A kid's cereal company donated a million dollars to BLM

A kid's cereal company donated a million dollars to BLM...


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Good thing this is the only shit I buy

Well I guess that means Im done with Kellogg cereal

Do niggers really like their product?

yes to the the people rioting.

If blacks get more gibmedats from the gubbermints Kellogs can cut their salaries

This. Thank God cinnamin toast crunch is still safe.

>eating the sugary corn jew

I buy knock off brands from 99 cents store

I thought the Kellogg founder was a puritan
Why would they want to support these savages?

Time to boycott them, just like we did with Pepsi

I will only buy nestlé from now on

Dont forget Pepsico owns Quaker so forget about eating these anytime soon.

God teir cereal.

Won't buy that nigger loving terrorists shit kelloggs no more.

>A kid's cereal company

nigga why you such a faggity ass queeer piece of shit?

that said headlines are gay and misleading most of the time. Give actual fucking details as to in what capacity exactly did that money go towards ya fagity queer. so i can the judge how weird it may be for myself instead of taking a overreacting nerds word for it.

Life is still okay to eat, right?

Based Quaker would never do anything wrong I hope

I've always been interested in the idea of supporting local producers instead of muh multinationals

Owned by Pepsico
Hes not a real Quaker anyway

>a kids cereal company laundered $1
million through a fake organization

fucking brilliant

oh this is why we're boycotting? i wanted to send my kid who lives far away some of the new flavor poptarts, but if this gets too big itll look like a political statement.

wtf i hate kellogs now

Is General Mills still okay?

I only eat Lucky Charms


BLM is literal terrorism.

American Blacks have a statistically MUCH lower IQ, to the point of having a 20+ point gap.

Blacks are statistically seven times more likely to commit a crime than a white.

Blacks, 13% of the US population, account for 46% of all welfare usage.

>White Power.


I cannot express my hatred for those that willingly cuck themselves for another race, no matter the race.

>tfw i want to stuff myself with Nutella covered poptarts but at the same time i dont want to support Kellogs

>Kellogg Cereal
John Harvey Kellogg (yes the cereal guy) is largely responsible for circumcision being widely practiced in the United States.

He believed orgasm caused illness and early death and removing foreskins would make boys fear their penis. He also burned little girls clitorises off with acid for the same reasons.

He was a fucking psychopath.

>burned little girls clitoris's off
he wat

You can't even eat cereal without getting cucked by Soros and BLM.

>lucky charms
Muh nigga

He believed that severe pain associated with mutilation made the young people fear their genitals and thus only use them for "bathroom purposes".

He created several sadistic devices to stab the penis if it became erect. Like I said, he is largely responsible for circumcision becoming a common practice in the US.

Read up. From his book:
>A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed
>a method of treatment [to prevent masturbation] ... and we have employed it with entire satisfaction. It consists in the application of one or more silver sutures in such a way as to prevent erection. The prepuce, or foreskin, is drawn forward over the glans, and the needle to which the wire is attached is passed through from one side to the other. After drawing the wire through, the ends are twisted together, and cut off close. It is now impossible for an erection to occur, and the slight irritation thus produced acts as a most powerful means of overcoming the disposition to resort to the practice
>In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid (phenol) to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement.

The Ford foundation was also giving money to BLM and other SJW causes. Even though Henry Ford if he were alive today would feel disgusted by that.

Wew. Never buying Kellogg garbage again.

Looks like it's time to Leggo the Eggo!!

Probably some sjw granddaughter running things now.

But black lives don't matter though. The hoes abort and the ones that survive kill each other for sneakers and disrespect.

Kellogg's lets their nigger employees piss in the cereal

Disney was MoonMan himself.

Now the company is putting niggers in every fucking movie they can.

Boycott them then. It doesn't suprise me though, Kelloggs makes all the sugary cereals niggers love.

Honey Nut Cheerios or Honey Bunches of Oats is all I buy already.

If you're over 12 years old and still eat cereal you should just kys.

I wonder if KFC gave money to BLM as well.



Kelloggs has lost my business.

The only cereal I still eat
