
So I have brown eyes and my wife has blue eyes. Our newborn son has blue eyes. I was pretty surprised. How does this happen?

Your wife cheated on you with a blue-eyed man. Maybe the Fedex guy, maybe a neighbor. Be on the lookout for a smug looking blue somewhere in your wife's friendship circle.

It's possible. Get a paternity test to be sure.

Plant some peas, document the descendants.
You might want to join a monastery as well
>Who is Mendel?

You got cucked.

your wife has blue eyed genes in her. either that or your kids eyes will turn green in a couple of years. thats what happened to me

You hold the genes for blue eyes. Brown is dominant but if both parents have blue eye genes tour children can be blue eyed

Our son?!?

I think you mean *your wifes* son


My mother had brown eyes and my father had blue eyes. Every single male on my fathers side has blue eyes no matter the color of the other side. For some reason, my families eye genes are fuckin strong

he was already cucked

Sometimes newborns have blonde hair and blue eyes but both can darken over time.

Most of the time the eye colors change when they are newborns. My nephew was born with blue eyes but turned green after a few months

My sister and I were like that. Slavdad and English mother. He's clearly the father and we have a strong resemblance ignoring the mother's blue eyes dominating. Still get that paternity test, though.

While this combination has a 50% chance of producing blue-eyed offspring, I'm going to agree with the other posters and say that your wife cheated on you. They always do, after all.

Eye colour works through alleles, so let 'B' represent dominant brown and 'b' represent recessive blue, your wife would be 'bb', therefore to produce a blue eyed child you must be 'Bb', since there are two alleles for each trait. She clearly cheated on you though, lawyer up.

your wife got BLEACHED

are both your parents browneyes?

Its not actually that rare, theres about a 25% change blue eyes become dominant in these scenarios

Anyone with a GCSE in Biology knows this is perfectly possible. If your gene alleles are Bb (dominant brown allele and recessive blue allele) and your wife's are bb (two recessive blue alleles) there is a 50% chance your kid will have blue eyes.

They might yet turn brown. In fact they probably will.

question. i had green eyes when i was young now i have brown. is there ANY way that i can revert this?

if he is "newborn" it's normal, will be brown after 1/2 of year


you have a latent blue eye gene
the chances your children will have blue eyes are 25%

this and
if you are very certain that she did not cheat, no need to worry, if she is the type who might do that why did you marry her? and you might want to start asking questions, generally not a reason to be concerned though

Three possibilities:
A)You have the recessive allele for blue eyes and passed it on to your son.
B)Many babies are born with light coloured eyes and they darken with age, and so will be brown in the future.
C)Ya got cucked son.

Does anyone in your family have blue eyes? If not, it's not that big of a deal as there's still a decent chance they can have blue eyes.

New fags falling for bait this low quality. gtfo newfags

you have a recessive blue eye allele


this you uneducated monkeys, babies get their true eye color after 1st year, it doesn't really matter what color baby had until then

also blue eyes are degenerative genes problem, only because high % are in some desirable country people find them pretty

scientist with brown hair, brown eyes here, like every other scientist in the world, go be pretty whore if you like, but by the end of the day, we still win by being remembered in history

Wow Nice ID's

everything isn't bait you paranoid schizophrenic newfag

You're seriously a retard. This is even great bait.

But OP, come back here after half a year and tell us if your son's eyes stayed blue or not.

Most Caucasian babies are born with blue eyes. They will change to their 'real' color later.

baby verified white when born with blue eyes.

I have light brown eyes, their dad has blue eyes and all three of my sons have blue and gray eyes. When I asked their pediatrician about this, he told me that in order for blue eyes to override the dominant brown have to carry the blue eye trait.

What color are your eyes, Hans? Be honest.

>read my baby book
>born with blue eyes
>turn hazel after 2 weeks

Weird, right?

greyish blue


He posted the fucking thread you mongol.

>doesn't understand the difference between dominant and recessive genes
I have bad news for you. Your son is probably retarded.

Oh. I guess my blue eyes went blind for a second there.
Thumbs up, Germanic brother.

There's surgery for getting your eyes to be blue, through at least two methods that I know of. Green though? Yeah, you're fucked.

I'm a shitskin and my shitskin mom and my white dad told me I was born with light eyes. Reverted to shit eyes later though :(

blue eyes are a recessive trait. take an entry level bio course at your local college

This is the only correct answer.

We all love the banter around here, and calling people with brown eyes shitskins is pretty fun, but you realize it's just satire? Right?

Simply means you carry the genes for blue eyes but they are dormant in your case, and expressed in your kid since your wife has it as well.

t. Blue-eyed blond person in a family of fucking darkies.

>You hold a recessive gene for blue eyes
>You got cucked

don't worry about it, I know that we are rare these days...
All kinds of blessings to you though

>OP show is true powerlevel
>user points out his powerlever is "ignorant as a dirt blonde"
>OP comes back with "It's just bait, newfags"
go back to Sup Forums, don't come back

learn about recessive genes idiot

And those two would be?

A blue-eyed and a brown-eyed person can have a blue-eyed baby if the brown-eyed person had any blue-eyed ancestors.

Thanks, you too.
Do what benefits yourself and our kind.

Well dude I'm not a plastic surgeon so I wouldn't know, lol, but the first method is to place a high quality colored thingy in the eye so it looks blue. Apparently this method is flawed enough that if you put a naturally blue-eyed person and the person with the surgery, you could tell that their eyes are different.

The second method is actually being performed here in Catalonia, though I ignore whether or not it was first developed here. They basically remove the melanin from the eye somehow and it's 100% perfect and you can't tell them apart from normal blue eyes.

Or you could just have googled 'blue eye surgery' and saved whatever time it took you to read this.

Google "punnett square" faggot

It's called "punnett squares"

almost all white newborns have blue eyes dumb ass