Serious Holocaust question

Serious question: If some people don't believe in the Holocaust, what explains the empty zyklon b canisters discovered by the Allies?

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The holocaust certainly DID happen. Only Nazi sympathizers deny it because it makes Hitler look like a genocidal maniac ( which he was). They can't own their shit because they're stupid or cowards.

hurr it was for killing lice

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stay woke niggers

>zyklon b wasnt used to kill lice.

Fuck you chosen person

The Holocaust didn't happen. At least not the way the Jews say it happened.

They stopped people excavating at a "death camp" because they knew nobody would find the evidence needed to support the theory of burning 1000's of bodies a day.

How dare he call Hitler Hitler. What an idiot.

>what explains the empty zyklon b canisters discovered by the Allies?
It vas an accounting error dumpkof. Ze ver vor cleaning ze shoes and such.

You fucking jew.

>The holocaust certainly DID happen.


It did happen, but numbers are unreliable with any genocide. Plus I have total reason to believe the numbers were bumped up for specific reasons.

"Zyklon B" is a brand of high quality brand of canned fruit. It was used during lavish jewish fest, the dumb jews didn't understand that the state was in war and continued to live extravagant lives inside the camps. 2 years lates the supplies ran out and they succumb to malnutrition.

De-lousing clothes and bed-sheets.


The only thing true about the Holocaust is that people were put in camps.

Prove it

Well, one explanation is that this poison was used to fumigate clothing to kill lice... except that the amounts needed for that were tiny fractions of the hundreds of kilograms (pounds) of Zyklon B shipped to the camps. The method used to delouse clothing is: long-term exposure (hours) to small quantities of ZB. To kill people however, you use large quantities of ZB in a short time.

It definitely would not surprise me if the numbers were in fact bumped up.

Concentration camps were crawling with rats that had fleas that spread diseases like typhus and dysentery. Zyklon B got rid of Fleas and Lice and most rats stay away from it.

Despite there being some truth in these claims, the exterminations DID happen.


How much fucking lice did the Jewish people have then? Was there an outbreak in every camp? Fuckin stupid


Dude. I'm not going to watch some sketchy shit recommended by a Neo Nazi.

Oh by the way, FLAT EARTH


>They stopped people excavating at a "death camp" because they knew nobody would find the evidence needed to support the theory of burning 1000's of bodies a day.


stupid goy, they are EMPTY!!

prove they were ever full, jesus, wht a faggot you are

... "most rats stay away from it"??? ZB releases cyanide gas when moistened/wet. It wasn't left lying around like rat poison we might use today. Please try harder when making up stuff.

the problem really is that a whole segment of Jews get their whole identity from the lolocaust. Basic research shows that several verifiable MINOR narratives are completely false. Instead of fixing the narrative to match actual history Jews go all GOKU and destroy anyone questing any orthodox facts about the lolocaust, nazism, bolshevism, communism....


Prove it did happen.

>zyklon b canisters discovered by the Allies?
That stuff was originally developed to kill rats.

This. Zyklon B doesn't kill people.

This is not a myth. Fumigant poisons were used to kill pests like lice, and ZB could be used for that purpose. But not in the amounts produced or consumed by the Nazis. Those facts point to the 'other use' of ZB: killing people. Lots of people.

Can you please show us some evidence?

>never had to delouse a place
You do it to everyone and anyone entering a place with confined spaces. One person gets lice, everyone gets lice

It wasn't just Jewish people. They gassed the Nazis with Zyklon B as well. Hundreds of thousands of people died from Typhus so the lice epidemic was serious.

"bug spray" - ZB releases cyanide gas when wet. Pretty lethal bug spray! The delousing teams would need full-body suits and their own air supply.
Likelihood? Zero.

Cyanide. Are you SURE it doesn't kill people?

Nope, too dangerous for that. Insects.

ITT: Sup Forums role-plays as chemists to try pretend zyklon b was used as a delouse spray!!!!

You aren't from around these parts are you faggot?

A chemical plant making tons of ZB (see the hundreds of kilos of opened canisters) IS proof. It was requisitioned by & delivered to, camps by the hundreds of kilos (pounds) when delousing needed a fraction of this amount.

wow! a pile of empty cans, surely this can only mean one thing

Typhus is no joke. Head lice are irritating, but harmless, while body lice are nasty vectors of this deadly pathogen that has decimated armies for milennia.


gerund or present participle: delousing

rid (a person or animal) of lice and other parasitic insects.

They were delousing clothes of parasites, so parasites don't have any parasites on them.

They unfortunately didn't use it on big parasites as they should..
Big parasites were playing soccer and swimming in a pool.

and yet you can't produce one autopsy report showing death by zyklon b?

Which parts are you talking about? Nazi Germany? Or the internet?
Or is a small piece of truth too much for your bias to withstand there in the land of the free?
Anyway, got to hang the washing here. have a good life, try and think for yourselves.

Bro. Stop. These people are literally the dumbest niggers Sup Forums has to offer. They're gonna start quoting Irving and such soon. Save yourself the headache and just leave to save some time.

See, starting with the roleplaying already!

proof that a hole was dug? Where's the proof that the holohoax happened you spastic cunt

>How much fucking lice did the Jewish people have then?
It turns out that when you put a large amount of people in unhygienic conditions then the pest population will reach the upmost potential population. That means rats, cockroaches and yes lice were fucking everywhere. They crawled on people every single night. Everybody involved in the war had camps and pest-related diseases killed everyone in camp, prisoners and guards and staff members included. You better believe they had a shitload of products for pest control. If they truly wanted to kill Jews they would have killed them one by one with a rusty knife rather than waste valuable chemicals that saved lives.

>the usual answer
zyklon b was used to kill lice and fleas by several of the armies involved in the conflict

a zyklon b application room is not always a death chamber

that said it probably happened in some form or another lots of losing armies have tried to eliminate POWs as the end nears

Interesting theory on the starvation in the camps, the allies probably did make shit worse


is that your weekend sesh mate?


Jell-O Pudding went under the name Zyklon B in Europe during the 1940s.

All this over some empty dessert tins, and here all the Nazis tried to do was provide some enjoyment post-dinner.

Next time, there's no dessert, fucking ingrate Jew bastards.

Even if it happened 100% the way they say it did the fact that merely questioning any aspect of it can land you in prison is fucking ridiculous.

anne frank died from parasites

Autopsy report. In a death camp. During WW2. Run by Nazis.
You are very funny, do you know that?
There weren't any autopsy reports from the Thailand-Burma railway either, so I suppose you don't think any British or other soldiers died there in WW2? Or do you separate the crimes of the Japanese & Germans?

>Bro. Stop. These people are literally the dumbest niggers Sup Forums has to offer
I always find insulting my opponents proves them wrong, it's a useful technique

>he pulls out the false comparison crematorium card!!!

Doesn't mention the coffin they burn with it in the right panel.
Doesn't mention the temperature difference used by the 2 being compared


Here's a (((you))). You can read the above as to why you're all idiots. Peace.

Stop taking things you've read on the Internet so seriously.

so, for the record, you are acknowledging there is no proof that anyone was gassed to death

>You can read the above as to why you're all idiots.
curses! a second insult!! I am eternally btfo

So your argument is that opened/used canisters of zyklon B is evidence of mass genocide?

okay faggots can we all at least agree that it did happen but it was just greatly exaggerated?

I have seen thousands of these threads over the years. Do your own research if you doubt that it didn't happen. You are on Sup Forums

There's a reason why rats didn't infest buildings that had been fumigated with Zyklon B as they did homes that weren't fumigated, dumbass. Even months later, rats didn't go near the buildings.

>seen thousands of threads
>seen his same silly infographs debunked time after time
>still thinks he's not the one who lacks the research

I'm allowed to trigger stormfags on Sup Forums. They ruined this place thinking they were in good company with all the satire.

The problem is like 80% of the deaths were illness and starvation in the last months of the war.

How can you expect a losing side in a total war to feed prisoners? The actual death toll by direct murder was probably under a million.

There's been thousands of events larger than that in history, its only because (((they))) are so influential that everyone in the fucking world has to hear about it.


damn son, you drink a lot of soda

I haven't seen it debunked. Only more theories like that red cross shit in .

I'm no wordologist, but I think he asked for proof of the quoted portion, you new to english there chief?

Why would they use zyklon b and not tabun, sarin, phosgene, chlorine, or mustard gas?

>Dude. I'm not going to watch some sketchy shit recommended by a Neo Nazi.
then you show how closed minded you are

That is just not a factual statement.

>give people references in the form of long, drawn out videos instead of just citing sources

This is a tactic of overloading someone with info so they stop arguing.

Your probably correct, but you do understand why it is retarded to just outright deny it, right?

By tickling?


Entirely possible, but pure speculation. Either way, the people were still tossed into camps against their will. Even if the rest is bullshit, would you be ok with people being imprisoned for no reason? We know the japanese did some nasty shit to chinese prisoners, it seems unlikely they were the only ones since they were allied with nazis.

My grandfather was part of an armored division that liberated a camp, he was pretty fucked up from it, so I can't imagine it was fantastic.

at this point, does it even MATTER though? I doubt anyone here would care if the holocaust happened or not if it weren't being used as a political weapon against us. I just want jews to stop dangling muh 6 million over my head and stop using it as a justification to flood my country with brown people.

I don't care either way what happened from 1933 to 1945.

a fucking lea...

oh what

Ok. I used to think holocaust deniers were a bit nutty. But now that I see you are on the side of holocaust happening, and believe the earth is flat. I'm gonna have to seriously reconsider my position and look into it more. That's a major red flag. Sorry deniers. I may have been wrong this whole time

This is all I want.

Boogie was there!

>not realizing he was using irony to point to how stupid it is to post a youtube rambling from some random dildo as proof

That was sarcasm if you didn't catch it.

>what explains the empty zyklon b canisters discovered by the Allies?

Zyklon B is a pesticide that was used to fight lice, that carried Typhus. It wasn't only used to disinfect the clothing when the forced labor arrived at the camps, but also daily, whenever someone was working outside the camps.

In the Ausschwitz sauna you can see actual gas chambers, used for self-service desinfection of clothing.
Ignore all the Alex Jones disinformation agents in this thread.

That seems odd to kill rooms full of people with this stuff by opening cans one at a time...

You should have the right to deny the holocaust and I should have the right to laugh at you the same way I laugh at SJWs who go about the patriarchy and the wage gap. Just because the Jews managed to benefit from it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. These things don't have to be mutually exclusive. Hell, if the Nazis didn't do it, why would they admit it during the trials, it's not like they were tortured into confession. What about Mengele's records? The amount of forgery you would have to commit to in order to fake the holocaust would be enormous. Artifact ridden jpgs with no source aren't arguments. Give me some actual arguments, you fags.

>inb4 brainwashed leftist cuckolded goiym

Or you know, the hundreds of thousands of feet of footage taken after liberation. Footage of mass graves being exhumed. Footage of German military leaders and private citizens being paraded through the camps to witness the atrocities first hand.
Sure, the numbers are greatly exaggerated, but those denying the Holocaust are simply inbred.
Read ANY post in this board's catalog - you'll see what I mean. It's like Chris Chan and Jessi Slaughter had a bastard child, they were cloned, and got their own board.
Welcome to Sup Forums

Why would I want to keep inmates free from lice if I put them into the camps to make them suffer?

We don't deny Jews died. Just the numbers and How exactly. 10,000 could of been killed through gun shots while 50,000 died by starvation from allied bombing.

That NAZIS were the first recyclers.

Plenty of Sup Forumslacks are libertarians and disaffected liberals. Don't lump us in with these inbred neckbeard nazisboos.

>calling the holocaust hilter is irrational somehow

why the fuck on earth would nazi's put cyanide gas in Zyklon B then proceed to use it on kikes? Chance? Zero.

If the nazis were to do it guess what you stupid kike, they'd just use Cyanide but a bullet to the brain is much more efficient.

wrong link moron, see

Plus the 20,000 of 35,000 killed by morphine, and exhumed - on film, and had autopsies performed - on film. The numbers ARE blown out of proportion, but your statement is indicative of an extra chromosome.
And for some of you other Sonichu artists, Xyclon and Xyclon B are two separate chemicals. One for delousing, one that kills anything that inhalers it.
Jesus fuck.
Are ALL your people's family trees just one straight line?

This bait gave me a laff

>being paraded through the camps to witness the atrocities first hand.

There exists nearly no footage of the camps in soviet territory (the only alleged extermination camps). All camps in the west have only suffered from starvation and typhus because the Allies bombed the supply chain.

>why would they admit it during the trials
To get lower sentences you idiot, just like today. What would the Allies have done to the germans, if they would not confirm the jewish lie? The 3 million women, that have been raped by the red army would have just been the beginning. They have sacrificed their own life, to protect the lives of German civilians, you German traitor cuck!

This is a very valid point. Why would they use a byproduct of a chemical instead of just using that chemical instead