Any Russian bros on tonight? What's the army like? You have to serve 2 years at 18, right? Is it as horrible as my Russian friends make it seem? If a random European went to serve would he get raped and curb stomped?
Any Russian bros on tonight? What's the army like? You have to serve 2 years at 18, right...
Shit, I realize its like 4AM in Russia right now, but maybe there's a night owl lurking.
I would imagine it would depend on your unit right? Like summer camp, I remember lots of kids had it rough, coz they were stuck in a bunk with bullies like me.
Yeah but I was thinking, and you probably had a similar story, that Russia is pretty fucking huge. So posh kids from Moscow might be lumped together with Mongoloid savages from the far east. Kind of like being from Beverly Hills and bunking with someone from Detroit. Right?
>What's the army like?
Mind-bogglingly boring
>You have to serve 2 years at 18, right?
1 year
>Is it as horrible as my Russian friends make it seem?
Its about as fun as being imprisoned but you are also exhausted to the max by whatever activities every day
>If a random European went to serve would he get raped and curb stomped?
No idea whats the deal with foreigners and army, i suppose it wont be conscription but actual active service, so you better learn map of syria beforehand
I'm just interested, I have a lot of Russian friends and they always make it out to be some crazy shit. Do you really get beaten and abused, or is it just "keep your head down and do your rounds" type of business?
Also, are they stationing grunts in Syria now? You guys are getting ready to go?
the far east is safe, the caucauses is the troubled area. If they do lump them all together, its not the non russians the pussy kids need to worry about, its the lift all day, straight edge, russia for russians dudes they gotta watch out for. Its their army.
You're right about the caucuses, i Guess. But I've never met a white Russian that wasn't a total bro. Its only the asian looking ones and the tanned southern muslim and azerbajani ones that are fucking cunts.
>Do you really get beaten and abused, or is it just "keep your head down and do your rounds" type of business?
No you dont. Atleast not since they made it just one year instead of two. More like the latter that you described.
t. Russian abroad who served in army
Sup, I'm Russian. In US on a Green Card. Looking for friends on East Coast.
Brighton Beach?
Nope. Maryland.
How did you get into Switzerland Rusbro? I thought it was impossible to emigrate there
Ah shit. What city are you from?
Born in Magadan, grown up all over Russia.
kek are you Taras Kul?
Damn son that's crazy. You ever been to Anydyr (sp?)?
they can't be russian if they're asian looking. Maybe russian citizens? its not the same thing. Anyway I've met all sorts, and the ratio of scumbag:decent is about the same as any other group of people.
>Do you really get beaten and abused, or is it just "keep your head down and do your rounds" type of business?
There are serious prison like military units for violators. So nothing serious really can happen now. Russian mandatory military service is for losers desu.
>Also, are they stationing grunts in Syria now? You guys are getting ready to go?
Contractors + military corporations now in Syria. Mostly they are medics, instructors, intelligence officers etc
Well, I mean, can you call black people Americans?
That's good to hear. How much does it cost to bribe the recruitment office? As for Syria, hope you don't get sucked into that conflict bro
No. I was young when I first came here. Finished school here, got citizenship,
Nope, lol.
No, some oblast around Magadan, but then mostly European part — Saint-Petersburg, Vladimir, Moscow finally.
I can double this, I was working with Kabardin guys in Moscow, and they're chill. Chechen and Dagestan I have no experience with.
>How much does it cost to bribe the recruitment office?
2-3k$. And even cheaper to bribe some doctor. So amongst my school and university buddies noone attended in military service lul
>As for Syria, hope you don't get sucked into that conflict bro
We will i have no doubt about that. Its gonna be a long run.
Russofag living in Amerikka here.
I can't even travel to russia because I still have dual citizenship and they can stop me at the airport and force me to join the armya when they find out.
My dad was in there back in USSR times and he says its meh boring and he got to kill a pig once but the food is really bad.
I have evaded conscription pretty easily and cheap, tho. Some health issues, neigbor — a friendly enlistment office neurolog, and you're fine.
Shit man that's sick. I watch a lot of documentaries and the cities over there in the east look so fucking comfy. I'm sure the jobs suck though?
Yeah, my friend says his entire family just claimed mental retardation or damage or something. Some couldn't even drive back home because of the mental status they had on their record. The army must have been really shit back in the day that people didn't want to serve that bad, huh?
>Any Russian bros on tonight?
Sup nignog
>What's the army like?
It's fucking boring. Draft service is basically just being a Mexican for a year. You do a bunch of menial labor, don't sleep a lot, and occasionally get to shoot guns/do actual military shit. Mostly it's just boring bullshit though. Or running if you end up in Infantry, lots of fucking running.
>You have to serve 2 years at 18, right?
1 year as a Draftee or you can opt to serve 2 years instead as an Enlisted if you have a degree.
>Is it as horrible as my Russian friends make it seem?
Your Russian friends are pussies. It's fine, just dull. It used to be really bad though back during the early 2000s and further back. 90s especially was fucking hell.
>If a random European went to serve would he get raped and curb stomped?
I don't think we have a system to accept non-citizens outside of possibly those satellite states (kazakh/belarus/etc..). If you speak Russian you'd do fine if it isn't like the VDV where you have just a collection of Russian Supremacists.
How old are you?
Magadan is comfy as fuck, I would build tunnels in 3 ft snowbanks. We also had access skiing, swimming pool, japanese food and animu, cheap chinese stuff, and shitload of Lego from what I think was family connections.
About the jobs — probably yes, and also Internet there is slow and expensive as fuck. Moved out too early to learn this myself.
17 I choose citizenship in 4 months
Thanks for the insight breh
>2 years instead as an Enlisted if you have a degree.
Wait do you mean a college degree? As in, you then have the privilege of serving an additional year? kek
>Yeah, my friend says his entire family just claimed mental retardation or damage or something. Some couldn't even drive back home because of the mental status they had on their record. The army must have been really shit back in the day that people didn't want to serve that bad, huh?
It's like selling a year in your life for nothing. You do not get payment, nor useful skills, nor enjoyment.
Contracting service in navy, air forces, spec ops is way diffrent. Very entertaining considering Syria, Ukraine and kebab hunting in Northern Caucasus lul
America's a melting pot, anyone with a passport is an American national. Many are descendants of colonists and there are plenty of Irish, Italian, Polacks who came here in 20th century. Even the natives came here from Siberia. I'd say the definition of an American = a European who came from overseas in search of profit with complete disregard how many natives he steps on, like Amerigo Vespucci.
whats a Kabardin?
>food is really bad
? no way. I can't get enough of all the different types of keilbasa and condensed milk
And how do you get contracting service? Do you just have to stay longer than a year or do you have to have some sort of useful skillset going in?
Yeah, College or Trade School. You serve under very different conditions. As a Draftee you are paid 2,000 rubles per month and are confined to the Base without submitting a Request for Leave. As an Enlisted, you basically just come to work by 9 and leave after 5 if you don't have Guard Duty or shit like that. You are also paid 25,000 instead of 2.
It's also a bit easier to have any credentials you acquire while in the military be used on your resume (Operating heavy machinery, additional category driver licenses, etc..).
Overall there's not much point unless you want to pursue a military career but if that's what you want to do, the Foreign Legion is a better outfit than the Russian. Personally did 5 years with the Legion after my Conscript service, was a swell time.
>condensed milk
I thought Russians looked poorly upon draft dodgers. At least I know a Russian kid whose family immigrated here, because the father and his eldest sons were constantly harassed for draft dodging. At least, that was one reason.
That's Northern Caucasus. NC - most controversial part of Russia, being almost 100% muslim.
>Wait do you mean a college degree?
This only applies if the university you graduated from has a "military department" where students are taught military stuff related to their major (like, for instance, if you major in aircraft engineering, you are trained as an airdrome technician), and the attendance is voluntary.
Most still attend those lessons as most of graduates don't serve two years: after graduating, they go through a mandatory month-long boot camp and are dismissed into reserve afterwards. If one is unlucky and his specialty is in great demand, he can end up serving the full two years but that's rarely the case.
You either graduate from military university ( best way) or trying to get in some decent military unit for ur mandatory service and then, afterwards, sign up a contract with a recruiter
Oh alright. hahahaha I thought they made Philosophy majors stay an extra year or something.
Yeah I always thought this too. I thought they even gave first dibs at good jobs to those who served in Russia.
Interesting... so what if you have a dual citizenship to another country. Do they view that as a conflict of interest and not let you serve?
pilmeni with garlic and sour cream YES
but thats not really russian now is it?
it was adopted from the orient, like all things pasta
Conscription should be avoided like plague(At least for 2.5-3 world countries)
Better go to jail
>I thought Russians looked poorly upon draft dodgers
This is even further from reality then Hollywood portraiting russians. Though one can get problems if his trying to draft dodge on submarine during raid lul
Do Russian conscripts shit on Finnish conscripts?
>Do they view that as a conflict of interest and not let you serve?
As far as I know they only do if you have already served in another country's army.
Nah, it's to anyone. If you graduate from a university with a military department you can just defer to "Sbori" and obtain Officer Ranking without ever actually serving. Without that, if you end up drafted after you finish your degree but are
Countries such as Finland and Poland are absolutely irrelevant to average russian. One need to explain for like 2-3 hour to any common russian why we allowed these pussies to settle near our boundaries.
>you will be offered to just serve 2 years as an Enlisted/Contractor.
It's three years for contractors, isn't it?
And you can always opt to serve your one year as a normal draftee anyway.
That's weird because I met some Russian bloke at a bar last month who served in Yugoslavia in '99 (on the Russian side of course), then moved to America and served in Iraq.
3 years for post-Draft Contractor, 2 as a "Drafted Contractor". Yeah, you can just serve the 1, but really it's probably more legit to just serve the 2 if you have an option. Not being deprived of most of your personal freedoms and actually having money isn't bad.
Finns rekt soviets pretty badly back in Pre-WW2 USSR-Finn war.
He probably had a Green Card and served in US military voluntary to get good gibs to get education in US.
Kek. That explains why he spent like 10 minutes complaining about how medical school didn't give him an easy-pass despite his service.
I'm gay :3
nigga thats kawaii
But he could at least afford medical school, lol. I have to work hard to pay for my future study, you know.
Yeah, but be careful. College is a tight rope these days, especially here. I am a manager for a shitty little company and all of the guys working under me doing skill-less data entry and shipping have their bachelor degrees in shit like Finance, Sciences, etc. You have to know someone or network the shit out your fucking ass. Basically just like home.
Pfft, I'm not going for meme degree, I plan to get Electrical or Mechanical Engeneering
Гдe ты живeшь?
>Why we allow these pussies to settle near our boundaries
this is why
average russian is a fuckin retard, he probably doesnt even realize he is living in russia because he has spent his whole life shooting up krokodil in a derelict commie block and pimping out his sister for a few grams of heroin, you cant even control a group of inbred mudslimes so how the fuck would u ever control a country like finland or poland, keep dreaming igor
>that butthurt
Topkek. Part of Russian Empire again when?
1 year, it's like a summer camp for adults most of which are mentally still kids and if you take it easy it's fun, if you can't take it easy you join crew of sissy retards crying about how hard or boring it is. Hazing is almost nonexistent nowadays, but 90% of Russians there are of ghetto mentality so you get all kinds of events, someone sometimes punch another guy etc.
To years if youre contracted, one year if its just a regular draft.
average Russian conscript only knowledge about Finland is that there's such country somewhere in Europe
>muh russian empire
oh you mean the 3rd world shithole that mainly relied on enslaving its own people to enrich the foreign aristocracy?
No I mean the based Empire that cucked the Swedes and took you from them. Thereby giving you the opportunity to eventually create you own independant state.
If anything you should be thanking Russia.
But also nobody gives a shit about you. Just accept your insignificance and get over it.
what percentage of Russians speak English?
Not that big, desu. Most of them 'learn' it in school, but they have absolutely no idea how to speak it after.
Oh right, so its not like Germany/France where everyone speaks fluent English
russian empire was fucking based, and BTFO jews and bankers
stop it fin bro, you are starting to sound like an irish
No you retard, you didnt gave us independence we actually had to fight for it, youre thinking of autonomy, we were still part of of russia.
We got independences when your slaved people finally rebelled against their master, but even then we had to fight retard russkies brainwashed by bolshevism.
>russian empire was fucking based
lmao, it was like any modern african military dictatorship, only the elite, which were not even slavs, but inbred european aristocracy, had money & power
yeah no kikes but whats that good for when youre literally owned by your masters and forced to work as slave labor
>be owned by jews
>be owned by your own european people
your choice my dude
and regardless of the truth of what you just said, its better to have competition between the world elites then for them to have a monopoly.
dont be stupid, there are some facts you just have to accept fin bro
look at this fucking expert.
so you have to be 18+ to be on Sup Forums, go be butthurt on reddit