevent mass shootings then if they're so omnipotent. then everyone can keep their guns.


Yes, because the 1700s were a wonderful time and an ideal model for modern society.

I think you completely missed the point, retard.


What's amazing to me is the same people who argue that they need guns to protect themselves from the government are also the ones who want the government to have a ridiculously powerful military.


By all means come up with an example of people we should emulate who were more worthy of admiration.

The Founding Fathers™ were pretty shitty people.

sage this gay shit

>this can't be happening
>I'm in charge here!

His point was that the whole "your ar-15/musket won't do shit against the government" is a bunch of bullshit and it's been proven through guerilla warfare.


>t. some closet case posting from mommy's basement

Strawmen everywhere sage

>"Ah need ta ban mah AR-15 so ah can overthrow thuh patriarchy!"
>Trump gets elected without any sort of warning
>We need to overthrow the government with guns!

Do you liberal nuts even hear yourselves? Why should mentally ill lunatics be allowed to ban weapons and then turn around and say you need them to overthrow a legitimate elected government?

Gun regulation is simply tyranny. Your government wouldn't ban then unless they're planning on killing people. Bring anti-gun is literally being pro-murder.

Well trans/bi/homo/cuck/ect.sexuals? Got an excuse?

But he's right. We don't have tracking devices on us. You think everyone with a weapon is just going to huddle up in buildings and let drones come blow them up? You're pretty stupid, kid.

It's a bad point. Why do you want to be like guerrillas?

>muh vietnam

That war could have been easily won if we'd been allowed to use as much force as needed.

Idk, why does your mom liked to be fucked by niggers?

What if the other guy is a roid freak who outweighs you buy 40 pounds and can throw a car?

What if there are 6 niggers trying to stomp you and kidnap your QT daughter?

Then is it still okay to not have a gum if they don't?

What if you are a woman and want to defend yourself?

I shouldn't have expected more than this from a bunch of hicks I guess. Enjoy your trailer!

When did I say anything about Vietnam and there are plenty of other examples.

If you really think people are just going to stay in thier homes or in cities, you're a retard.

>1 Post by this ID
Don't forget to sage, hide, and report lads.


Thanks, I will

>"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can overthrow thuh gubbmint!"
>drone strike kills you without any sort of warning

Do you government nutsuckers even hear yourselves? Why should mentally ill lunatics be allowed to vote?

Drone regulation is simply common sense. You don't need a weapon of war unless you're planning on killing people. Bring pro-drone is literally being pro-murder.

Well homosexuals? Got an excuse?

>implying most people even know how to survive outside a city

You're so ignorant of how the world works it isn't even funny.

I can't fucking stand gun nuts. I've watched so many massacres happen over the past few years and you people have stopped us from doing ANYTHING.

Die in a fire. Painfully.

What can we do to fight back?

The NRA has this country locked down.

I'm not saying most people would survive, there would be plenty of deaths but the strong would prevail.

Why are you at the scene of so many massacres, user? Seems a bit suspicious.


>pro-gun is literally being pro-murder.
The weak should fear the strong.

Remember to sage bait posts

>1 toast by this I.V

>the strong would prevail
Everyone should prevail.



>Everyone should prevail.
The weak and inferior do not deserve it.

>"Ah need mah feminism so ah can overthrow thuh patriarchy!"
>muslim rapes and beheads you for not wearing a burka

You post like a stereotypical Canadian.

Oh lord where to begin
>Define assault rifle you cuck.
>If drones would be able to crush a rebellion to a point having guns was pointless then why are the sandniggers still running around the middle east.
>how would anyone defend their home in rural communities where the average police response time is 10 plus minutes IF YOU CAN EVEN CALL
>"you literally advocate for women to be disarmed and raped you sexist"

pretty epic

Who is """"inferior"""" to you?

I you're a typical Sup Forums nazi your opinion will be discarded.

>You don't need a weapon of war unless you're planning on killing people.


Hitler took power in a democracy.

Fuck off.

One bullet ended a presidency.

An army of guns defeated an invasion.

Only so many drones and so many bombs and who would fly them?

Not the people too afraid to hold a gun or be around them. That is what you must understand.

The meek shall inherit the earth once the strong are done defending it.

Well we can't sink to their level obviously.

If Sanders had been elected we might have better options. (Yeah I know he was mostly fine with guns but he'd stand up to the lobbyists)

As it is we have to keep up the pressure, keep debating rationally with these irrational people.

Eventually reason will win through.

Funny how all the shooting happen in "gun free zones". It's almost like that little plastic sign doesn't stop shooter and only stops legal carry conceal

I think gun rights is a every serious issue Sven

>One bullet ended a presidency.
So we should have more bullets???



Not this shit again...

Do you have to deal with these. If you don't have an ar15 you are putting your life in the hands of an animal that doesn't care about your lib cuck feelings.

>Being pro gun = pro murder
>Think of Chicago
>Refute your central point

Sage this faggoty shill.

Typical better than thou liberal mentality. Young teen to twenty somethings who watch TYT and act like they are on the "rational or scientificall side" of history. That's why you lost the election in a landslide. You act like you have the only reasonable point of view and demean anyone who disagrees as stupid because God forbid you are wrong or blinded by partisanship

Strength did not create the gun nor the bullet. Wisdom did.

Wisdom didn't fire it. Ignorance did. Wisdom called the nation forward to defend it's people and so Strength came forward holding the weapons of the wise to combat the ignorant who is controlled by the Corrupt.

There are more deaths by car than by guns each year in the first world. And where not it is a land ruled by ignorance where wisdom is not put in its right of power by the strong who know it is not their place.

Wrong picture

Since OP's thread is shittier than his life, what's your guys loadout for day of the rope?

This is my current build, traded the SKS for a revolver and bought a light and a quad rail for the AR, getting an optic next



dip shit post. Truly a student of propagandist. Who doesn't enjoy a monopoly of force

>dip shit post
Mind pointing out how?

>student of propaganda
If that were true then how were you able to pick it out so easily? Are you just that smart?

>thread is made every day
>1 post by this user
These are bot threads you idiots.

Bots know what a storefront looks like?

>old as fuck copypasta
>90 fucking replies

1 post by this ID.

These shitheads that start these threads don't even believe in them enough to stick around and defend them as they're torn apart.

how are he drones working for you in middle-east ? checkmate libtards

satanic trips of truth
also underrated comment, +1 upboat

It's proof that Sup Forums has been far worse than Sup Forums for a long, long time.

Bro, that's horrible for, at max, 25 yards. Indoor gun range and .22LR? Should be all in one 1/2" hole.

the US government can't even beat a bunch of sandniggers with 100-year old garage made martini-henry rifles, what makes you think they can beat their own citizens?

>"You don't need a weapon of war unless you're planning on killing people"

No shit Sherlock, that's how war works. We have the freedom to pursue interest in things that oppressive governments would see as dangerous.

If the government is doing nothing wrong, they have nothing to worry about. But if they are afraid of the people revolting, that means they are doing something worth starting a revolution over.

>>"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can overthrow thuh gubbmint!"
No, I need mah AR-15 to shoot a raging nigger.

Sup Forums literally rejects science and rationality