Trump BTFO

Trump BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

>if you don't hire people of color, you're racist
>if you do hire people of color, you're racist


This dude is a complete retard holy shit

Love how the left is tipping its hand and its nothing but race cards.

Carson is a highly principled, intelligent man with a talent for organizing people and whose own family, yes, came from a poor environment and wants to see change affected in the worst parts of the cities.

What were Obummer's qualifications for presidency again? Oh right, he was a "community organizer", which is basically a codeword for professional rabblerouser.

black americans have an average iq of 85

t. facts

>Be more diverse!

>Why did you pick a black man for that job!


Haha you get to live in this shithole !

Gay negroes - Tariq - hate Ben

Dr. Carson is the champion of Christian, heterosexual black families.

Tariq looks kinda sexually confused

This guy should do something with his life instead of being a race baiting dick

Tariq is a suspected white supremacist.


>ben carson literally grew up in the hood
>his single mother couldn't even fucking read
>she forced him and his brother to read and make book reports and they didn't know she couldn't read
>he got out of the ghetto and became the first human to successfully operate on and separate Siamese twins IN THEIR FUCKING BRAINS
but yeah, its only because hes black sure


76 get

The reason they chose a nigger is because nigger communities cannot be fixed and this way they can't blame whitey again.

rawling for africa so I can move to a european country and dick white girls

kek rollins

>It's only okay when liberals hire black people!
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I really hope this guy continues spouting his nonsense rhetoric though, because it makes democrats look completely nonsensical and impossible to please.



>hire nigger
>don't hire nigger
I hate the left so goddamned much.

Oh, I get it. Because black people are urban. Good joke Tariq!

Wait. .. wouldn't this be Ben Carson BTFO

>The left hates black Cabinet members now


by what? just a dumb nigger chimping out on twitter?

you leftist use words but have no idea what they mean. chimping out isn't a valid argument

Ben Carson is like the ultimate black success story, maybe he knows how to uplift some of those urban niggers out of the welfare trap like he did himself.

>doing labor



This fucking racist ass bitch needs to be banned for inciting hate against all races.

"Anti-racism strategist" indeed.


I love these,

Also, what were the 100000000 and 99999999 gets?

rawling for 14


Fuck leftists and Jill Stein 2020.

Ah, Tariquie naSheethead,you so funny. Dr Carson has literally made history with his surgical skills, he came from nothing and by sheer strength of character made himself into someone anyone could admire.

Who the fuck is this Nasheed negro anyway?

Really? One wacky doctor is ultimate black success story??

Not president of the united states?

99999999 was ">ban anime >jill stein 2020"
100000000 was "fuck leftists"

To be fair this is basically true. Carson is an extremely accomplished person, but he has zero experience in this field.

>Trump's entire cabinet is only fucking white males, whine the liberals
>Trump hires black guy
>He only hires blacks because they are black, whine the liberals
>Trump cures cancer
>He only cured cancer because he is racist towards abnormal cells
Fucking liberals, what do they want?

Obama is half cracker, the only story there is be lucky enough to have rich white grandparents.


Kibbutzim, you retarded goy.



Tariq is a cornball race baiter.





his new name is turok cuckshed

Not a third world shithole

Mr. President.

Wrong, he was given something he might have even a slight idea about as a prize for being loyal to Trump

He literally grew up in the ghetto and it's not a critical job, good reward for Carson






Obama grew up in an upper class white family you stupid fuck


Control and no oposition to their feelings

Aw shit senpai


Come on United States.

Lets give it a go


It's going to be great how the general populace will remember everything Trump did but have no clue what Obama did except ACA.

Organizing what people? You're literally making stuff up. He said himself he isn't qualified to run an organization with a budget of nearly 50 billion dollars.

>Half white and born to a rich coal burner
>Goes to private schools
>Gets meme law degree
>Whole career before one (incomplete) term as senator is as a part time lecturer and "Constitutional Scholar"
>rabble rouser
Oh wow, so surprising he's successful.
>Black single mother who can't even read
>Becomes a neuro surgeon despite going to public school in DETROIT
>Degree from Yale, MI State, and Ann Arbor

Yeah, Ben is definitely the greater success story.

You don't see anything wrong with any of that? I mean this isn't a janitorial position, It's pretty fucking important job. Shouldn't the pick have gone to the best qualified person?

Sharpton, Jackson and Holder constantly hold meetings with communities about supporting traditional family values and taking on the responsibilities of being parents. But yeah, you chose to post a picture of an image that ignores this fact because it aligns with your political views.

Straight to heaven, oh yeah.

Which basically describes the Obama presidency as well as every black member of the house and senate. And basically half the city mayors & administrators in America. We obviously cant have a white police chief because he will never understand "the community." These people are nowhere close to being the most qualified based on merit alone.

They would be screaming their heads off if he picked a white guy to run HUD

Wow only a racist faggot would say something like that

Gee I wonder where all the racial agitation is coming from? It surely couldn't be from all the guys who opportunistically bring it up all the time for the sake of scoring oppression points? Right?


lol like being born in Russia wasn't hardcore enough

these people truly don't understand memes

Perfect example of why multiculturalism is shit and you should never care about being called racist. White people will always be wrong in their minds.

This guy is such an insufferable cunt

He just sits back and casts judgement on everything

>Ya Trump fucked that up

>They did that wrong

>Thats not the right way to do the right thing

Shut the fuck up. Nobody asked you and you dont do anything important except TALK SHIT

And its abundantly clear by how he got btfo on that interview, and this tweet, that he has no real issues with terrorist shooters being taken down, or Trump hiring black people, he just hates white peope

If you hate us and our ways so much then go back to wherever the fuck it is that they name young children 'Tariq'

I don't ever recall Obama admitting he wasn't qualified to run the country, so as of right now Uncle Ben has a one up on King Nigger I guess?

Right OK great but none of that changes the fact that a man who literally no experience of any kind in housing or urban development is now in charge of housing and urban development for over 300 Million people. Any way you look at it, that doesn't make sense.

??? who cares about HUD???

If he were picked for Secretary of Defense they would say it's because Trump thinks black people are violent.

Fuck 'em.

dat racis

Re roll


>If you hate us and our ways so much then go back to wherever the fuck it is that they name young children 'Tariq'
>you are canadian
Rite mate fuck off to our own country we americans have diverse opinions

>Ben Carson looks urban

Is this guy fucking retarded?

>Getting this upset about someone's opinion

Should he just not have the right to speak on a public social media website because it challenges your view?

What the hell is wrong with the regressive left and their lack of self-awareness ?
Does this SERIOUSLY not trigger any kind of deja-vu ? Is their head so far up their ass they can't even hear themselves ?

This. Except Ben never went to MI State. Yale undergrad, University of Michigan Medical School (which is a top 10 - 15 medical school), and Johns Hopkins residency (top in the world at the time for neruosurgery). Also youngest to lead a major department at Johns Hopkins (33)

IDK why no one in this thread has mentioned that Tariq seems to be referencing that satire news article from (ny times??) that said trump would pick him because it has urban right in the name

>??? who cares about HUD???


There is no winning with these kind of people is there?

Are you fucking kidding me? The left constantly talks about hiring people based on skin color in the name of diversity. They talk about hiring black police officers for black areas, complain about too many white people in the workplace, push for the hiring of different races over white. When Trump hires a black man though, it's fucking racist. Fuck these people. This is why Trump was elected. Fuck these race baiting pieces of garbage.

>Urban guy
>Urban development

Trump is a potter just like Lucas