notice how every successful/intelligent person is against Trump and the only people who voted for him were low IQ, ignorant blue-collar scum
hmmm I wonder who's more likely to be right...
notice how every successful/intelligent person is against Trump and the only people who voted for him were low IQ, ignorant blue-collar scum
hmmm I wonder who's more likely to be right...
Why the fuck do I care what Leonardo DiCaprio has to say about something outside of his expertise?
>Refers to himself using the word "humble" in any context
kek, good one.
Try to get some better bait.
because actors are paid for their intelligence and not because they are good at being human puppets
pic unrelated
160+ IQ
But I thought facts were raycist. What gives?
Being an actor requires high intelligence. If it didn't, it would be a minimum wage job.
Good. Hope you enjoy drowning from rising waters due to climate change, bongbitch.
Go away, your constant shitposting is getting on my nerves.
ok by that logic any liberal who doesnt accept crime rate statistics and standardized test scores shouldnt be allowed to hold public office and thats 100% of liberals
you can julias cesar trump it will just make the movement stronger and all of you liberal faggots have to exit stage left forever from american politics. win win
or maybe he's become a recognizable name that sells due to being in the right place at the right time increasing his value.
sums up Sup Forums
Show (((facts))) pls
>160+ IQ
>replies to obvious bait
dubious claims
And yet he takes weekly private jet trips to and from NY and LA. Weird.
No, You're a human being who shares the same political views as me, making you a pretty good guy. Gay or not you seem to have the same political ideology as me and I respect that, would have a beer with you any day of the week.
have u ever heard of confounding?
You're obviously not an actor then dumb shit
Didn't get enough likes on Facebook, cuck? It's okay, daddy's got you.
when was a humble opinion ever humble?
>he will never be elected
Stephen King still can't make a good ending
> -Sent from my private jet
I believe man made global climate change is real and an impending disaster.
I also think lefties and Hollywood liberals are trying to make money off of it the way oil companies and Republicans are trying to make money by denying it.
I am sad that no conservative and right of center politicians are trying to find solutions. There is money to be made in cleaner energy and cleaning up our planet instead of ruining it for future generations.
Even as a Christian I believe we are meant to be stewards of the Earth that God gave us. It is a bountiful gift. This is like if you parents bought you a car as a gift and you kept crashing it and letting it fall apart.
the only ones calling trump voters uneducated blue collar scum are college graduates still living with their parents
/r/ing the Marky Mark "celebs should shut the fuck up" post
Fuck, well now that Supreme Election Judge Leonardo has declared his stance, I suppose Trump will no longer be the Presi-
Oh wait.
"allowed" by whom
This is pol. Let the planet drown.
I believe Climate Change is a huge problem and we must solve it by culling the human population, starting with Africa and the Middle East then moving onto China if we have time.