Redpill me on Ben Carson and why he's actually a good choice for Housing and Urban Development.
Redpill me on Ben Carson and why he's actually a good choice for Housing and Urban Development
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he isn't.
He's a big guy
He's black.
he's a nigger and when niggers see another nigger in charge they're calmed
A medical man that was cucked by his own retard party into saying vaccines cause autism
What a faggot
He's not. He's a brain surgeon who has never had any political experience whatsoever, is generally incompetent at non-surgery-related things, and knows nothing about housing and urban development.
But he is black stop being racist
>literally a house nigger
What did Trump mean by this?
Because he's black.
these 4 years are going to be one hilarious fucking joke
Because Ben Carson actually gives a shit.
He is the only nominated HUD sec to have actually lived in inner city HUD housing.
So that's something?
He's the first Secretary of HUD to have actually lived in public housing.
Still mad? You CTR faggots can keep whining, Trump will just keep winning.
No, You're a human being who shares the same political views as me, making you a pretty good guy. Gay or not you seem to have the same political ideology as me and I respect that, would have a beer with you any day of the week.
>Appoints asain to department of transportation
.Black to housing and urban devolpment
He's gonna be the best president since Polk isnt he?
He wanted to pick a black man that was completely unqualified, so that with the democrats bitched about it, her could turn around and call them racist.
Pay your debt spic
hes smart.
he may not know the area, but he has the potential to learn it quickly and more thoroughly than some "expert" who's only good at getting elected
That's actually a good point. He can help quell violence in public housing.
Obama literally changed the definition of "mass shooting" just so he could claim there was an epidemic of mass shootings.
54 40 OR FIGHT!!
Nobody is ever qualified for a job that only has 1 position.
"The pyramids were originally built to store grain."-Ben Carson
He only spent *part* of his childhood in public housing, to be fair. Regardless, that fact should be irrelevant. He hasn't lived in public housing for 50 years. 50. Years. He doesn't have some mastermind understanding of public housing just be he benefited from it for a number of ears during his childhood. If he had any actual experience in public housing policy, being raised in public housing would be a plus. This is not the case. He has no fucking idea how to do anything but be an excellent brain surgeon and blabber out straight-up republican opinions.
What were they built for?
Jesus. Literally Jesus Fucking Christ.
theyre tombs you fucking idiot
How can anybody be mad about Ben Carson. He's a literal brain surgeon.
Maybe because since he comes from Detroit he might actually give a shit about improving things?
logic and reason in Sup Forums? stay in character
Do you think there is no such thing as a civil engineer? HUD makes the federal regulation for housing. It would be nice to pay some one who actually knows about that instead of paying and empty suit that hires other people that know about it.
Carson is not going to do a damn thing while collecting a gov paycheck.
well if you're looking for someone that knows absolutely nothing about the subject, then yeah sure
Houses have beds in them, and as we know this man loves his sleep. He will want other poor nig nogs to have comfy little beds and that will make them happy.
hey, how about pick random ppl from the projects to do brain surgery while ben is working a hud?
Trump is a highly intelligent man. If he believes that no white man would be better than this nigger for this department, who are we to disagree with him?
A civil engineer would know nothing about this job. Do you know what a civil engineer is?
An engineer with good manners?
Meh.....the real reason is probably that Carson was the loyal Trump supporter the entire election. Carson was the only guy who was nice to Trump during the debates, and after Carson dropped out, he became active in Trump's campaign and stuck with Trump even during the darkest of moments when the entire GOP was scrambling to distance themselves from him.
He is a 7th day adventists, they are probably one of the most if not the most fundamentalist christian denomination. To give you an example they keep the 7th day Sabbath(saturday) same as the jews. They are also alex jones the religion, everything is a conspiracy to them. But for the most part they are decent people.
t. former 7th day adventist who was born into the religion.
he's a certified ghetto escapee so he probably knows a thing or two about what needs to be done for the people that HUD looks after.
>brain surgeon
it's not rocket science though
He's fucking based. Based and black. And he grew up in the shithole that is Detroit. Oh, he's also done brain surgery before too.
If that doesn't qualify as exceptionalism, nothing does.
hes black
you live in your mom's basement but that doesn't mean you are qualified to run the affairs of the house
and what were the public houses built for then?
The house nigga
You 12 year old shits know nothing.
HUD is a sewer for laundering monies and selling drugs to finance CIA black ops.
Or did you really think every substandard public housing project is supposed to cost taxpayers 10x what it should?
Because he is loyal
then make him Surgeon General.
Put him in charge of MEDICINE!!!!!
ITT: Uneducated racists criticize a literal genius
>As a pioneer in neurosurgery, Carson's achievements include performing the first and only successful separation of Siamese twins joined at the back of the head, pioneering the first successful neurosurgical procedure on a fetus inside the womb, performing the first completely successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins, developing new methods to treat brain-stem tumors and reviving hemispherectomy techniques for controlling seizures.[3][4][5][6][7] Carson became the youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery in the country at age 33.[8] He has received more than 60 honorary doctorate degrees, dozens of national merit citations, and written over 100 neurosurgical publications.[9] In 2008, he was bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States.[10]
He's not.
just dont ask him about the pyramids or policy.
Just let him be the idiot savant.
He will probably develope a poverty to doctors program or something.
ITT: Nigger loving cucks
He's a genius on his job. But that doesn't mean he is good in anything else.
1. That's a great idea.
2. However.
3. The Surgeon General is not a cabinet position.
4. Therefore, Trump cannot appoint anybody new to that position until the current SG finishes his term.
>Urban Development
They're a natural fit!
jk, I have no idea why he's a good choice, he probably isn't desu.
Who cares about urban housing? Sounds like an easy job, desu. It ain't brain surgery for crying out loud.
Regarding the cabinet:
>Trumps picks Steven Mnuchin as Secretary of Treasury
>Steven Mnuchin was born on December 21, 1962, in New York City, to a Jewish family.[3][4][5] He is the son of Elaine Terner Cooper, of New York, and Robert E. Mnuchin, of Washington, Connecticut.[6] His father was a partner at Goldman Sachs in charge of equity trading and a member of the management committee. He is also the founder of a tony art gallery, Mnuchin Gallery, at 45 East 78th Street, New York.[6][7]
The cucking of the American taxpayer continues.
I don't know, let's ask Ben Carson
>"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency," Carson's close friend Armstrong Williams said. "The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency."
He's gonna tell niggers to read a book rather than to give them welfare
He should have given him fucking Health Secretary, because he's a genius and to drain the swamp.
Tom Price is a career politician who won't do jackshit.
Wake up Ameritards, you have the most expensive healthcare but the lowest life expectancy!
Mnuchin is a good jew
he did nothing wrong
he is gonna make the jews pay
Really though, he has campaigned on behalf of Trump and is probably one of his leading advisors on the economy. He probably is the one that solved the issue of Reaganeconomics not working, because the wealthy will just export to achieve cheap labor.
Really though, if manufactoring jobs "dont exist" how are they getting sent overseas?
he black so when they say your being racist by not giving out free shit to the advantage of crony jew developers he just smile
>good choice
All he has to do is sell it all off.
>Wake up Ameritards, you have the most expensive healthcare but the lowest life expectancy!
well shit, heinrich, you're life expectancy is so long, you get to watch your race go extinct in your country. Nice work fag!
Nigga be like MJ with a scapel.
theyre ancient space craft landing platforms you fucking moron go read a book
He isn't. He doesn't know anything about housing
He performed the first head separation on parasitic twins.
Sleepy Ben is based, he is the medical doctor equivalent of Milwaukee CoP.
I'm glad he stopped huffing the anesthesia (you know I'm right) but I'm afraid he still has trouble with complete sentences.
That nigga is like almost all of the seven dwarves
Sleepy dopey bashful blackie jokey and doc
Make the muahfucka grumpy and it's game over
How can he not be based?
Absolute Top kek
HUD is an explicitly anti white organization. Ben Carson is sufficiently redpilled to the point where he probably understands this. When he's in charge, he can try to limit its damage against us.
What is there to fucking get? Are u telling me a brain surgeon can't fucking pick it up and learn?
That's the beauty of it. He'll probably just do what the RNC wants, which is fine by Trump (who didn't campaign on any HUD issues that I'm aware of), but he's still an outsider (swamp draining). And the few comments he did make off the cuff were about Alinsky and Lucifer, both of whose acolytes work in HUD. So I think Carson is a great pick.
Bingo. Fuck HUD.
>50 years. 50. Years.
>Jesus. Literally Jesus Fucking Christ.
>[Taking things seriously]
Reminder that current year secretary of defense only has a physics background.
Because he's against this and can't be called racist for being against it.
>Wake up Ameritards, you have the most expensive healthcare but the lowest life expectancy!
Spics, Blacks, and the poorest of Whites have lower life expectancy than the mean
and remember: he accomplished all of this in his sleep
Well to be fair, urban development, zoning and that kind of shit falls into more or less our lap.
Which politician is fucking qualified to run anything in government? You think 4+ years of studying polysci makes someone qualified to manage finances, defence or health issues?
At least sleepy doc studied STEM and I'm assuming is fully aware of the scientific method which makes him more qualified than 99% of active politicians.
>anyone can learn about a $50 billion budget and innovation in housing programs on the fly
Put it this way. Obamas cabinet were politcal hacks barely qualified to hold office, but still slightly more qualified than Obamma himself.
Savior Trump's picks on the other hand are imminently over-qualified and most of the offices are patently beneath them .
Mattis is the best fit/office so far
He's a nigger so he knows all about urban housing.
Ben Carson is a literal genius. He will be the only HUD director who actually lived in public housing. He's not infected with librul (((sociological))) bullshit, and has the capacity to grasp the system. He's a good choice to unfuck it, because unlike many in the current administration, he has the focus and intelligence to grasp almost anything a man possibly can.
Yes, lets get another double digit IQ diversity hire to tell us the urban housing crisis is the fault of poor white people. Lets let single mothers have 5 children they can't take care of without gibs, with different men who never stick around.
Doing the same fucking stupid shit over, and over and over again will eventually pay off and we're all gonna make it bros.
trump needed a trustworthy black person to rangle up all the niggers. ben carson is a good friend of trump and also a genius. trump has specific goals in mind
Urban = Black
It all makes perfect sense
Mummies have never been found in any pyramids.
Red pill me on why he is bad.
Then I'll refute it.You have the burden of proof.