Hijabs make women look like snakes

I've always thought this. They look like sinister serpentine creatures with a hijab on.

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my mom calls them sock puppets

gee no wonder hillary clinton was trying to garner votes from them

The two hijabi girls I know are both super cool, maybe you can try talking to them? Like theyre not actual snakes

Jesus Christ kids get back in the car it's a DEMENTOR! AhHH!!

The only way to deal with stupid clothes is to make fun of them. It's halfway to boiling point "comfortable" who the fuck are they kidding

So it makes them resemble the true form of women?

Sock puppets. I love it.

I always assume they have cancer and are trying to hide there baldness

hmm, so enjoy porn of snakes sucking snakes.

brown girls usually have pretty hair i normally just wonder what their hair looks like

don't tread on her


Meanwhile you white Christian cucks let your 12 daughter dress like a prostitute and get gangbanged in middle school.

I don't have a daughter

he means ur wifes daughter

Oh okay then

I also have met nice hijab girls. Doesn't mean they don't look fucking stupid wearing them.

You make it sound almost like a bad thing...

They turn me on. One thing about Muslims I like is that their women dress conservatively and feminine. I never see western women wearing dresses anymore, they all dress like dudes...

It makes them look bakd, that's the point, it's to make the bitch look ugly.

They will never show you. Ever.

does this get ya goin?


replace "gangbanged" with "raped by muslim immigrants" and you're spot on, leaf

There are much better non-degenerate women's fashions out there user.


Let them wear a jihad if they want to.

They look like xenomorphs

Tell them to take that shit off their head


>said I don't like women dressed like dudes
>said I miss women wearing dresses

Watch the Its Always Sunny childs pageant episode where they discuss this

s-sauce, Leaf?

Xenomorph looking bitch

1 Corinthians 11:3-15 "Now I want you to be aware that the Head of every man is Christ, yet the head of the woman is the man, yet the Head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying having aught on his head, is disgracing his Head. Yet every woman praying or prophesying with uncovered head, is disgracing her head, for it is one and the same as being shaven. For if a woman is not covering, let her be shorn also. Now if it is a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covering. For a man, indeed, ought not to be covering his head, being inherently the image and glory of God. Yet the woman is the glory of the man. For man is not out of woman, but woman out of man. For, also, man is not created because of the woman, but woman because of the man. Therefore the woman ought to have authority over her head because of the messengers. However, neither is woman apart from man, nor man apart from woman, in the Lord. For even as the woman is out of the man, thus the man also is through the woman, yet all is of God. Judge in yourselves: Is it becoming in a woman to be praying to God uncovered? Is not even nature itself teaching you that if a man, indeed, should have tresses, it is a dishonor to him, yet if a woman should have tresses, it is her glory, seeing that tresses have been given her instead of clothing?"

Can't change matters of the heart, user.

It just reminds me of the big hair of the 50's

If you want to be inseminated with a chest burster, so be it

Not really


Good goy



Jordyn "slutbag" Jones, one of those gross "dance" sluts.

If you're not muslim they literally are taught that you are subhuman. But yeah they act super nice to you!

Nigger nose

Good goy!? Good goy!? You snaky zionist. It says right there in the Holy
Bible you don't believe in, instead swapping it out for man and his "oral tradition" like the whiners with Moses you were. That men are NOT to cover. And women are to cover because fallen angels love their long hair. At least when praying. So what do you do instead? Cover the male heads and bitch about the covered women. Fuck you, lying moron. Go rape some more angels in sodom and blame the non kabbalistic faggots and do some more temple prostitution


I love snakessss

>jews write bible to enslave goys
>goys believe it

So yeah, good goy

those are pe clothes. you want a girl to wear a dress while working out? how about when at the beach/swimming? pretty muslim of you leaf to make a female cover up

Sure you didn't mean...xenophobe?

She could gather honey withthat clothes kek

fucking hot

You use religious terminology "they look like serpents" in order to be a serpent yourself. Judeans wrote the Bible. They are Jewish. The word Jew is NOT in the Bible and is only 150 years old. Christ the Judean of David blows you out and all nonbelievers. Best devil's slave. The synagogue of satan owns you hook line and sinker. Lying blasphemous secular priest of the religion of science

>waaa you're using religious terminology
>literally quoting the goyble

Good goy


So you're allowed to lie and to steal souls by talking out of your ass. Mocking religion and the only Sacred Text there is. Mocking the living word of God. God is the Word. You blaspheme Him AND the Holy Spirit and that is unforgiveable. You are all over the place. Make up your mind. Your views mean nothing to me. You are but a man. And a shitty worthless one at that


Those are PE clothes if you're trying to get raped by a pack of wild niggers.

Pic related are PE clothes in the civilized world.

you dumb fucking nigger

Talmud. And muslims call us the children of the book. You say to steal our livers

Still looks like a xenomorph, wonder if it has acid blood

>So you're allowed to lie and to steal souls by talking out of your ass

as long as you're a jew, why not? The goys will believe it no matter what

Case and point, you.

Christ hater! You and your hate on for Muslims. Actual Semites. Whilst you call me a Jew and act like a fucking Hasbara. I quoted the Bible. You have a woman's religion of donut gossippers

Hijabis looks beautiful on darker skin women. Maybe it's because I see Muslim women everyday where I live.

(not London, Bradford or Birmingham)

Yes I hate jews, and for good reason. Fuck jews for they are all are loxist

you quoted the words of kikes

Cuck faggot

They just want to serve you're every want and need. Western women will just bitch to you about feminism and the patriarchy all day.

nothing about this girl is attractive.

Yeah naw, fuck these Xenomorph looking cunts and their cuck sand niggers

Prior to 1960 they didn't have to wear this shit

Joke's on you I think the world is overpopulated enough and children are expensive little cunts.

Does their book even say that's acceptable? I thought it says they have to wear a burqa

>hates subservient feminine women
>prefers angry western feminist who dress like men

Can confirm. GF is a horseback rider.

Nothing hotter on a woman than riding pants.

only neet boys and fat girls wear frumpy clothes like that at the gym. if you think atwo piece is too sexy there is the leotard

>subservient women
>literally look like Xenomorphs

If they were really subservient they wouldn't be cuck queens to pisslam

>Captain. The Ambassadors from L'mpshade Prime just arrived in the Transporter Room.

They looked like theyre wearing a dunce hat or being punished in some fashion.

The Word was given in the Second Covenant that you fucked up with your how do magnets work ideology on the Mount to a man. Because you never listen. The oral tradition was your excuse to follow man. To pick up the weapons God sent you out of Egypt, WITHOUT, against Him, from the Read Sea, AFTER he parted it for you. You're the guys who think that was an earthquake. Magnets are electric and up to God. They are NOT benisbagoo nor up to you to go procreating. But you do it anyways. The good is preferable to any intimate relationship but the serpent won over an adam and eve and fell. And not an adam and steve. Celibacy>men>clams. I quoted directly the Word of God after you keep falling and making up shit and keeping it in the family because you commune with demons. You are obsessed with guns and your own white life, blood, and penis. Marry Christ. You believe in a rhesus factor. That implies we are all monkeys. We are not. Tell me where the negatives came from, mr science. Demonic Ayys? No. From God. Everything is electrical yet you go laying women. Posting frogs. And being a fucking Merlin Solomon meme magician. There are real jews. Fake ones. And Christians. Christ is named after the last one and is also God. You killed Him. Became a diaspora as punishment and keep getting chances. I already told you Christ was Judean and really Jewish. Real Judean orthodox jews are not zionist. You are of the devil. All of these lies get blown the fuck out each time and after ALL this and ONLY by you all you say is muh white people. That we fucked over. Muh you are a jew. The fuck are you? You don't know what is the golden rule. You are of cain. You are a money changer Hungarian fake ass

>devoted to religion
>thinks that's the opposite of subservience

>Hijabs make women look like snakes

"The feminine of the god Kek, Kauket (Keket) was a much more obscure goddess than her husband. She was a snake-headed woman who ruled over the darkness with her husband. Her name also meant darkness, as did her husband's name, but with a feminine ending."


merely a coincidence? what does it mean goys

>better women fashion
>posts picture of a woman dressed like a guy.


>all this text
>getting cucked by jews this hard


>devoted to sand niggers
>thinks this is the opposite of subservience


If they don't accumulate to western culture they deserve to have their skulls cracked open and their brains run into the street

They do?


Give me modest, classy, traditional Muslim women any day over the modern day white Western women. Unless you like girls that fuck 10-15 men before 20, cant cook, clean, are feminists etc.

This is coming from a white guy btw.

No. You are Eve. You wanted Xena the warrior princess and make up shit about rides into Hades so you can bring up a "good" Apollo. Everything you cry about is the ultimate cuckery to fake bullshit and you are bart simpson at the glass after he sold his soul. You have no breath of life. You see. What is the number one complaint in this world that you destroyed? Political correctness. What is the number one way to therefore destroy the earth? Ironically and naturally. Bitching about political correctness

From what movie is that?


How about you tackle the problem causing degeneracy instead of cucking out and abiding by the occupying forces like you have Stockholm syndrome

Also I bet you don't even go to church you faggot piece of shit

You corrupted all the churches

>If they don't accumulate to western culture they deserve to have their skulls cracked open and their brains run into the street
>trying this hard to be edgy
Don't cut yourself user.

This, or like those aliens in Star Wars with the tails coming out of their heads.

>cucking to jews this hard unironically

Good goy

epic xd upvoted

t. Cuck

>implying I'm being edgy

Your ancestors are turning in their grave every time you post some Xenomorph looking cunt

You have to turn the other cheek, Bob.

You realize you pray to a Middle Eastern Jew right?

Some of those dresses are traditional to a specific ethnicity in the country and are for weddings only.

How? Ignoring that God thinks less than nothing, of the nations. What is your beliefs? You mention hatred for Judeans? Or was that Jews? And Loxism. And I had some decent arguments. But I cannot quote Scripture. You are what. A youtube priest? Some kind of Sup Forums womany fortune teller witch? Stupid nazi