Should you be allowed to buy stuff with money you dont have?
Should you be allowed to buy stuff with money you dont have?
As long as you have means to repay yes.
Over how long? At what cost? Under what conditions?
I say no. You ought to only be able to buy what you can afford outright.
Credit doesn't help anyone except the (((creditor))) collecting his interest.
>Over how long? At what cost? Under what conditions?
Thats between the borrower and the lender.
>Over how long? At what cost? Under what conditions?
Whatever the market decides.
>Credit doesn't help anyone
It allows the economy to grow much faster.
thats if you're retarded, hopefully you can leverage a good life on credit from a bank, have a good house, nice cars, nice meals, all on credit, all while making on time minimum payments, my dad did this from the time he retired, to the time he died, when he died his debt was forgiven and me and my sisters inherited his house and car that were originally bought on credit, so you can jew the jews, you just have to be crafty, and a little crazy.
If someone is willing to assume the risk of loaning you the money at the time of purchase, then they should be allowed to do so.
>what is a credit card
>what is a mortgage
>what is financing
Christ, dude.
Lending Money is Haram so no
Of course. If people who have the money are dumb or desperate enough to loan it to you that's their failure, not yours.
I meant, how long might a debt need to be outstanding for me to still be considered "able to repay." 25 yrs, 50 yrs, 100 yrs?
What good is a growing economy if the majority of people are in debt; ie. working to pay off past expenditures?
>you need 5k for emergency
>dont have 5k
>credit 5k
>speed more than 5k to pay it of
Yes you lose more money but it was an emergency.
Is this faggot thread going to devolve into a dipshit Dave Ramsey anti debt discussion? Debt has legitimate business and personal use.
sure, but only if you like things like government, utilities, supermarkets, banks, the military, etc.
should the kikes be in charge of the money with no oversight whatsoever??
No we shouldn't be able to buy things we don't have the money for
>never able to mortgage a house
>never able to get a loan to start a business
>never able to go to college
hell yeah dude let's do it
As long as both parties agree. I've always hated credit, but I don't think people should be unable to make transactions on credit.
I agree. But it should not be government-sanctioned and it should not be allowed to form the backbone of an economy. IOW, I think a healthy economic system is not one in which the vast majority of people need to take on serious, long-term debt to function normally.
Those questions were specifically in relation to the clause "have the means to repay." I'm not asking for basic types of money lending that exist.
It absolutely does, but when did personal debt and bankruptcy become normalized? There should be negative social stigma associated with poor planning and irresponsibility.
>captcha: first capital bank sign
Only if you are using it to make more money than you pay in interest.
>4% mortgage on a investment property that is turning out 10% ROI
>50% loan shark money on a coke deal with a 200% ROI
Otherwise you are just making the jew rich because you are a cuck with no self control.
Only things that are an investment.
If you're unemployed and want to eat steak tonight, fuck you, you cant afford it, ramen it is. But if you can get a good rate on a home and have a stable job to pay it off, because renting the ultimate Jew ball and chain, then yes
>not capable of imagining a world where the medium of exchange actually exists and reflects the value of what it represents.
>lol charge it!
Credit is literally a kike invention that has enslaved our civilization with debt
Yes fellow goyim, let's enjoy our kill without hunting first just as nature intended us to, let's build material wealth we haven't earned so we can spend nearly a decade slaving away to finally remove the threat of losing everything we (((own))) otherwise
How fucking new are you faggots?
If you can convince someone else to let you use their money, you should be allowed to do whatever you want.
Everything should be free, in a perfect world.
in this corrupt world, our money has no value. It's fiat currency, backed by nothing. It is called a "Promissory note" also known as an I.O.U but we are never told what the promise is, promissory of what? There is no answer.
so while we cannot buy with money we don't have, they can issue promises without backing it with anything substantial
>thinking anything is real
>not capable of imagining a world where the medium of exchange doesn't exist and doesn't actually reflect the value of what it represents
>lol don't charge it!
you should be able to pay it off as soon as you can