ITT Mahabharata

>claims to be red pilled
>hasn't read the Mahabharata yet
>literally the largest collection of mythological red pills available in a complete work

What gives /pol? Why haven't you read the Mahabharata yet?

I'd rather read something actually worthwhile.
>inb4 Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
it's fucking cliche, and there are a lot better stuff out there but it sure as hell is better than this or any other religious shit, seriously if you need your moral covered with a bunch of retarded fairy tales to see they're good morals you need to literally kys right now.


bless your little heart

the picture is from the bhagavad gita hindufag


I am become poo, the destroyer of loos.

I can kill whoever I want

how is that not a form of moral code?

it is not not
it is morality

kill yourself

It's fucking boring

fuck off cunt

no u
but really, what you're on about is completely irrelevant to my argument

you have no argument
your morality is whatever you think
you are retarded

>you have no argument
I'll make it simple for you: "The only people who need to read fairy tales are kids."
>you are retarded
no u

reminds me of the gods who enjoyed war in norse myth

>no u
you should realise that needless insults are worthless
>I'll make it simple for you: "The only people who need to read fairy tales are kids."
your argument is based on your own thinking which is retarded

>you should realise that needless insults are worthless
don't act like you don't know where you are
>your own thinking which is retarded
no (you)

Had to check that this wasn't a YLYL thread, cheeky fucker

your entire comment was incoherent rambling devoid of any logical supposition

NO (YOU)!!!

with that attitude it will probably be lost on you but i recommend The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe.