Also what is the most racist thing that has happened to you in real life?
Black people of Sup Forums how do you feel when people say racist stuff on here?
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Laugh, becaise I know a good amount aren't actually racist.
And if they really do mean it. I still laugh because its stupid.
racist humour is Sup Forums's greatest contribution to society and Sup Forums is 90% responsible for that.
I'm only half black, but I'll answer personally:
First and foremost I'm a libertarian/market-anarchist and individualist. When I see someone saying something I disagree with I debate and engage, but unless it is personally against me, I would never censor or shoot them down.
Free speech comes first.
And there is a difference between "racist" and "nationalist" stuff. Someone posting pictures of Africans with bones in their noses and making dumb jokes, whatev. Someone promoting an ideology, that I can debate.
And if any black person has a real problem with racist humor, they need to stop watching black comedians.
It doesn't matter what niggers think, what matters is our plan.
gonna be the shortest thread ever
I also find "nigger" funny.
I actually use it alot in my everyday speech. And not the "nigga" version, but the "er" version. Hell, I even call my white friends niggers.
I'm one fourth black and my threads always get banned.
i'm not a pussy who gets triggered by words
You're alright.
your ancestors only contribution to life are dreadlocks and sugar cane
Why would I care about a whole bunch of nerds saying racist stuff? I'm here for the rarity of intellectual conversation about current topics and Memes.
I also generally believe no one who says the stuff on here actually acts like this IRL. Feelings have no place on anonymous image boards. Only shitposting and conversations
I don't care. Most of the stuff people say here is satire and even if it wasn't, I wouldn't care. This site is way too hilarious for me to disregard it just because of some fees fees.
>Black people of Sup Forums
I can tell you're new.
I came for the hoes desu
>haha it don't bother me none that blacks cannot into civilization and are always a net negative on the ones they infest
>*proceeds to shuck and jive whilst smacking lips*
I dont care. Bantz is bantz.
I would only care if someone was like, 1960s racist and try to string a brotha up. But just hate? shit, you can't make people un-hate you by hating them back. Sticks and stones, sticks and stones.
Get off my board, coon.
That black ppl who visit Sup Forums are uncle toms who want white approval so they probably enjoy being called a nigger.
1980s really were the best decade...I want it back! And I want it now!
I have a few black questions
-why are there no african americans in australia?
-do you know any hood gansta blacks? if so what are they like?
Didn't fit in with other black people so I started hanging out with Indian kids in highschool. They usually called me nigger or the black man but when they talk to other black people I notice they call them by their name. They never hated me so I'm not sure why they called me that probably because I seemed okay with it. This was before I started going on Sup Forums so when I came here people saying nigger never bothered me. Other then that I don't run into people making racist comments, if anything I'm usually the one making them.
house nigger
Fuck off faggat. As somebody who deals with both on a personal level daily I can say there is a Yuuuuge difference between nigger and black person.
>implying black people use Sup Forums
>implying if they did they would come here of all places
>if it's against me personally, I would censor it
>free speech comes first
pick one
get off our board nigger. I hate you
Somebody called me a white privileged man, a cracker, evil and that i should pay for all the injustice the white man has done in the world.
It's all my fault they say and i dindu nuffin :(
Pick one.
no one likes a race traitor
To be fair, sugar cane is pretty fucking sweet.
I think we found a negro with a father
I am more racist than most whites here desu
Doesn't matter, most people on Sup Forums with such beliefs are on the bottom rung of humanity who to be honest aren't worth much. Why should I cafe if some uneducated pricks throw some racial insults at me? At the end of the day the majority of poltards aren't worth much.
Someone called me a subhuman nigger.
Just kidding. I'm not a fucking shitskin nigger ape. I'm white as hell. Who cares what someone says to a damn nigger,
>not Africa at this point
pick one hue hue faggot
>Why should I cafe if some uneducated pricks throw some racial insults at me?
It's not just uneducated pricks throwing slurs at you. It's them doing it on an anonymous anime masturbation forum.
Its because they were scared of the other blacks but weren't scared of you
t.indian fag
You think Sup Forums is racist? KEK Try listening in on a black conversation. We're some of the realest folk you will ever meet behind closed doors.
That said I think being able to say words like "nigger" and "kike" are important. So important that setting limitations on this could be disastrous for national security reasons.
And yeah, a lot of blacks are straight up niggers. A lot of work needs to be done in the black communities. So much that I don't foresee it happening in my lifetime. But that doesn't mean efforts shouldn't be made in earnest.
>why are there no African Americans in Australia
How does it feel to see your race used as a tool, by Jews, against the people who founded the nation for no other reason than gibs and propaganda? Blacks turning to Communism and Islam and attacking the nation...
well you'd think some of them would migrate here
Blacks are less than 20% of the population yet collect the most welfare. Even with affirmative action and no child left behind literally dumbing people down so nignogs don't feel dumb.
I agree the democrats ruined the black race in America, but fix your culture, NOW.
Not sure if b8 or retard.
Also checked and keked
I feel bad for famous Sup Forums niggas like Bepis. I hate the culture, not the color.
>I agree the democrats ruined the black race in America, but fix your culture, NOW.
they can but it would be very difficult, because as a population they simply don't have the aptitude. look at africa...the oldest grooup on the planet, some 180-200k yrs old, yet among the least advanced and most violent.
if i were a black person in the us i would recognize the opportunity i have here and aggressively pursue the countless number of assistance programs and benefits available and try to make a decent life, which with little hard work is very attainable. unfortunately far too many are perfectly content being lazy and then complaining that they're not getting ahead.
its 2016 people live in a lot of places around the world. are you fucking daft you kaffir
I've encountered kids with the Dylan roof mindset in real life but the only thing you feel is pity for them. Getting upset by a racist is like getting upset by a handicapped kid.
by definition they would then be African Australians
but as to why there are no American originated negroids in Australia, I couldn't tell ya mane. Probably too dumb/poor/both
I fight for you.
Will you please fuck my gf if you are in PA?
yeah I mean like african americans who moved to australia, or even 2nd generation african american. we have sudos/nigerians but no negros
Excuse me, the politically correct term for white people is Quaker faggot.
Black guy here. I don't really mind it. I grew up in the ghetto and had to deal with dumb ass niggers every single day.
"Why do I gotta go to school? I'm just gonna get on the dole."
I kept getting the shit kicked out of me for being too white because I wanted to get educated and get out of that shithole.
Fuck those guys. As soon as I was able I moved the fuck out and never looked back.
That said, I do wish some of you guys would recognize that that not all blacks are dumbass niggers, just like not all whites are rednecks or nu-males but I can't blame you for hating on niggers so hard. I have to call some of them family.
>I kept getting the shit kicked out of me for being too white because I wanted to get educated and get out of that shithole.
This is my biggest gripe with the black community. If you do anything to try and get ahead or participate in white society at all they shit all over you.
Fuck them, I feel bad for the people who are stuck in that situation.
I can take it because I'm not a thin skinned babby.
I'm a massive racist myself, too, even towards my fellow nogs and mulattos.
white guy here. people post a lot of racist crap on 4chins and some of it is legit top kek. That's about it really. I'm sure if a black guy befriended some of these neck-beards they would probably hang out with em anyways. The issue has been covered before. It's not ONE black guy that's the problem. It's when MANY come together. Then all of a sudden they all start acting like a bunch of niggers. Comeon Sup Forums we've been over this
>le blacks =/= niggers meme
pls go
"Nigger" is a lifestyle choice at this point. Anyone of any race can choose to be a nigger.
Good for you for breaking out of the self destructive cycle
Why do you care about how someone exercises their first amendment right? Wannabe fascist, you do not control the speech of anyone but yourself.
I'm like a third black (Dominican), but Sup Forums still calls me a nigger whenever I post and mention my ancestry. I don't care really though.
As for racism, nothing really. I look like an Arab though, especially when I don't shave for like 1 or 2 days, so I do get weird looks at the airport sometimes, but that's not really racism.
>do wish some of you guys would recognize that that not all blacks are dumbass niggers, just like not all whites are rednecks or nu-males
hold on there user, Nu-males and rednecks are peaceful compared to ghetto niggers, as evidenced by the MUCH lower crime rates of whites (poor or otherwise). Rednecks and Nu-males annoy me, sure, but they won't stab me in the back late at night for my iPhone and wallet. Let's not put them in the same class as niggers.
This nigger gets it.
Actually the one thing I dislike about Sup Forums is the amount of literal uncalled for rrrrrracism. People are a product of their environment and I would like to see any white kid raised in the political atmosphere of the likes Compton or South Chicago not have some of the anger shown by blacks today.
Not like they'll be busy at work to answer this question
Stay away from white women and be a respectable member of the community and we won't hate you.
>anyone can be a nigger
>t. literal nigger
Just curious, why do you care if a black guy procreates with a white women?
nice job man. At least you got it. Props for you but soon you'll be makin' money and won't even need my cheap Sup Forums props.
But what pisses me off still?
More than once I've heard ghetto people say what they told you. Trying to hold you down, or so hopeless they can't stand to see another's hope. I've heard 'em say getting out of the hell hole was a "white" thing to do. WHAT?
I want to tell them idiots
1) success is not a "white" thing
2) if you still believe it's a white thing, then get out of there and make success a "black" thing!
Are you new here?
The most racist thing that happened to me? I go to an all white school. Only me and 2 other black people. One day one of my friend's mom emails all the parents at my school saying I'm a drug dealer and to not let me near their kids or into their homes, just because I'm black. So I got kicked off the Lacrosse team til they find out if I'm a drug dealer. Then she comes to the dare officer and says I sold her son some weed, just because I'm black. I did sell him weed, but so what she's a bitch.
Dominicans are niggers, doesn't matter how pointy your nose is, you still have a jeri-curl
deal with it
Ooga booga where da jigaboo do nuggha?
So what the mom said turned out to be true then?
Stupid white nigger no one hates niggers more than other niggers. - self hateful nigger.
If they werent so violent, so aggressive, i dont think the hate would exist.
I went to an inner city school, and i was hated for being white. Niggers are racist as fuck, and are violent for no reason. They dont fit in to modern society
Miscegenation, not even once.
Because 90% of the time, the dad fucks off and leaves the white mother to raise a child by herself and effectively obliterates any chance of it growing up correctly.
Have you ever heard of the terms eugenics and dysgenics? Regression to the mean? It's time to research the role genetic inheritance plays in intelligence, user, and the average IQs by race.
>how do you feel when people say racist stuff on here
Nobody is perfect and every race has it's strengths and flaws
I think we should just hate the worst each race has to offer and unify the good ones to work together to make the decent ones better
Yeah so then they made me take a piss test and somehow I passed even tho I just smoked weed 7 days before
false, nigger is a derogatory term for blacks. just as you can call any white cracker you can call any black nigger and it is still applicable.
I was raised in the inmer city, at a school with 70-80% of the students black.
You get 500 niggers together, and its the videos you see on liveleak, worldstar.
They're animals, who cant fit into modern society
Nice b8 m8
Most of Sup Forums are brainwashed by the BBC meme. Scared that if white girls get some black didk they'll never be able to compensate. That's because theyre literal autist virgins who have never made a woman fall in love with them for who they are so they have black dick envy.
I have to admit I was a bit weirded out that MLK's real name is Mike King Jr.
He gave himself that grandiose M.L. like a rapper giving himself a sick rap name.
I don't know why I just take him less seriously because of this… You should just roll with the handle yo mamma gave you.
People say I'm white because of my ancestory and the color of my skin, and all I can think is das racist
Morbid fascination.
We Thought They Were White
An African-American Apologizes for Misattributed Perceptions of White Racism Against Blacks Perpetrated by Jews
The Psyhcologist is *IN*
soon, nigger.
You can't contain me.
Nope. About 3 years now.
Like I said, don't care really.
Didn't the guy that donated that sperm have down syndrome or something?
Point taken, but aren't most kids being raised by single mothers right now? Single mothers are never a good thing. The only cousin I have that was raised by a single mother is in and out of jail.
I know a couple that browse for the memes and its really weird honestly because they are the type of niggers to think the first president was black.