Breaking: Mistrial Declared in the SC Cop Shooting

Breaking: Mistrial Declared in the SC Cop Shooting

Other urls found in this thread: do mistrials work

Chimpout imminent

To be fair, this guy is clearly guilty. Only police shooting in the last year it makes sense for them to be upset about

Not an excuse to riot though


Juror was unanimous for conviction...except for one holdout. He stated that he was not going to change his mind.

Just announced on FOX news. Not on their website yet...

this, that cop is pretty scummy. but BLM turned things so political that even guilty cops will be protected at this point

Same, obvious guilt, Literally planted tazer on him.
Thats why I think if they protest or riot its gonna be huge/violent.


>the nose knows

Scared af now senpai

in this case, SC has earned it.

cop straight up murdered the guy on video, then tried to plant evidence.

Story? Source? Video? Pics of the body? Something??

does that mean he walks free or is there going to be a retrial?

>one holdout.
The hero we deserve.

Shooting a chunky retarded nigger with limited stamina in the back
as he jogs off.
Let the cop hang.

heres a pic of the juror in question

So far chimpouts have been inversely proportional to the legitimacy of the outrage. Chances are there won't even be one.

That and the election is over, there is no more shekels to bus BLM rioters around.

How!! How does he get away with it?

hope it burns, that piece of shit couldn't have been more guilty

If I'm on the jury I'd say not guilty just to see the chimpout.

this is very true.

it's weird.

fake and gay

Didn't the black guy get a hold of the taser and actually discharge it in the direction of Slager?

There will be no riots. why the fuck do you guys think they will go out and do anything? They have zero energy, spent it all in lesser cases. This should be huge, but it won't. These people are so low energy, they're tired.

you retarded?

it's on every news site

You missed it? It was dissected fairly well here.

Broad daylight, open area like a large lawn, cop and dindu briefly wrestle over taser, cop gets taser, dindu takes off, cop says fuck it and shoots him in the back. Then walks the taser over and tosses it next to the body. While nothing of value was lost, it was ponderous that he wouldn't chase him. Can't remember what the initial call was about though.

Nigga please. It was one of us.

Who wants to make the chimpout thread?

Was looking for a thread on this.

Only one juror held out, but they said most were unsure as well and came back with four new questions on the charges.

>obvious there is wrongdoing by police
>no constant debate/ratings-boosting media controversy
>no violent protests created

>debatable misconduct by police with lack of clear evidence
>creates endless social media/news channel controversies to capitalize off of
>boosts awareness of incident, argumentation and antagonizer ion of the other side galvanizes both sides in their positions
>time for rioting

Apparently, major alt right leader Samuel Haïdé is the shooter.

I remember the initial breakdown by some "lawyer" on Sup Forums and he showed that the taser was shot in the direction of the cop.


Guilty of what though?

They tried him on murder I believe. do mistrials work

Cop is free to go unless they bring it up to a higher court.

Strap in lads.


2016 has been the most based year of my life. Praise Kek!

What is really strange, BLM has been silent for a long time.

Keith Lamont Scott's shooter wasn't charged and I think another recent case with not guilty or no charges. Yet nothing from them.


Nice get you kike

He was pulled over for a broken taillight. He was just going to get a warning, then he ran because he had unpaid child support.

Liberals killed him.

Of being white.


Going to laugh when he's doxed and executed

>yfw it was the sole nigger juror

If I knew your address I could mail you a handwritten letter featuring the url of the video posted above or you could click here:

nigger attacked him
took the cops tazer
shot the cop with own tazer
ran away
cop shot him
threw the tazer on the ground next to dead nigger

We went over this a year and a half ago.


He obviously killed that guy for no reason it's homicide

It's the one police event that I've seen since fergeson where the cop is legitimately a murder yet it's the one they won't chimp over


Blacks are not the brave warriors and noble heroes that the Jewish script writers portray them as.

When they perceive that their enemy (usually whitey) is soft, they will boast and rage and riot to their heart's content.

When something genuinely anti black happens, they think "Oh, fuk. Dey serus diss time. Wes beeta bez good boyz or wez gonna get it."

That's what I remember. What is the defense's story?

Ponderous is not the right word here. You're looking for "questionable" or "dubious."

Are you retarded?

Or are you so redpilled that you don't consider blacks as persons?

He walks free for now, but he will be retried. National media outrage and public pressure will be sufficient for a retrial, especially considering the jury was 11-1 for conviction. They might not try and go for murder this time and only charge him with manslaughter(I've heard reports the jury was only at 11-1 for the manslaughter charge).

Mistrial declared in North Charleston police shooting case

reminder multiple jurors changed their minds over the weekend.


Soap Box
Ballot Box
Jury Box

The drugged guy walking down the center of the street in Chicago.

Surrounded by cops, dancing on the center line, finally some cop just gets pissed and kills him.

I don't know if that technically happened before or after Ferguson, but the video surfaced after.

Looks like more than one changed their minds.

CHARLESTON, S.C. -- A majority of the jurors in the trail of Michael Slager, the former South Carolina police officer accused of murder in the shooting death of black motorist Walter Scott, are undecided about a verdict in the case, according to a note the jurors provided to the court on Monday.

he wuz good boi he diddu nuttin

user, they're not Orks.

scientifically speaking they arent human. the officer was guilty of poaching.

Learn what murder is, dumbass. How can there be malice aforethought during a traffic stop and chase that the cop had no idea would occur? Not all homicide is murder.

>takes off running right at the line "Max lost his head"
>Winds up dead

These are top tier digits my friend and I thank you kindly.

Well yeah. Orcs are smarter

The ultimate red pill will come when they start locking up these officers for these shootings. People will see the crime rate spike as a result of police officers being too afraid to do their job. That will be the ultimate red pill, when the streets become more dangerous because the police are no longer shooting thugs. He really should be locked up for this one though, hard to defend this officer.


And British.

The jury

its weird, i remeber reading a thing somewhere that blacks might hate whitey but know they need whitey. they would be useless ((moreso than now)) and everything would fall apart if it wasnt for the white devil keeping things going.

Nigger shouldn't have ran away from a broken tail light stop then. This is always what happens, the nigger escalates the situation. Deserved to get shot.

Cop pulls a guy over, gets his license, goes back to car to run it through database. Standard traffic stop.

Guy in car knows he has priors, as well as back payments of child support that are a warrant for his arrest. He opens the door of the car, cop says "stay in the car!".

Guy panics, bolts from the car running. Cop chases after him.

Little do we know at this point that the car is stolen, and there is also a stolen handgun under the passenger seat. Additionally, the suspect was high on crack and PCP.

Cop catches up to the guy, tells him to get on the ground, guy refuses and tries to take his taser. He fails, and starts running again, cop shoots him in the back eight times.

Cop then moves the tazer to the body as its being examined by another cop, allegedly planting false evidence. This is why the case is a big deal, since it was recorded by a pedestrian.

The dead guy has 7 kids from 3 different mothers that he doesn't pay for (which means you and I pay for them instead), a record of criminal activity and drug abuse, and apparently a penchant for stealing things like a Mercedes and a handgun.

Some are saying its a murder, others are saying karma finally caught up to this deadbeat.

Regardless, chimpout incoming.

I thought they tried him for voluntary manslaughter

>some Sup Forumsack gets jury duty
>pissed off at first until he realized who's trial he was a juror for
>the guy's obviously actually guilty this time
>based Sup Forumsack votes not guilty just to cause a chimp out for having to waste his valuable neet time
>causes LA riots level shitstorm
>hundreds die, thousands injured
>all of us watch it all happen live, comfy as fuck

Thank you based Sup Forums bro, you're doing Keks work

>scientifically speaking they arent human. the officer was guilty of poaching.

What did he mean by this?

How thee hell can a piece of shit like that gather sympathy. The lives he has hurt. And people are fighting for him?? Fucking hell man.


Murder is premeditated. This wasn't premeditated.

There is a reason charges were dropped in the Freddie Gray case.

Ah, I can understand the confusion as they charged him with murder in addition to voluntary manslaughter. One of the lawyers even asked why he was charged with both.

i have my fingers crossed for a chimpout the likes havent been seen in years.

i know im a bad person but sometimes i just like to watch cities burn.

why is that picture on your computer?

i have a whole folder of zootopia reaction images

ok furry

some are even Sup Forums related

>turns out the black juror refused to convict so rioting would begin

But yeah, this will end up retried. They can't not retry it at this point, too much at stake.

holy digits
and please happen, I'm ready to get comfy

Status on happenings tonight?

SC reporting.

Nothing will happen. It never does here. Somehow Charleston is blessed with some sort of anti-riot magic.

Frankly, I am amazed it ended with mistrial.

>tried to run
>resisted arrest
>tried to use one of the cops weapons against cop
>cop decided that this guy was dangerous and unpredictable enough that kid gloves are coming off

Also, while Charleston is a delightful historic city filled with expensive restaurants and shitheel college students, NORTH CHARLESTON is a different city and is one of the worst shit holes in the country.

Nothing will happen, please take off your flecktarn and unload your AR's

0. They have zero energy.

They're gathering their forces and laying low for the massive strike they're planning on the inauguration. They know at this point any actions they take now will only lose even more support of the people.

This should get them pretty energized no?

>Oh, fuk. Dey serus diss time. Wes beeta bez good boyz or wez gonna get it.

#LawfulKilling and #WalterScott trending


773 here, you're referring to the shooting of LaQuan McDonald. There was also an effort to cover up the evidence including seizing 80 minutes of security camera footage from a nearby Burger King. The deputy who approved that whole report (McNaughton is his last name I believe) was made to resign and may go to jail, but they technically threw his ass under the bus

the good news is that Alvarez lost the election for State Attorney so that bitch can fuck off for all I care, she was involved in the cover-up of that case I can assure you

pic unrelated btw

ravioli ravioli give me a riot-oni

Cop does the motion of pulling out his gun and shooting immediately as there is a break in the fight. He doesn't waste time judging if the guy is going to run away or fight again.
To me that's reasonable.
He shoots until the guy hits the ground.
Also reasonable.
He moves the taser to where the body is.
Not reasonable.

I'd only convict him of evidence tampering if I was on the jury.