new Sup Forums ylyl/cringe thread, the last one died
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Does shedding a single tear count?
I lost. I laughed.
laughter is the Kek's medicine, Sup Forumsack
Lost... Source?
if you're in this thread, bump it pls, I'll keep posting for quite a long while but can't when it's gonna 404
>don't say mean things to black people they'll get angry and become criminals
>don't say mean things to Muslims they'll get angry and become terrorists
I've always thought that they are more racist than we ever would hope to be by constantly talking about race, blaming the whites and basically campaigning for a fucking race war sooner than natsocs could ever call for it
bump the thread if you're in here pls
fucking kekked
How come I feel sad for the kangaroo ?
I think ive been brainwashed by the jews guys, I cannot tolerate any form of violence anymore.
Cringe allowed eh? Might as well post some grade A degeneracy then.
thx m8, I'd like ppl to occasionally bump the thread, I plan to dump everything Sup Forumsworthy I have got on my hard drive, I'll promise to spend at least an hour in here, if anyone got some cringe/ylyl material, you're welcome to post, I'll save the good ones from here and repost them later
Pic is fake right?
holy shit, this is literal autism, I wonder who spends time to draw that stuff??
And finally for cringe
Probably some random Sup Forumstards
Sup Forums has become such a cancer since 2010, I mean, it was cancer back then too when I hung out there, but now, it's even more autistic, I guess some /r9k/ fags have moved to Sup Forums
Wait is this real?
Why the fuck is this "put me in the screencap" bullshit a thing?
Who the fuck has such low self-esteem that they have to feel better by having their anonymous post included in a screencap? That shit clutters it up and is completely useless.
Why not "husband and wife"?
>When the country you live in is so free that you have to oppress yourself to maintain victimhood status
Fuck this gay earth...
This comic is like a discussion you have with yourself in the shower which you would never have with a real person.
While also being a sick, disgusting pervert. Embarrassing.
Pretty sure this video is going viral.
Type in "dog headlock punch kangaroo" you'll probably get it.
This is now a rage thread.
>I lost. I laughed.
Who the fuck makes a post like this?
A paid shill.
I couldn't find out when I googled, could be fake then, but if you google, maybe you can find out, it looks kinda real
You """"people"""" are by in large, better off than other Americans.
i hope whatever that is kills itself
One of Sam Hyde's classic videos.
You are alright Esti, you made me laugh multiple times.
Fuck this gay Earth
Why the fuck would a shill be in a YLYL thread? It's not like they would gain any new information off of a satirical comic.
spare them, there are people of any age group, newfags/oldfags lurking and posting, desu
I don't have enough material for rage I'm afraid, I'll try to scoop out what I can if I have rage in my hard drive
Why the fuck would anybody ever make something so sick?
They're fucked. They need help.
Every single one of these was a horrible train wreck. What the fuck is that? Why did I read those? What the hell is wrong with you?
Of course its fake
Kek. I almost felt sad that he punched that aussiebeast but he did have his dog in a fucking headlock.
It's ledditors who want to get on r/Sup Forums
fuck you man, post something yourself if you got some stuff instead of memeing about back2plebbit
much appreciated desu, I woke up too early before work and little hangover, so I have plenty of time to post for muh Sup Forumsacks
There weren't ledges like that on the WTC...Bush did do 9/11 tho
reminds me of the guy in the car going ape with a flute
So underrated.
also, the dogs neck was fucking torn open
thx :3
my point exactly
Oh god, they're working harder than I thought they would on that. Naturally, they start with the reverse on 'transage', an adult pretending to be a child. Just to normalize it more the other way when they try and say children are 'transage' and should be treated like adults... fucking degenerates. I hate people.
>intellectual reasons
If you convert to Islam, you're not an intellectual to begin with, my dear special snowflake.
It's like saying 'i want to be a nobel-price winning scientist, after blowing half your brain out with a shotgun point blank to your face'.