Why is this allowed?
What is the secret to her longevity?
Why is this allowed?
What is the secret to her longevity?
syrian fetuses. she consumes 3 a day
The fact that Germany completely lacks term limits.
Got to admit lurking a lot on Sup Forums has convinced me to vote for her next year, voting for Merkel is the final redpill.
This. And the lack of alternatives. She is from the right wing party but enacts left wing policies. She completely outmanouvert the left wing parties and there is not really and alternative. AFD coming strong now but it will not be enough to not get her elected. And besides the fucking refugee crisis she actually did well. Or at least well enough.
>voting for Merkel is the final redpill.
We haven't meme'd enough...
she talked earlier about the brutal rape and murder of this Ladenburger bitch in german government tv after them deny it the whole fucking weekend.
she literally said its not okay but we (and the rest of europe sooner or later) have to live with it from now on.
she will 99% be re-elected 2017
its over the rest of europe can just try to save themselves at this point or going under with us
>And the lack of alternatives
>You literally have the alternative in the party name
Also Merkel is Polish.
Germany needs another spanking
But what is with Horst Seehofer?
Isn't he, dare I say it, our guy?
>t. Muhammed
I'm sure that the only reason she opened the borders was the tiny hope that someone would rape her. She won't close it until she gets raped.
Merkel is incredibly sexually frustrated
he threat her many times over last 1,5y with leaving coalition etc and NEVER doing anything really. hes toothless tiger at this point and she wont take him serious anymore
he just care about his bavaria and just have power there
i guess you dare say so. A shame he is only running in Bayern.
She's not a loud person, which means she is less annoying than other politicians. She is rather boring and her speeches easy to ignore because void of content.
She has been adept at finding the lowest common denominator of society for long periods of time as chancellor. That made her overconfident, thinking the Germans would follow her in spite of her refugee policies.
She erred, things are brewing in Germany.
As for us Krauts, our biggest flaw is our conformism. Everybody is against Hitler but once appointed chancellor suddenly everyone is for him. If anyone wonders who the barbaric acts of the Nazis were possible in a civilized nation, it's because of conformism. And until recently no one dared to oppose the liberal refugeee policies for fear of being labeled Nazi. This has bred a new form of conformism.
tl;dr = if you want to uncuck Germany, make it dispose conformism
or common sense
>AFD coming strong now but it will not be enough to not get her elected.
Why don't people understand that one way to remove chancellor in Germany is to instigate a palace revolt within the chancellor's own party? The AfD doesn't have to have the most votes - it must inflict CDU losses so deep, that the CDU forces Merkel to resign. The mid-level CDU members must be the target - deprive them of income/career and they will revolt.
>she will 99% be re-elected 2017
if the CDU has amiserable showing in NRW and CDU gets 28% or less in the next Bundestag, she is DONE. They will force her to resign and somebody else will be the next chancellor. She can't govern with such heavy losses.
they opened the borders because of this
10k missing children.
Did he bring matters before the Bundesverfassungsgericht? No? Then he's a cuck, a fraud, just like Merkel.
Seecuck is all talk and now walk. A low energy opportunist. The Jeb Bush of the CSU. I wish FJS was still alive... Holy shit that would be awesome! To see him clash with Murksel.
Maybe you are right...
But there has to be some hope!
Seehofer met Putin in February this year (Stoiber was there, too). All three were very happy with this meeting.
Seehofer is also one of the very, very few politicians in Germany, who is not against Trump and would - quote - "welcome" him in bavaria.
The CDU/CSU has to be uncucked.
they opened the borders because any border clashes would get pinned on merkel. she hoped any ensuing strife would get pinned on AfD instead (and it did until new year's eve)
>le based Putin
>muh Russia
I don't understand this either. If she represents a "center right" coalition but consistently implements left-wing policies, why are there no challenges from inside? Do Germans just feel that's too impolite?
But anons... I just can't believe that the situation is so hopeless! I don't want to be a minority in my own country.
We have to prevent white genocide.
If we have to, we need to bring Kohl back.
>that pic related
Okay, Russia is an unhealthy place.
>"Putin on Christianity and Islam"
He says nothing wrong in this video.
>nothing wrong
Also Helmut was Merkel's mentor. He and the rest of the cancerous CDU made her big, let her grow and are still behind her. They are worse than the GOP. Kohl also didn't take Königsberg back when it was offered by Russia. Onkel Helmut's time seemed comfy, but only because Merkel is so utterly abyssmal and the red-greens have started to dominate.
No wonder poles hate her, she race tratied both them and the germans.
To make AfD stronger is we have to have german versions of sites like Infowars/Breitbart and other right wing sources that are supportive of AfD in order for them to win.
This will be funny if she loses, I'd love to see this queen be the new chancellor.
What Merkel said before she was elected the first time was pretty good. She was anti-immigrant all the way down.
Kohl didn't know what he was doing back then. This year he invited Victor Orban to his home, talked with him for a few hours and called him "his friend". Clearly, Kohl is against Merkel now.
Also he wanted to get rid of Muslims during his time by literally paying them to go home.
He could have been greater, that's for sure.
And I want these comfy times to come back..
yeah man this should be addressed asap.
What about pi-news.net?
I visit that side quite often. According to the commentaries there it's older people who go there.
I went to Germany several years ago, and the people who live there are seriously weak. Like, they're pussies about everything. I remember sitting at brandenburg gate, looking around at all the effeminate german men and thinking to myself "how did a people get so horsewhipped in just half a century?"
wtf is wrong with germany? the only reason we fetishize your goods is because of the white image and you spend all your time self-loathing. get rid of merkel.
Germany's political system is designed specifically to prevent extremism. However I am sure that Assange and the Russians will see that she gets kicked out of office soon.
No. 1 hipster city in Germany.
She was not against immigration or multi culti at all!
Like all the low-info voters that kept voting the CDU, you didn't listen! Merkel said "our approach to a multi cultural society has failed". That means you have to change the way to achieve the goal: Tada, 2015!
And she was completely Anti-Sarrazin from the start.
The last speaches of her which can be identified as anti-immigration are from 2003-2005. Over ten years ago. But Merkel can lie like Hillary anyway. The CDU has become a left wing party since at least 5 years.
But these comfy times are never coming back. Never. Only if you deport millions and millions of people. And not just the Nu Germans. Then outlaw leftism and ban both anything marxist and Islam related by the constitution. It is the ONLY way to truly save Germany and the West. Anything else is not enough.
I have a lot of friends who have moved to Berlin. Every single one of them is a nu male or SJW female who was bi-until-graduation and are now just plain miserable. I don't know if that would be a better representation than if a German judged what Americans are like from wandering around Williamsburg sampling craft beers.
pi-news is meme tier. as bad as or even worse than Sup Forums. Junge Freiheit, Sezession, Tichy - all okay, but not big enough. We need something with millions of subscriptions.
>I remember sitting at brandenburg gate
Yeah that pretty much explains everything about your visit. Berlin is scheisse
>"The last speaches of her which can be identified as anti-immigration are from 2003-2005."
I meant these speeches. As I said: "Merkel before she was elected the first time".
>"But these comfy times are never coming back. Never. Only if you deport millions and millions of people. And not just the Nu Germans. Then outlaw leftism and ban both anything marxist and Islam related by the constitution. It is the ONLY way to truly save Germany and the West. Anything else is not enough."
That really makes me sad, but deep down I know that you are probably right.
But these things will very likely never happen.
It's the fault of all the generations after the war to not demonize communism as much as National Socialism. That way the left could reign supreme and demonize anything remotely right wing. Now, fifty years too late, people try to react when the country is already overrun by millions and millions of foreigners, the families are destroyed, the birthrates are suicidal and the culture, the traditions and the values are destroyed and Germany is terminally ill, poisoned from within. It's ridiculous!
But seriously, what can we - as individuals who see the catastrophe that is yet to come - do?
I've almost zero friends because I lost most of them due to my political views. And I didn't even go full or half in! I just said that there are pedophiles in the green party and that Trittin wanted to legalize pedophilia. That was already enough for some people to break contact to me.
We both know that you cannot speak out loud in most cases.
Losing friends is only the smallest problem. If I spoke out loud in public, I would also lose my job.
Is moving away an option?
I really hope that at least some white countries will survive.
Seriously? Huh, maybe the Poles really are smarter than we thought and are simply getting back at Germany...
Yes, I think, moving away will be the only option. Until then: build a family, have white kids, vote AfD, get a gun and learn how to use it. If you are young do boxing and muay thai and life as a bonus objective.
It really is all that you can do. Protesting, event performance like the Identitäre Bewegung do are all good and nice, but if the majority has decided to go down a certain path and keeps voting for it, there's nothing you can do as a single individual among 80 million. And pulling a breivik and throwing your life away is just retarded in such a situation.
I wouldn't feel sorry for your "friends". Find new ones. And if the Germans decide to make this their future: so be it. Demographically we've already crossed the rubicon. White genocide is real. VERY real. But I sure as hell won't get old in a country with Islam as the biggest religion and Germans as the minority IN Germany.
I'm probably moving to Croatia, Slovenia or Hungary once I got the money and learned the language.
Germany is very sick for a long time. And I never had a chance as an artist in this country anyway. "PC" shuts down any wrong-think in the culture, too.
Kasmierczak/Kasner/Merkel's family fought against Germany in both world wars.
They'll shut it down the moment it gets too un-PC. Even if they couldn't, the German psyche can't handle the bantz. Like the Swedes they're massively autistic as a people and can't entertain more than one opinion at a time.
They instinctively crack down on dissenters and contrarians. Right now, fro them getting caught reading Breibart must be more embarrassing than being surprised while fapping to scat pron.
It's sad, but I know that you're right with what you're saying.
I've heared good things about Croatia. They hold christian values high and are not overrun. I made vacations in Hungary, when I was a kid. Nice people. Can't say anything about Slovenia.
Yes, I'm already searching for new friends. Not intensely, but I do. I've learned my lesson. I don't want to talk with people, who disregard any opinion other than their own, longer than needed. I mean, I would be okay with all the leftist people, if they actually had the guts to discuss things and consider arguments. But they don't. They do not even listen to you.
The whole setting of political discussin in this country is wrong.
Also, the main stream media is even more mainstream than in the united states, because we are a small country. It's terrible.
I don't know, where I will go. Maybe Trump will really maga? I hope so..
Here is the typical German liberal reaction to someone going against the grain.
Good luck with a German language Breibart.
The speaker has to go to court for the third time now because he called Islam "cancer".
Every European capital is like this.
And every European capital is not representative of their countries.