Alright giving this another try. Ask away.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why don't you think ethnicity matters?

was this once a tree?

if this is really you i like your videos and admire what you do, keep it up!

that's about all, peace out

Who are you and why do you matter?

If I take those shades off will you die?

it's only 9:46 you dipshit.

How do you justify being Satanic when Shillary was Satanic?

love your videos.

Do you think canada can become uncucked or is it to late?

Why do you dress like a faggot?

what do you think of my man Stirner

What do you say to the people of Germany, after you, the Grand Warlock of Memetic Warfare, have hexed their nation? How can they uncuck themselves?

I'm a mexican living in LA with no job what should I do?

i love your videos. where do you live in vermont?

also if that's really you, learn to use a fucking clock

that's about all, peace out.

You know that tacos and blacks can't meet our civic standards due to low iq, right?

Also, how long until civil war in europe?

were you drunk off your ass in that video the other day? it was actually very very funny.

>I'm a mexican living in LA with no job what should I do?
> Anonymous (ID: R16bHXVb) 12/05/16(Mon)21:50:34 No.101710768 ▶
>File: 1478716183891.jpg (218 KB, 400x600)
> (OP)
>i love your videos. where do you live in vermont?
>also if that's really you, learn to use a fucking clock
>that's about all, peace out.
> Anonymous (ID: FnjI2MPg) 12/05/16(Mon)21:50:37 No.101710777 ▶
>File: welfare.png (759 KB, 1280x720)
> (OP)
>You know that tacos and blacks can't meet our civic standards due to low iq, right?
>Also, how long until civil war in europe?
> Anonymous (ID: eTTI9jvj) 12/05/16(Mon)21:50:45 No.101710791 ▶
> (OP)
Which Video?

Do you have pinkeye?

Why did you marry a mexican?

I don't have any questions, I'm just a fan and am going to bump this thread with my own video.
I've told many people about your channel and am happy to see regular content being posted.

This is fake ass hell


When you practice black magic, do you actually sacrifice black people?
>I'm considering joining a cult where we all wear white robes


What's with all the Communists? Is Communism the future?

Where do you recommend starting with the occult? I'm mostly interested in the philosophies behind it. I've read the Kybalion and thought it was pretty good, but utlimately decided not to pursue the occult any further for fear of being manipulated by sketchy information.

tl;dr how does one mentally prepare themselves for not being manipulated when investigating occult philosophy?

we are all just grains of sand.

During the crustaceous era yes

Thank you.

I am a youtube celebrity

It would be extremely bright and I would have to adjust my eyesight.

Shillary is a wanna-be satanic, I am a real satanist.

I am afraid, that it is too late.

It is my personal style.

They will never be uncucked, Mama Merkel have run them to the abyss.

When Russia is finally push beyond limits.

I am not in my final form.

Nice Satan Trips

Anyways, guys I had fun, Thank you and have a good night!

That's about all, peace out!

If I take those glasses off, will you die?

Can I buy you a beer? I live just across the border in quebec? Have you ever visited?


I found your channel when i was 12 and now you are here

Why do you like Clara Bow so much?

How old are you styx?

any favorite non-occult philosophers?


> I am a real satanist

Confirmed for LARP. Styx has repeatedly said he is not a satanist anymore.

Go fuck yourself.

lol, nice 10 min ama

Yeah that's what I thought. Be fun watching it all crumble though.

At least I don't live in any major SJW city.

Why is the only good song you have that one about sailing? Why is the piano intro so gay?

why the sunglasses?

is it because the future you see is soo bright?

will there be a civil war, darkmaster?


You nigger, it's not an AMA if you make one post

Do you have social anxiety, you milennial beta?

why the shades all of a sudden?

is Trump gonna appoint Kobach to homeland security?

What part of VT are you in? Bennington vermontster here

Shit your right. ABANDON THREAD

What % certain are you that 'Erika' is your ex-wife?

When does the human culling begin? Do you agree with it?

what are high level officials doing visiting Antarctica?

>What are timezones

Styx teach us the ways of black magick.


>we are all just grains of sand



Hey styx. What do you focus on in your youtube channel?

also, do you prefer to be called "Alt-Right" or "Civic Nationalist?"

you produce a ton of videos already but would you consider doing update videos on major events in the Syrian civil war. I would love some comfy vids spoonfeeding me Putin and Assad physically destroying ISIS and globalism

Why don't you grow a full beard? You'll look less like an alien and have a more rounded face, which you need.

nice shoop

Are you willing to move your occult related stuff to another channel (or the reverse)? Its not that I'm catholic, I dont care, its all good, just if I ever want to show normies your video's it cuts into your credibility the same way Alex Jones & his water filter stuff kills his.


Styx, was your ex wife really a mexican with a chinese accent?

>it's an e-celeb larp thread
>implying the only styx that matters isnt the band

What do you think about Milo Yugoo...Yahoo... the Dangerous Faggot? Does he do more good than harm despite his rudeness?


Thoughts on the Iran sanctions?

Personally, I feel like if he signs it then Obama is screwing himself on one of the few legit accomplishments of his presidency, but I'd be interested to hear what you think.

What if Shillary is the real satanist and you're just the wannabe?

Link to the original thread?


> I am a real satanist.
Nice try faker, Styx isn't a satanist

is faith goldy autistic?
it's obviously a joke, and if they're homogenous then it's racist to everyone

How come no one ever calls Hillary a cuck, even though Bill Clinton literally cucked her? Is it just because vagina, or...?

Do you want to go shoot guns and talk about Trump

you first

Even in Vermont (where he lives) smartass.

Styx, what do you actually believe about the efficacy of magic? Is it mental like you say in your satanism videos? Or does it have an external physical effect?

I would appreciate an answer here, as its hard to pin down exactly what you believe about the occult stuff, sometimes it seems literal and other times it seems like to you occult is all about mental manipulation.

I didn't really know what I was doing and tried to summon asmodeus in my bath tub using a hexagram.

Sometime a few months later while reading about the 8 primordial gods of Egypt I felt an entity enter my body, everything felt tingly and I entered a euphoric state.

What do I do now?


and I used to work for a 3 letter agency.

your analysis / political understanding of various international subjects is fairly astute

I watch most of your videos although you do tend to get a bit repetitive (understandable in your notes free format)



You only answered one set you fuck, who does that?

why dont you stop shitting up the board with eceleb shitheads?

why dont mods delete this shit?

What do you think of Rosicrucianism?

>tfw a Christian has more in common with a Satanist on racial issues than the degenerates on this board

Not really a question but you should cut your hair, you look like a greasy hippy

>youtube (((celebrity)))

>not Dennis DeYoung

Fuck you.

>not understanding true masculinity

Are you really Steeks from youtube?

Is it possible necromancy is being used by the elite? Or is this too far fetched?

>Shillary is a wanna-be satanic, I am a real satanist.

What did he mean by this?

can I fuck your Inca slut ex gf?

What do you think our god Kek?

I think Styx has left the building

what do you think of pic related?
is satanism worshipping death and christianity life or is this a false dicotomy?


Do you think KEK worship contributed to Trump's victory?

what a fucking stupid question. the elite are the only ones who have occult knowledge in the world, that's what makes them elite, dumbass.

what is your main source of food?

Love your videos STYX, keep it up!

whats with the shads recently? just trying a new look?

Hey Styx - watch your vids every day. Enjoying the fuck out of them. Avoid the occult shit because meh, but all other discussions great.

Appreciate the effort you put in and think of you as a comfy way to kick off my morning. Peace out from Nova Scotia.

Why do you refuse to answer any questions about psychic phenomenon in relation to spirituality.

Will you go on record and say if you believe telepathy is real or not? Qualify it however you want, I just want an answer.

Also, this thread has entered it's next epoch!!!

listen to you in the car on my way to and from. I sent your channel to my occult-y friend, and he now shares you all the time on NormieBook. Keep it up guy.

one question, have you ever held a nine to five? what did you do, and what pushed you to work for yourself?

how much did you win on the election?

i banked about 13k. your livestream was comfy as fuck.

Get a haircut