With all the stories of fake news flying around, I'd like to start a collection of actual fake news stories

With all the stories of fake news flying around, I'd like to start a collection of actual fake news stories.

Post your favorites!

Are you fucking kidding me? Who's the source?

That's bbc

They used to be so reliable.


Can you guys link sources that pizzagate is real? Not shilling, just late to the party and need proofs.

Gonna be like proving visitors

Lots of spooky stuff

So it's actually just 'fake news'?

Some sources would be nice.

So I can just start a news site and write made up stories for a living?

Sounds fun

Didn't say it was fake.... just lots of coincidental stuff that could be true but requires more investigation. Check some of the threads, lots of info there. You won't find any sources other than anons here.

What threads, dude, they all talk about fake news and not actual sources. Was it in the e-mails?

Find a /pgg/ that's where the info is collected.

Emails started this with the spirit cooking thing, then they found out had of ctr is gay with owner of pizza shop, then they found all the spooky instagram stuff and references to pedophelia/trafficking. Learn to use the catalog



CNN falsely inserts "racial" into Trump's statement on behavioral profiling.

Straight up lying about Trump.

Lugenpresse thread?











Bill being passed to counter "fake news".


the "refugees" are not a nigger swarm, but syrian women and children, cue picture of dead little boy





So Breitbart 2.0?






wish I would have had this collection a couple weeks ago

oh well thanks for dumping