Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

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50 people died at Pulse....


black people have caused more deaths than slavery
what's your point

Yeah also what about the boston marathon bombing? These idiots are stupid af


Whites are at least 50% of our population while slimes are, what 5%? 10%?

Nevermind, it doesn't matter. SJWs and libshits don't give a fuck about math or science anymore. How they dare to criticize the right for being "anti-intellectual" is the biggest irony of this decade.

>see if you just ignore the holocaust, nazis were hardly the bad guys

They weren't "religious attacks." Apparently being inspired by a beliefs isn't a motive if it's Islamic in origin.

ok ok, now lets redo the calculation in Syria


what if you include 9/11?


>since 9/11
kek, and how much money was spend on fighting radical shitskins?

the leftists blamed white people for that

49 people died in the Pulse nightclub shooting alone.

It always makes me laugh seeing ((())) standing up for Muslims. Like seriously, they would tone you to death for even being in their country...

Why would they include any data from the day before 9/12. Are you fucking dumb goy?


About 70 percent of the white supermacist deaths where 2 or less people. Really makes you think.

And 25 killed? What about the 3,000 americans killed since (((9/11))) in bullshit wars? I guess the left isn't worried about that anymore?

>ignoring 9/11
>pretending pulse wasn't done by a Muslim
>(((white supremacists)))

>not counting soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Liberals are in fucking denial.
My feminist sister legit tried to convince me that Omar Mateen was a Christian

>Since 9/11

I love this meme.

Because a lot of whites was killed that day due to muslims second hand smoking.

>Not being a lefty makes you a white supremacist
Then being a lefty should make you a racist communist. Oh wait, that's actually much more accurate. Didn't mean to offend you with an opinion.

Pluse 86 in the niece attack

Muslims are like 0.8% of the US population. 5-10% would be UK or France levels.

Jihadis blown the FUCK out

Your numbers are wrong... See thereligionofpeace.com

I think who ever wrote that is racist and has an agenda. But they are two cowardly to admit they hate white people, so they go to great lengths to rationalize how it isn't racist to hate whites.

they don't include that one because it ruins the narrative that islam has nothing to do with it and that
white supremacists are the real bad guys.

the russians never mass-killed anyone during the cold-war, but that doesn't mean they weren't a threat.

My sister is a regular buzzword slinger. It takes all I can to not humiliate her on fb. What happened. It's like a fucking club.

EVEN if that were true, and it's not

>ignoring that 95% of global terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims

We don't have to wait till there are beheadings and bombings every week to resist an obvious menace

>only 26 people and over 3,000
>blatantly downplaying the brevity of a horrible terror attack to bolster a political view that the media has force fed you

I don't typically advocate for parents hitting their children, but if my kid said something this fucking stupid for even dumber reasons, then I'd really really start considering it.

more like blown the fuck up

>let's not count 9/11

hey rabbi...

Uh, did someone forget to let the libcucks known that The Faggot Obliterator of Florida did almost double the 31 they're claiming by "white supremacists"?

Why are facts to frightening to liberals? Why can't liberals ever accept the truth? What's so hard about honesty with leftists that it makes them so afraid?

what about since 9/10?

the funny thing is how the left defines a white supremacist. To them its anyone who isnt a liberal.

truth is a grand total of 9 people have been killed by an actual white supremacist since 9/11

and they dont like to count all the terrorist attacks as terrorist attacks

Foot Hood was workplace violence as was San Bernadino.. The Tsarnaev brothers bombing of the Boston marathon? that was just an anarchist attack.....they are even saying that the ohio state terrorist was "just oppressed"

disgusting when you get down to it

how about since 9/10?

Lemme guess its because all these Islamists who have been killing the shit outa people dont count because it doesnt have anything to do with Islam?

>not including orlando.

my favorite football team is undefeated! (since the last time that they lost)

((((Cathy Reisenwitz)))))

Like clockwork

these are just the three on the top of my mind and they make up like 65 people

>as long as we ignore the prove that shows were wrong, were right. Check mate.


iraqis killed more than american soldiers during iraq war and lefties still complained about it

if you want to humiliate people with subtle, just act like a simpleton and ask really basic and simple questions like "Huh really? How come?"

they usually end up burying themselves quite easily. If not ,you can just deathkneel with some "huh really? because I always thought "

Really simple, low-key, non-aggressive stuff

Of course you already cucked yourself if you made your history actually serious and not for dumb jokes. If you had been a joker you can get away with saying all kinds of horseshit on people's status and people gives you free (Likes)


>since 9/11



No that was AR-15's fault

>Oh hey, I will statistically be comparing the death toll from sandniggers with the death toll from another group

>I will start my count by excluding 3000+ deaths caused by sandniggers

When you are told that Pulse doesn't count, just tell the lib-tard 'Yeah, I don't think faggots should be counted as people either. Glad we can finally find some common ground.'

non-whites are 3/5 of a person

>Whites are at least 50% of our population
The comparison she's making is between Islam and White Supremacism, not Islam and "whites". I doubt 50% of the US population are white supremacists. Her argument is still shit because nobody actively imports foreign white supremacists the way leftists import Jihadists.

>San Bernardino
>Ft. Hood 1
>Chapel Hill
>San Francisco

>if we ignore history it skews the data to suit my agenda!



if you count the total terrorist attacks by muslims WORLD WIDE, you'd have around 500+ attacks.

I love when they ignore the fact the mudslimes make up a small percentage of the population compared to whites as if that proves they arent as violent as they are.

When can we start ignoring Holocaust?

ignoring what?

That's just a straight up lie...


where are they getting those numbers? just between the ft hood shootings, and the san bernidino shooting there were 29 deaths

Yes and 2 + 2 doesn't equal 4 if I remove one of the 2's

Someone say this to her

>After 1945, Muslim terrorists have caused more Jewish deaths than any other group.

>From the Oslo Accords (Sept. 1993) until September 2000 - nearly 300 Israelis were killed in attacks.

>During the Palestinian Al-Aqsa Intifada (Sept. 2000 - Dec. 2005) another 1,100 Israelis were killed.

>Since December 2005, Palestinian terrorist attacks have claimed at least another 203 Israeli lives.

>what is orlando
>what is fort hood
>what is san bernadino
>what is the boston marathon

that alone is already way over the 26 the (((chosen ones))) are claiming.

Also, why the fuck are we talking about America. There is hardly any mudshits here in the first place, and none of them are even religious. Look at Europe to really see the effects of Islam

>country full of white people
>muslims are a small minority
>jihadists killed almost as many as WS

these jihadists are efficient

yeah, thats how you ensue maximum butthurt, kek approves

>all of the comments on her tweet are calling it bullshit

America will be great again.



nice to know we're making some progress

OP's numbers are, of course, bullshit.

As others ITT have shown.

Why don't we add Western Europe into the count and see how the totals change?

You know, just for funzies.

Yeah, internet is getting pretty brazen with calling out this bullshit.

yeah, 9/11 is enough for quite a while don't you think?
also, didn't the Orlando fag kill off more than that in one go?

How old is that article? The Miami nightclub shootings and San Bernardino make a higher number than that.

Now take into account how few Muslims there are in America they commit way more terrorism proportionally.

>Since that time Muslim terorists killed 3,000 people, white supremacists have killed 31


Where are they getting 31 killed by white supremacists from? The only one I remember is the kid in SC who killed some nignogs. Who were the others?

Well I hate niggers so this works for me.

>Since 9/11
>let's just choose a date after the biggest terrorist attack on American soil so we can artificially lower the amount of deaths by Muslims


That was quick

>In the US


American education

Even if that statistic was true, which it has already been demonstrated by others in this thread that it isn't, Muslims would still be doing a massively disproportionate amount of terrorism. It would be 54.4% white terrorism vs 45.6% Muslim terrorism which means you have 65% of the population doing 54% of the terrorism and less than 1% of the population doing 45% of the terrorism.

a few hours ago.

>In the US

>calling it Niece

fucking hell m8


shooter didn't have his isis id badge on him so technically not jihadi

If they count racially motivated crimes as white supremacist terrorism, then imagine the amount of black supremacist terrorism there must be.


Yeah people don't realize the Boston bombings weren't very deadly. Tons of amputees though plus the victims were primarily young people, two kids I think?

Just because a Muslim kills people based on his beliefs and declares himself a member of ISIS to the police doesn't mean its islamic terrorism ... fucking Islamophobe shitlords ....

Fuck you all the way to hell you retarded kangaroo fucker

The Orlando shooter killed more than 36 people singlehandedly

Boston marathon bombers killed more than 36 single handedly