/left/- Leftism general

Greetings Comrades

This thread is for the discussion of any and all left-wing political ideology, including, but not limited to, Marxism/Socialism/Communism/Anarchism/Syndicalism/etc.

>Socialism is an economic and social system defined by social ownership of the means of production. (Workers democratically own and operate the places in which they work, as opposed to private power aka capitalism)

>The means of production are non-human inputs the create economic value, such as factories, workplaces, industrial machinery, etc. Socialists refer to the means of production as capital, or private property. Private property in the socialist context shouldn't be confused with personal property, such as your home, car, computer, and other possessions.

>In a capitalist society the means of production are owned and controlled privately, by those that can afford them (the capitalist aka those with capital). Production is carried out to benefit the capitalist (production for profit). Workers are paid a wage, and receive that amount regardless of how much value they produce.

>Communism is the highest developed stage of socialism wherein there is no state, no money, no class system. The means of production are owned by all and provide for everyone's needs.


ABC's of Socialism: s3.jacobinmag.com/issues/jacobin-abcs.pdf

Introduction to Marxism by Professor Richard D. Wolff: [YouTube] Crisis and Openings: Introduction to Marxism - Richard D Wolff (embed)

Selections of Left-wing Literature:

Mikhail Bakunin - God and the State (short read)
Thomas Paine - Agrarian Justice
Noam Chomsky - Notes on Anarchism
Anton Pannekoek - Worker's Councils


Other urls found in this thread:


pol is nazi get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>he doesn't even have fun making these he's just trying to 'psyop'

you are the embodiment of cancer

Nazis can fuck off with there completely failed theory.

how do we solve the problem of tyranny

Which one of you is Kekdas?


Give the control of the means of production to the unions and then have the government make sure the unions don't fight.

so, modern day mixed economy?

i fear the government will still have too much power if it can make sure the unions dont fight

Twitter account is bretty good m9.

t. plebbit shitposter

>Anarchism is a left ideology
OP confirmed for retard.

If Hitler was a true Nazi and national socialism works then why did Nazi Germany fail?

>what is The Holodomor Genocide

Socialism is fucking terrible

Most anarchism is left wing. Just not ancap.

>your post
>an argument
choose one.

The government forcibly takes my money and spends it on stuff that I'm completely opposed to.
Socialism is fucking terrible

>Falling for the winged jew.
True anarchy supports neither side as both are detrimental to people's freedom. We see this in the left trying to push thought crimes and the right trying to push nationalism.

Thats not socialism.


Yeah, sure it isn't

Socialism is when the workers own the means of production. Anything else is not socialism.


Because it got invaded by the Entire world and got forced into a war because Jew capitalists didn't like it and 80% Jew run Communists didn't want someone breaking up their white genocide going on.


Funny thing even at war with the entire world they still almost won. Kys commie trash stop wasting your time and go colonize Reddit your making no ground here your just talking to your other Transexual commies.

Someone post the discord chat screencaps

He invaded and started the war didn't he?

Look at the table again. In both examples, when you add up all three rows (Person 1, Person 2, Capitalist), the total value is the same. The price does not affect the total amount of value in the system, but the composition of value. I'm not a Marxist, though. Perhaps one in this thread could provide a better explanation.

>libertarianism is a fucking retarded ideology that conflicts with basic human nature
I would argue it is in human nature.

>People need leaders
Not necessarily.
>they need hierarchy
Not necessarily.
>they need social order leading them towards a goal.
Social order is not in conflict here. There can be social order without hierarchy.

The main idea of anarchism is that arguments for authority cannot exist as tautologies. "I rule over you because I have the right to do so," begs the question (what right?). Yes, you can have a system where man derives his authority by brutishness alone. But it will always be illegitimate.

Poles we're killing ethnic Germans under the guise of British and French protection and were refusing to give back Danzig which was German.

The Soviets were also preparing to launch further invasions into Europe as evident by the troop build up and the previous invasion into Poland however Stalin had just purged his officer corps

>were also

Tankies? In my /left/?

You guys should go check leftpol.

It's dead.

can we get the aussie and his stories in here again?

He may be banned.

Destruction by a foreign military power =/= internal economic collapse. Germany was the wealthiest country in Europe after only six years of Hitler.

Commie logic. Lol

The the soviet socialist republic of Hungary which was invaded by Romanian is not an example of socialisms downfall?

fugg the incest copy pasta was the only redeeming quality in gommunism threads

Leftism is a mental illness.

protip, it's .net/leftypol/, not .pl
.net is not accessible through google search.

What a load of fucking shite.


Hi comrades


it's another /cuckgen/

Preempting something that's common on these threads.


profit is theft.


> 60 minutes of value

literally making shit up

>FAKE NEWS ON Sup Forums

I like turtles

How do you expect someone to take communism seriously when you defend Stalin?
He was literally worse than Hitler.





>Thinks national socialism is a 'failed theory'
>Talks about Communism and socialism as being oh so great forms of economics that haven't ever been tried
o im laffin


>60 millions
>in Gulags
>in Siberian
>1950 year. The village of Surgut, with a population of 50 thousand people.
>2016 year. The city of Surgut, with a population of 300 thousand people.
I'll explain... In 1940-ies in the Gulags could contain max 400000 prisoners. Siberia in those days were very poorly mastered.

Can I do all the drugs I want?



>work in factory producing bread
>you produce 20 loaves of bread every hour by your method
>but your hourly wage is enough to buy only 10 loaves of bread
>at the end of your eight-hour workday, your labor has produced 160 loaves of bread, but you are only paid enough money to buy 80 loaves of bread
>if you want to buy 160 loaves of bread, you have to work harder than it takes to produce 160 loaves of bread

This is the problem. Whatever the numbers are, you will always be paid less than the full value of your labor (meaning that even though you worked hard enough to produce N items, you are never paid enough to buy N of those items). The excess value (surplus) goes to the capitalist.


I'm in.

this is now a fluffy abuse thread

Starting your own business is not communism you dumb Melbourne cuck.

Go suck off a Abo and cry about "Invasion day"







You know, beneath your charming accents and devilish looks you brits are actually sometimes mischievous cunts.

How does that take into account the rent of the factory, the cost of fuel for the ovens, the cost of flour, yeast and sugar for the bread, and the myriad of other costs?

It seems to me that you likely do not understand simple economics.


Reagan was talking about employee ownership. In context, it means a corporation is run like a democracy.


The irony of the whole situation is that he praised this model as an "alternative" to communism.


>going out of your way to put /left/ on the top of sort by replies every time

breddy funny desu. Have a reading post to keep some semblance of discussion going though

Define Syndicalism pls


Get ready for this



Read it volk volk nigga

Leaving this here for the commies

>*Autistic Screeching




If those costs overweighed the profits than the business would be not profitable and would collapse. In actuality those costs are usually quite small in factory production due to economies of scale. On top of this these costs are paid from surplus extracted from workers anyway, yet another reason that the company could not exist without exploitation of workers.


Commie memes are so bad holy shit

>your labor has produced 160 loaves of bread, but you are only paid enough money to buy 80 loaves of bread

Wrong. It was your labor in conjunction with the capital investment (machines, real estate, electricity). Also, what about distribution costs and marketing? What about incidental costs and breakage?

You Marxists like to oversimplify things, and feel like the smartest person in the room. Understand that capitalism is not a system we all just decided to use... it is the default method of every culture in the entire fucking world, for all of human history. Buying and trading - whether you look at Ancient Greece, Rome, China, Japan, or some small island in the Pacific that was not contacted until the 1800's.

We adjust capitalism with taxes, tariffs, exchange rates. Some places are more socialist and redistribute wealth, others are more free market. But capitalism just is. You can not change that any more than you can make water not flow to the lowest point.

dude i have literally thousands of these fuckers


Fucking this. Also the owner is in risk of losing his own money if it goes wrong while the worker can switch to any other company.

So when a company goes bust, the workers have exploited the owners of the company?

Seems to me like commies are a bunch of wanks.

you forgot to attach


Greetings cuckolds

This thread is a part of a series of ongoing organized raids by atechan's /leftypol/

Sage and hide.
Do not Respond.
>Sage and hide.
Do not Respond.
Sage and hide.
Do not Respond.
>Sage and hide.
Do not Respond.
Sage and hide.
Do not Respond.
>Sage and hide.
Do not Respond.


>do not respond
>he says while responding
Sup Forums is THIS MAD

No when a company goes bust the capitalist mode has caused said company to not be able to compete in the market place. This could be due to extraction of super profits or being unable to compete with the socially necessary labour time. The workers have nearly no say in the wages they get paid anyway (without striking) so remind me again how they could be responsible for a company's collapse?

No that meme was fucking shit

Take a image of karl marx blur the photo up a shit load to make it look like he's shaking and add seize the means of production. HAHA lol look he's blurry.

Rightwing meme tay.ai nazi bot destroying ted Cruz and calling people niggers and kikes all under googles eyes.

Getting pepe the frog classafied as a hate symbol

Left wing meme

Look at this fat humanoid pig. Look he's rich and a pig that means he's bad